Peter Stokkebye: PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 005-005-0002

Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Navy Flake is a pressed and sliced blend of very mature old belt flue-cured Virginia spiced with Louisiana Perique.
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  • Components: Virginia, Perique
  • Family: Virginia
  • Cut: Flake
Customer Reviews (249 Total)
Overall Rating:
4.38 out of 5 stars
April 09, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
PS400 2021年 生草:柑橘的清香与木香。 点火后:木香、明显的柑橘、坚果、一点泥土、花香、香料、蜜香、风味保持稳定,尾段开始出现一些焦香与面包,少许的杂味。 口腔里面你能感受到:浓郁的果酸,伴有柑橘的酸甜与蜜甜。 烟气方面:整体轻柔,刚点火的时候会有一定的刺激感,稳定之后烟气浓郁,过鼻胡椒感明显,大口烟气会有余韵,尾段烟气浓郁。 总的来说,这款草罐养3年能有这样的表现已经非常不错了,令人印象深刻的是它柑橘的香气非常的明显。但是要是有更多的花香。那就更好了。期待他未来的表现。
A Great Navy Flake
December 14, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
You can't go wrong with this stuff. Open up the bag and you smell what you'd expect; bready Virginias, rum, and a bit of that Stokkebye sweetness. The flavor's right about in the middle of light n grassy and the dark and malty type Virginia. I rate a... Read More
Great navy cut flake
October 01, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This is by far my go to tobac. I never have to second guess a bowl of this, easy to fold and stuff and smokes great.
First try, and awesome!
May 07, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I dont think I will buy too many other tinned vapers anymore. This stuff os too good. Its sweet, never gets too hot, and perfect moisture level out of the bag. The aroma is pleasant and not invasive. Burned all the way with one light, no hassle, that... Read More
Almost Perfect
December 31, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
About the best VaPer you're going to find at any price. Slightly spicer than OGS, but in the same family. Ages well, whilst outstanding when young. My favorite! Btw...nothing's perfect, but almost for this one.
April 15, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Quality Virginia For Cheap
April 06, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I do not think that you can get a better quality Virginia for this price point. But aside from the price, this tobacco smokes flavorful and enjoyable all the way to the end of the bowl. Smoke it slow and you will be rewarded by awesome tastes of Vir... Read More
Min Wage
June 01, 2013
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This stuff is off the hook great. l do not enjoy cheap tobacco. It is a inexpensive very high quality tobacco. Thank you from my min wage job. All my friends hit me for some when I get it. (Need new friends that can get their own)
You don't always get what you pay for...
July 15, 2014
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
You don't always get what you pay for...sometimes you get much more! When I started smoking a pipe I tried many different blends, in general, the more expensive a tobacco the better the quality. The exception is definitely PS Luxury Navy Flake. It... Read More
May 02, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
December 25, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
May 14, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
best of best.
October 23, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
realy realy good flake.
May 09, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
July 25, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I'll take WICKED AWESOME TOBACCOS for 1000 Alex.
August 07, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This tobacco is known for its sweet Virginia flavor and the perfect amount of perique to liven things up. It rubs out beautifully and burns great. ..... What is PS 400 Luxury Navy Flake? Just came back to update my love for this tobacco. My trusty... Read More
December 31, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Good Stuff
September 25, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This has to be the best smoke I've come across in years. Wonderful aroma and body. Simply a pleasure! I recommend this to anyone who smokes non-aromatic tobaccos.
The only tobacco you need?!
March 12, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Simply delicious! Many other reviews sum it up nicely. It's pretty much perfect.
February 23, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
A tobacco that I will always have in my collection. Amazing Va/Per flake. Absolutely amazing. Fantastic price and an excellent fit for an everyday blend. A must buy!
Best flake
February 04, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Outstanding flake out rite out the bag !! Burns smooth , hardly any bite and big time taste ! If you've yet to give flake a try I highly recommend you do
May I have some more, sir?
August 14, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This stuff is like a dream come true. Bulk prices on a high-quality Va-Per flake. It provides lots of flavor, a nice aroma w/o being an aro, and the aging potential is great. I aged 8oz for 1 year, and the flavors were so good, I now find myself buyi... Read More
My go-to smoke
May 10, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I have tried many different tobaccos. But, I keep going back to this as my "go to" smoke. It never bites, never burns too hot, and always leaves a clean bowl. Yes, others will be fun to continue trying, but so far, this is the best overal... Read More
Set the standard by witch all others are measured, the bar is high indeed!
September 11, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I have been smoking this flake for about 4 years. I do try others and many are very good. This flake needs to age a couple of years to truly meld into the best fine flake. I compare every time I order a few pounds... I try a couple of pipes with the ... Read More
Sweet Virginia
June 27, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
As per the title, this stuff is sweet. It does have a bite which is to be expected, but it's good. Smooth, relaxing, sweet and smells pleasant. Might just order me some more!
my new standard
May 26, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This is my all-day smoke. Balanced,smooth. Almost Capstan
January 21, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I have tried several Perique blends recently, and this is by far the best. It also has the best price point. I won't hesitate to order this again.
Fantastic Navy
October 09, 2012
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This stuff is phenominal. And it only gets better as it spends more time in the cellar. Love it. Definatly a "collage" of flavors as Ed noted. A bit of a sweet (non-arromatic) palate with some nice spicy notes mixed in. Very enjoyable a... Read More
June 21, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
February 24, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
February 15, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
October 24, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
May 26, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
March 17, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
劲道3.4,饱满度3.2,室韵3.2,推荐度3.5,劲道比PS牛眼大一些,香甜感要差些,变化也少了点。 欢迎去B站关注“躲在厕所抽斗的克里斯”,里面有详细测评
February 17, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
November 15, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
April 17, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Good tobacco
September 18, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Very tasty tobacco. Humidity was 85% (well, very raw) ideal for storage and aging.
Best for least
May 11, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I've tried a bunch of flakes and this 1 for its price is hands down the best ! Even gotta couple exp flks beat! If u like flake tob u have to try this 1
Egyik nagy kedvenc
February 02, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Az utóbbi idők egyik nagy kedvence nálam. Mind filterrel, mind filter nélkül hozzá a játékos, édes ízét. /az igazi azért szűrő nélküli Churcwarden-ből/ Passzív illata is kellemes.
June 04, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I agree with the previous reviews. This is only my 5th tobacco I have tried (started smoking a pipe about a month ago) and this is very nice, mild flavor with hints of sweetness from time to time, aroma is right in the middle for by-standers and it ... Read More
Very Nice VaPer Flake
March 10, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This is a very nice Virginia/Perique flake. The Virginias obviously take the main stage as they should. The Perique, however, is not very pronounced. This could be a good introductory flake for anybody new to Perique. You’ll get some spice, but not ... Read More
The best there is...
March 26, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This is by far the best navy flake I have tried, and I've tried just about every one out there. There's a reason this ranks number one. Top quality tobacco with that classic VaPer taste and no bite. Love it!!
Great Navy Flake
February 21, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Count me in as an admirer of this flake--and it does have a great price, so win-win!
Great Stuff, Great Price!
March 13, 2014
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I save the Escudo, Three Nuns, and FVF for when I want to treat myself on the weekend. I reach for this when I want to treat myself any other day. I'm a newer pipe smoker, so I'm not that experienced but I can guarantee I'll try to have this one on... Read More
the best smoke for the price hands down
February 03, 2013
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
first off this is a great Va. its nice and sweet. the nic content is a totall punch to the dick, which is a good thing to me, and you cant beat the price.thats actually why i rated it at 5 stars instead of of 4 or 4 and a half. i do like dunhill flak... Read More
very good
January 07, 2013
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
this is the first virgina based blend I have tried so I have nothing to compare it to but overall, I like this blend. It's not too strong and has a subtle sweetness to it. The perique gives it a slight spice. This is a good smoke and worth a try.
August 06, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
July 18, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
May 30, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
January 12, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
December 24, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
October 26, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
浅棕色切片非常整齐,烟梗甚至比绞盘少。闻起来是类似“多纳角”那种人造巧克力夹心的感觉,湿度适中北方基本不用醒草。点燃后烟气不算浓郁,甜味不算突出,整体是麦片的香味偶尔冒出一丝蜜香巧克力香。燃烧性非常好,一斗到底。 总之是一款值得试品的草,推荐给口味清淡的朋友。新入坑不推荐,因为过于清淡。
October 15, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
October 15, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
August 29, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
July 20, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
May 18, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
May 16, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
March 31, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
3 yrs
March 28, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This stuff is great with just 3 years of age. Great virgina taste thats sweet. I just ordered another lb.
You can't go wrong with this tobacco
March 21, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
You can't go wrong with this tobacco. Open up the packaging and you smell what you'd expect; bready Virginias, rum, and a bit of that Stokkebye sweetness. The flavor's right about in the middle of light n grassy and the dark and malty type Virginia. ... Read More
February 27, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
December 26, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
December 15, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
May 14, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
May 14, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
April 16, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
February 24, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
January 02, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
so good…
September 27, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
August 11, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
오.. 제법인데!!
October 16, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
처음 받자마자 태워보고 헤이아로마의 생초느낌이 강해서 한동안 연초박스 구석에 있던 놈이다. 얼마 전 생각나서 피워봤는데 오... 괜찮다. 아니 맛난다 벌크로 가격도 저렴해서 더 가성비가 뛰어나다. 역시 버페는 숙성빨임 by 대박신랑
Regular !
September 26, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Ligero, buena calidad de los tabacos, no te distrae y puedes disfrutarlo a toda hora. Francamente, hay mejores en el mismo rango.
Grassy, Malty, Bready… VA Sweet with Peppery Raisins
December 13, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Rum (vanilla, allspice, cinnamon) and maple sugar sweet, slight licorice, grassy/bready/malty VA flavor are up front and bold at first light, and last 1/3 of the bowl. Afterwards, the rum flashes off and the hay-like notes of the VA, mixed with a sl... Read More
Great Navy Flake, Vap/Per
October 23, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I love this navy flake and noticed after a little aging it really gets better so I bought more to cellar, This one is in my top five for Vap/Per's.
Makes a Great All Day Smoke
August 29, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
As a new pipe smoker, the choices of tobacco are pretty daunting but this particular blend came highly recommended. This gives really nice smoke, great taste and room note overall. It may look unusual compared to the usual ribbon cut new smokers are ... Read More
Easy Peasy 123sy
July 01, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
For $3!? No brainer to try it, no brainer to always have on hand. Not so strong that I cant go to it again and again when i cant make my mind up about what to smoke.
Bang For My Buck
June 26, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
The price is right on this one. Smells great out of the bag and burns well. No tongue bite. Easy to rub out or fold. I will probably buy more when I run out to smoke and age.
Great flake
March 23, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Tin note is a mix of honey, dried apricots and some sort of liqueur (rum maybe). Z folded in the pipe and no relights needed. Burns down to a clean bowl. Good taste but will burn a bit hot if you puff too often. Pleasant room note as none of the non ... Read More
March 04, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
The beginning of my pipe life. Still steadily delicious. The base that you will find forever.
Good Bulk Flake
February 14, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
In Comparing this to Mac Baren Navy flake, PS is more grainy and natural. As far as casing I'm getting rum, molasses, and liquorice about as old school as you can get. Smokes cool and dry. Aroma is nice, more on the natural side. I believe this would... Read More
Complex and Wonderful
January 18, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
For a Flake with just two ingredients this blend packs a lot of beautiful, soft flavor. No tongue bite. Grassy Virginia tin note. The straightforward flavor never gets cloying or tiresome.
A favorite first shared by a true friend.
January 17, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Peter Stokkebye is synonymous with quality bulk blends. Two of the most recognizable being Luxury Bulls Eye Flake and this one, Luxury Navy Flake. Pretty much any PS blend that starts with “Luxury” is going to be good, lol. This one is a straight up ... Read More
December 09, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Very good tobacco
December 05, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Good price
By far the best!
November 11, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I love a lot of the Virginia blends, but find myself always going to this one. My all day smoke. Cellar is always full. I highly recommended this one!
انه رائع
October 14, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
هذا الدخان هو صديقي طول اليوم
Uno de los mejores.
October 14, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Recomiendo este tabaco a todos los amantes de los Virginia.Es sabroso el perique se nota pero en su justa medida .Es muy buen tabaco gran calidad por poco dinero.Genial para fumar todo el día.
Disfruto cada vez que lo fumo
October 10, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Es uno de los mejores Virginia perique que he fumado.Perfecto.
My favorite Virginia
October 02, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
It’s always in my stock. Can never go wrong. It ages well. Has nice potency. Can be added to blends. It’s just one of my Smokey freinds.
This would convert me.
September 22, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I started with this blend looking to find a va-per blend that I would like... I found it! This blend has a nice buttery flavor but also has a little spice from the perique. Packs well, burns better, and is a joy to smoke. It will be fun breaking in m... Read More
Excellent VaPer
August 31, 2018
By: Ap
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
My all day smoke
PS 400 Luxury Navy Flake
August 29, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
My pipe said to me. No more other tabaco for me only this Navy Flake
PS400 luxury navy flake
August 29, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Excelent tabaco for me
One of my favorites
August 12, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Tried this on a whim and it paid off!
August 03, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
You just can't beat this tobacco for the price. It's a great vaper.
The Father of Flake
August 02, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
For those wondering, this tobacoo is an EXCELLENT alternative if you use backwoods / cigarettes in your "smoke". Currently I use this and cut it 40/60 with my bud and roll Raw Black long papers with an OCB filter. PERFECTION. Took me many years t... Read More
Great value
June 30, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This is by far my favorite bulk blend to date. It is a beautiful flake tobacco that packs easily in about any method you prefer. It lights easily and burns almost without relight to a nice fine ash. The flavor is more toward the sweet hay/grass side,... Read More
Great smoke
June 22, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This is some of the nicest smoke that I have had so far. Smokes clean all the way to the bottom of the bowl with no tounge bite and a hint of sweetness! I would highly recommend!!
Good blend
June 17, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This is a tasty blend, it behaves well and the flavor is quite good, aroma is pleasant. I aged it for 6 months and has improved a lot.
Nice VaPer Flake
May 30, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I enjoy the peppery spice of perique juxtaposed with the sweetness of virginias. To me, it is a nice combination, sort of like barbecue. The LNF was really nice, the retro-hale on it had me on cloud nine. I think that the perique was perfect. The vi... Read More
Really good vaper
May 28, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Very good quality vaper, tastes wonderful, burns great, smells awesome. Its nice and grassy/hay but its also a little bright, enough to keep it interesting, and the pepper from the perique adds a beautiful depth. Very moorish; can taste it hours lat... Read More
May 17, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Very clean and easy burning. A little malty and overall very tasty. I'll be ordering much more of this.
Cool and Good
May 03, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This flake burned very cool and dry and is just dang good! Buy some.
April 29, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
For the money, there just is no better way to build your cellar! A terrific smoke sure to satisfy most any Virginia lover.
Smooth Mild VA/Per
April 27, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Delicate, thinly-sliced perfect flake. Medium color. Mild dried fruit, sweet anise and grass hay to the nose. Tends to crumble finely when rubbed out, so fold-and-stuff seems to work better. Pleasant, smooth smoke is neither a flavor nor Perique powe... Read More
A Very Pleasing Bulk Va/Per.
March 27, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I’ve been smoking Peter Stokkebye’s Luxury Bullseye Flake pretty much side-by-side with this Stokkebye’s Luxury Navy Flake. The Navy flake is very similar to the Bullseye flake, as they are both Va/Pers. The main differences are that the Bullseye fla... Read More
Good stuff.
March 20, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
A really nice Virginia. Bright, with hints of coconut and hay. Mild, all day smoke :)
Good Balance!
March 13, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I'm an English Tobacco smoker, but i decided try with this VaPer and it has been a very nice surprise. No bite, no burns fast, easy pack it and easy smoke. You can find a natural tobacco in this flake, its very fresh. But also and maybe the best part... Read More
good balance
March 13, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I'm an English Tobacco smoker, but i decided try with this VaPer and it has been a very nice surprise. No bite, no burns fast, easy pack it and easy smoke. You can find a natural tobacco in this flake, its very fresh. But also and maybe the best part... Read More
Great bang for the buck!
March 09, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Maybe the best deal in tobacco-dom. I don't taste a lot of perique. It's a grassy toasty virginia and it hits the spot. I compare it to other straight virginia offerings that run significantly more on the wallet and its just as good, better than a... Read More
The Best
February 15, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This is great, especially considering price
Se disfruta
January 04, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Me gustan las mezclas aromáticas y esta, que no lo es, me agrada tanto que podría pasar la tarde entera fumando. Es un poco más fuerte de lo que estoy acostumbrado, pero aún así sabe delicioso.
excellent tobaco
December 10, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Best VA-PER blend yet. if your new to Virginia/Perique blends this is the one you want to start with!! mild, Virginias offer up a nice but controlled sweetness and the Perique is in moderation but just enough to know its there. Perfect blend for a ... Read More
good so good
September 07, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
very good Flake Virginia spiced with Louisiana Perique .
Get more bang for your buck
August 29, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Easy to pack in your pipe, cool smoke, no tongue-bite, good value for money.
Great flake
August 27, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Burns hot for me, much longer smoke as I really have to nurse it. Great flavour, nice mouth feel not to sharp from the perique
Great intro
August 21, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I'd tried escudo, and a few Pease vapers, and I was just not turned on. Perique tends to burn my mouth, so I just avoid it. Then a little pack of this arrived with an order. It sat around for a month or two and then I tried it - rolling a flake up... Read More
Now I understand
August 04, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Now I understand why is the best selled bulk tobacco. Tasty, good roomnote. I love cobs, buy I try it for the first time in my Savinelli Roma 623. Adds dignity to this tobacco. Only have 2 oz., I'm asking for more right now! It worth every penny! S... Read More
Real Good
August 03, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
It's really good. You cannot go wrong with this.
Worth getting 1/2 lb
July 31, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
My first vaper blend.I like it
Really nice
July 27, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
For the price this stuff burned great. Packed well and I was left with mostly a very fine white ash with few relights. Smokes well with a little tamping here and there. The flavor was very mild and pleasant I would say this is a nice tobacco when... Read More
Excellent tobacco, excellent value
June 22, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I bought 4 oz and loved it so much I bought the 24 oz box. Sweet, grassy, fruity Virginias with just enough Perique to give it a slight kick. Absolutely fantastic stuff and I can't believe it can be had for $2/oz.
A great Virginia/Perique tobacco
June 12, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I bought 24 ounces of it or 1.5 pounds. This great VaPer taste and smells great; it spiciness is for a several smokes in a day unlike that of Golden Orlik Slice which is more spicy than this and much greater than the bland Escudo Navy Deluxe. This is... Read More
June 01, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Love this as a change of pace, I'm generally an English smoker but occasionally I enjoy a consistent VaPer. I prefer the stronger strength English but prefer my VaPers to be more on the mid-strength and this one just works for me every time I need a ... Read More
Good Go-To
May 31, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I really enjoy Stokkebye's blends and this one is no exception to the rule.
All Day Flake
May 28, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I just finished another half pound and getting ready to order more. Only thing I've smoked for about a month. I love va/pers and English blends, but I can't seem to get enough of this stuff. No bite for me. Easy to pack, light, and enjoy. Not much mo... Read More
Another Solid PS Flake
May 23, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Perfect for hoarding and putting away for years. These flakes all are fantastic for folding as well.
Great Smoke
May 21, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Easy to pack, burn evenly, no bite, cool smoke~ great
Outstanding Va-Per!
April 20, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
The tastes, yes tastes, are absolutely wonderful. I get vanilla, hay, fig and plum and very light pepper or spice with the warm sweetness coming from the Virginia's. What works best for me is to load the bottom third with short stick like pieces then... Read More
5 stars
March 30, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This. this was good right out of the gate. Will reorder. nothing more needs to be said. it delivers on its name.
January 02, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Great To Mix With
November 25, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Sutliff 707 Sweet Virginia, I have tried a 50/50 mix and love it although you may need to play with exact amounts to suit personal taste. On it's own it's a good reliable VaPer flake...I like to have a few oz of this around
Good Va-Per
November 10, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Off to the cellar we go. Got two pounds of this lovely flake. There may be better flakes out there but not at this price.
a solid flake for alldays
September 08, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
a solid flake for each day. very good price! Good Virginia/Perique tastes. Medium! very good.
Simple and good,
August 29, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Here's a standard that is sure to please. Virginia and Perique. The tobaccos go together well here. The wife says this smells like a cigarette when burning and makes me smell like I've smoked a pack of cigarettes. Careful, it does bite.
August 12, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This has quickly shot into a regular in my rotation. Drier, but a subtle sweetness. Like smoking sourdough bread but a little nutty too
good blend
April 11, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Good but I prefer McClelland's 2015. Good starter Vaper for beginners. It will also stay in your rotation over the years. For my taste I prefer the others mostly McC Vapers and GLP Telegraph hill. This is good stuff and it's nice go to because it's a... Read More
A Great Bulk
January 16, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
The comparisons to Orlik Golden Sliced are inevitable, and this is like the blend in the red tin but it's not as sweet and has a bit fuller body. Nor does this bite as strongly as Orlik can. Make no mistake, this will nip you if abused but it's more ... Read More
Trying flakes seem tricky
December 04, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
THis flake is ok for the price, if you look at the other flakes out there by price this one meets a good budget smoker. I got a pound a last year and just ordered 2oz today to meet the 50.00 free shipping. for XMAS order.This Flake needs to air out b... Read More
September 23, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This simply a great tobacco on many different levels. Can't say why I tried this blend as I have read of bite problems with VaPar. I really notice just a bit of bite not enough to worry about, certainly not enough to keep me from buying again This i... Read More
Nice navy flake
April 01, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Came so dry that it fell apart as i got it into a jar, after I rehydrated it, it was a good smoke. What's not to love with a good VaPer, (other than the moisture level)? Smokes right down to a fine ash, and plays nice with no bite and consistent flav... Read More
Love it, my favorite Navy flake
September 29, 2014
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I love a Navy flake and this is the best I can get in bulk and the addition of Perique adds a different level than a Navy with Latakia. Both good but the Perique seems to add a little Cajun pepper flavor. on the bayou with a pipe full... Read More
Good and solid Virginia flake
March 06, 2014
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This stuff is Orlik Golden Sliced without the orange casing/topping. Sometimes when smoking it I find myself craving the orange from Golden Sliced, other times I'm happy it's not present. In either case it's a solid Virginia flake with a little periq... Read More
Best Blend for the Buck
February 13, 2014
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
A sweat, tangy, dry, satisfying smoke. Best blend for the money!
Very Fresh
October 21, 2013
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I just made a trip to Little River, SC and stopped in at Low Country Pipe and Tobacco; home of This was a purchase I made on a whim and I am glad I did. This tobacco smells of fresh hay, smokes cool, and burns consistently.
Worth Cellaring
May 31, 2013
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Bought 1.5 pounds not long ago and am down to 1/3 of that now because I keep going back for more of this delicious, satisfying blend. Medium strength, has never bitten my tongue (let it dry out a bit before smoking), has subtle sweetness and the Peri... Read More
very pleasant smoke
January 01, 2013
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
very mild, no bite to the tongue and sweet somehow ... a hint of nuts here and there ... sweetness increases down the bowl ... a more than nice smoke for any time of the day :) 4+
very pleasant smoke
January 01, 2013
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
very mild, no bite to the tongue and sweet somehow ... a hint of nuts here and there ... sweetness increases down the bowl ... a more than nice smoke for any time of the day :) 4+
Great medium smoke!
September 28, 2012
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I also jarred my first batch of this blend, simply because I wanted to sample others before getting to it. When I returned to the jar, some additional moisture had found its way into the tobacco, giving it a darker colour, and a very nice texture for... Read More
Phenomenal, with some age
May 30, 2012
By: Ed
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I bought a half pound of this back in 2005. At the time, I found it was a little bitter, burned with a random collage of flavours and didn't strike me as a VaPer at all. I jarred the rest of it and set it aside. Given 6 months, this flake bloomed ... Read More
September 23, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
嗅觉没有一楼好,大概就是 点火清新,中段开始醇厚,浓郁。一直延续到尾段。好抽的草。
It's good.
September 21, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
You don't need to read the comments anymore. Just buy it. It's very good.
September 19, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
PS400 2021 Grass: The Fragrant Fragrance of Citrus and Wood. After ignition: woody aroma, obvious citrus, nuts, a little bit of soil, floral fragrance, spices, honey aroma, and flavor remain stable. At the end, there is a slight burnt aroma and bread... Read More
My new every day, all day smoke
September 08, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Great taste, cool burning very few relights,if any and I'm a folder and stuffer. I hadn't tried this before ( I'm not sure why not as VaPer is my normal choice), but a couple ounces made me order a pound and although I'll cellar some of it, it's fine... Read More
Solid VaPer
August 30, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
In looking for a straightforward VaPer, this is the benchmark in my opinion. Not because it's the best per se but because the bulk pricing combined with the fact that you can compare all the others to it. Some might come out with more or less of this... Read More
Simply wonderful navy flake
July 06, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Some evenings I want to smoke my pipe, though I cannot summon the desire for any one particular blend. As I bought a good amount of this flake, I keep reaching for it on such nights, not wanting to deplete my supply of pricier tinned blends. I’ve alw... Read More
What more could you ask for
June 01, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I've got a 1"w×2"d bowl so I folded and stuffed two flakes, rubbed another out over the top; lit easy and smoked cool down to a pot of simple ash. Great flavor right out of the bag, lemongrass and malty leather, perfect moisture. Gonna be a... Read More
Daily favorite
May 30, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Straight forward navy flake, easy to run out and smokes dry to the bottom. One of my favorites and definitely a daily smoke for me Price is good, this blend cellars very well. Great fresh, even better with some age. Highly recommend
May 30, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
May 29, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Good Clean Smoke
May 03, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I found this a little more flavorful than Peterson Flake. Otherwise, it is a simple, pleasing, easy smoke. All day enjoyment that won’t get in your way. Very good.
I have already bought several packages!
April 08, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Believe me, 400 is worth holding!
April 06, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Supreme VaPer
April 06, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Probably one of the best VaPers on the market. I'd really like to try it aged but it's so good I couldn't keep myself from smoking it for long enough.
March 19, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Favorite Smoke
March 02, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This was one of the first tobaccos I tried when I began pipe smoking about 7 years ago. It quickly became my go to and has remained my favorite pipe tobacco. It's good fresh, It's good aged, It's just always good without fail. Just the right amount o... Read More
Not really good
December 25, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Bought this tobacco in bulk, maybe that's one of the reasons I didn't like it, though my experience with most of other bulk tobaccos, especially C&D, was good so far. The taste is too sharp and cutting, in which I suspest not the tobacco, but som... Read More
Great Traditional Navy Flake
December 18, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
A beautful flake, with a nice blend of Virginia and Perique. the slight grassy notes balance with malty flavors. One light and the bowl was set.
Great añy time smoke
September 30, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This is a great anytime smoke slightly sweet even better when aged
My Favorite Flake
August 01, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Smooth and savory this flake is amazing and I can't wait more. Has more complexity than straight virginia and I like that the flakes are on the smaller side.
July 13, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I had Escudo for the first time in a while tonight and it made me realize LNF is really not far off in quality and flavor. I'll gladly buy a LB of this stuff over 2-3 tins of Escudo. Premium and hype can sometimes be overrated. Citrus zest, bready ... Read More
June 23, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Horrible flavor and strong bite. Not worth it.
June 03, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
The taste is extremely light, and after a few sips, I couldn't find any unique features. Smooth without biting the tongue
Ignore the play dough smell it’s really really good
May 19, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Bowls of this stuff are always a great choice
April 27, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Jar note of very grassy, raisins and spices. Tobacco is a flake of marbled yellowish tan, brown and a little dark brown. Moisture content is great. Flakes rub out with no effort. Burns slow with few relights. The strength is medium and nic is mild. N... Read More
April 04, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
After aging for a year, it’s become something incredible
Just pull the trigger
March 16, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
If you’re looking for a VaPer flake and haven’t tried this one yet just do it , my tastes and what flavors I pick up change over time but this one is as consistent as it gets for me , if you’re a fan of OGS this one should be on your radar
the best choice when you can't make the decision!
February 09, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
when you want some virginia and don't know which to pick,just take and enjoy it!The NEVER WRONG choice!
Peter Stokkebye: PS400 Luxury Navy Flake
January 29, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
great with small bowl pipe
January 19, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I like to pack and smoke in ropp or piazzollar with small sipping is full of taste
Excellent flake
January 11, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
So Comoy's #4 was my favorite navy flake by far but it seems to be gone, possibly for good. I was looking for an alternative and came across this flake. It's the closest thing I've found in terms of flavor to replace an old favorite. Quite an enjoyab... Read More
Best of Vaper
January 10, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This is the best vaper good taste and note and not break you wallet
Sweet deliciousness
May 12, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I went forever thinking about VaPers, “I just don’t get it.” I came to settle in on Englishes as my smoke of choice. Maybe its the changing of the seasons, maybe my pallate has just expanded, but either way, I’m loving this stuff. Sweet, but not in a... Read More
April 04, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
3 years cellar..perfect
March 31, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
welcome luxury navy flake.... ı bought 24 oz ımmediatly
March 25, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
long time none when will it come
March 25, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
best navy flake for summer.
P.V. Lover Must Try
February 01, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Nothing to say~ just light it up and puff it, you'll got the answer.
Top-Tier VaPer Flake
January 30, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Raisin bread flavor which gets significantly better with time. Just 6 months to a year in a jar will turn this blend into something worth hoarding. Which is why it's so rarely available ;)
Navy flake vapor
January 14, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Stokkeybe navy is good, & I give it 3 stars, because after trying 4th generation evening flake , there’s no comparison. Evening flake make navy flake taste a little muted. Since I bought 3 boxes of evening flake, I don’t need to smoke navy flake,... Read More
Awesome. Super Good Va/Per
October 31, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Just great. Always good. Tastes like the tinned Va/Pers that cost 3-5 times as much -- to me, anyway. I don't know how but it's always consistently good.
I fell in ❤ love ❤
October 03, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
❤ I'm a prince albert in a can smoker but when I tried this I couldn't believe it but now I do.
Best with age
September 26, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
While it’s good fresh with brighter Virgini notes, when aged it matured nicely offering a broad range of Virginia goodness. I buy it often and age it. Highly recommend to new and seasoned smokers. Great intro blend into VaPer blends.
Fascinating flake
August 20, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I smoked this in a p-lip Peterson 106. Nice and dry. A bit of citrus flavour, walnuts and rum. It’s best smoked slow. Yes very enjoyable. I did suffer some tongue bite; not sure why. Perhaps the number of relights I did. After 70 minutes of smoking ... Read More
I smoke this often
August 17, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Sweet bready virginia, peppery perique, what is not to like? The perique isn't very forward, just enough is there. Slightly more nic hit than Stokkebye virginia alone.
Benchmark Flake
August 14, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
There's not much I can add here. It's a textbook, perfectly constructed navy that is delicious and smokes well. An incredible value. Can't go wrong.
Can’t beat it
July 29, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
And for the price. Come on. Buy a pound or two and jar it. Stove some of it too. Even better. It’s a blend I’ll always have on my shelves. Grassy hay sweet tang just wonderful Virginia flakes with a pinch of perique to keep it interesting. It’s top o... Read More
AMAZING Tin Note, But…
May 19, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I am not as impressed with this flake as I would like to have been. There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just not a 5/5. At first light there is almost a “powdery”, perfumey note to it, something akin to lakeland essence (of which I am most decidedly ... Read More
A Great Navy Flake
May 16, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Smells great and tastes great this Verginia Perique is a winner. It's subtly sweet and bready with a nice flavor and is an easy smoke. If you don't know what to try you should try this, and keep some handy at all times. It can easily become a "g... Read More
Fresh Cream
April 17, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Rum, Cream, Plum
Navy wins
March 28, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Fantastic Va/Per. Can't beat the price in general and for the quality and flavor you get it deserves 5 stars.
This is the bomb.
March 27, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Mic drop.
The perfect Virginia
February 19, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
If I could only smoke one Virginia blend for the rest of my life this would be it. Mellow, sweet, grassy, won't burn you if you try, and there's just enough of the Perique to keep things interesting without dominating. Easily an all day smoke and you... Read More
Easy Piping
February 18, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This one is really easy going. Bready taste, a little sweet. Leaves nothing to be desired, pairs well with a coffee. Doesn't stink. Good on a Saturday morning.
Body and Soul
January 19, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
The Virginias are hearty rather than sweet, and the rum and Perique tend to predominate. It produces a heady, robust plume of smoke, and the roomnote says, "This man smokes a pipe! He knows what the score is, so get out of his way unless you want tro... Read More
나무향, 풀향, 달콤함
January 06, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
매우 잘 풀어지는 플레이크 입니다. 연초에 수분은 별로 많지 않고, 쉽게 태울 수 있는 연초. 약간의 지푸라기단에서 나는 풀향이 돌면서, 달콤합니다. 나무향도 함께 납니다. 럭셔리 3총사 중에서 가장 사랑받는 데에는 이유가 있는 듯. 추천할 만한 연초입니다. 더 많은 연초 리뷰는 제블로그 놀러 오세요
A favorite, and a great value.
November 29, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I've been smoking this stuff for years and it still has yet to wear out its welcome. Just a wonderful, even-keeled and uncomplicated Virginia/Perique flake. Perfect nicotine strength, not too much and not too little. Perfect moisture content as well.... Read More
Great navy flake
November 07, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Wonderful blend, nice and flavorful
Great navy flake
November 07, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Wonderful blend, nice and flavorful
Among the best of the bulk flakes.
November 02, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Simply put! Luxury Navy Flake is a delicious blend! The fact that its available in bulk makes it a no brainer for Virginia lovers. This flake came perfectly moist for packing and smoking right out of the bag. It has a VERY light room note. Not offens... Read More
be great for fans of a mixture of Virginia and Perique
October 25, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Flake from Peter Stokkebye turned out to be great for fans of a mixture of Virginia and Perique, when smoking slowly (cold), all the advantages of Luxury Navy Flake are manifested and one more positive point is its price!
Awesome Navy Flake, must try
October 22, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
It is less sweet than LBF, which I has become a better balance for a more often 'go to' smoke in comparision. This is something I will be keeping in my rotation for years to come, heaven forbid this ever gets discontinued. Recommend buying enough to ... Read More
Cream Soda Surprise
October 16, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
After Bullseye, Luxury Navy Flake was just the second Stokkebye blend I ever tried, and the second VaPer I ever sampled. The creamy deliciousness of the flavor was almost unexpected. When I tried this, I had never quite tasted a blend so very creamy.... Read More
Luxury Navy Flake
October 01, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Every pie smoker should try this blend at least once. It’s kind of a hallmark bulk blend. Sweet Virginias and a figgy assist from a mild dose of Perique. Good fresh or aged.
Big 3
September 10, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
LNF, LBEF, LTF They are that good. Stock up
August 29, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Una mezcla muy bien balanceada. Excelentes fumadas. Se disfruta del Virginia y periqué.
Absolutely one of the best..
August 06, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
No wonder this flake gets such great reviews,..I've tried it rubbed out as well as just fold and stuff,either way,this blend is excellent..bready,dark plummy,perfect VA/Per... better than many others I've tried,never burns hot if properl... Read More
July 10, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
If you aged it for three years, it's no different from Escudo. by Simba_note
Fantastic Va/Per Flake
June 19, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
By far the industry standard for Va/Per flakes! Perfect balance and consistantly delivers high quality enjoyment!
May 30, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Pleasant and decently complex. A nice and somewhat sweet blend with a small amount of perique. This would be something I would always have on hand but it has a little bit of a bite that keeps it from being a "go to" smoke.
Rum and Raisins
May 05, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This Virginia will give you a great almost raisin/plumb taste they are well known for, with splashes of rum and spice, a must try to any beginner
Not spicy
April 24, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
A sweet Virginia with notes of honey. This barely has any noticeable spicy perique, which is a good thing for me.
My #4 in Rotation
April 17, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Very light and tasty. I didn’t feel like it was as strong as what it’s rated above. Virtually no aftertaste, but you can taste a faint spicey note on the back end. This could easily be an every day/all day smoke for me if I was an every day/all day s... Read More
Darn Good Va-Per
April 07, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This is a truly fantastic VaPer at an incredible value. Unfortunately, it arrives very young, and without any age it isn't great. The good news is that only a year or two in a jar is needed for it to mature. After two years Luxury Navy Flake is be... Read More
Can't seem to get enough of it
April 04, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Baked-goods flavour until the end. Amazing VaPer, and great value for money.
Excellent bargain
March 24, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
An wonderful VaPer flake, especially for the price. Straight out of the bad (so no aging), the virginas taste young, with an expected citrusy, hay, earthy notes. I also picked up a sweet honey as well, which is delightful. The perique play a supporti... Read More
Hit or miss
February 17, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
At times I find PS400 somewhat enjoyable. At other times i find it harsh and hot.
Almost Perfect
January 23, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
This is the type of tobacco you can smoke all day long, you will never get tired of it. *UPDATE, after smoking this for longer, I have come to the conclusion that tobacco really doesn't get any better than this. Simple ingredients, no need for gimmic... Read More
Nasty delight
January 21, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Day old bread meets fresh cut hay meets musty old carpet ... but for the most part in a good way. Lacks some complexity. It's earthy, spicy, and smoky. Smokes in the bowl like a dream, even and cool. Great price. The virginia is a little too grassy a... Read More
These Flakes are Great!
January 05, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Easy smoking flakes that look fantastic. Fold and stuff or rub it out it don't matter. Had a few dream smokes with this in a meer with some really fantastic bright flavors. So buy a bunch and smoke it as it ages and your winning in my book.
My desert island tobacco
December 17, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Faint citrus fragrance, authentic Virginia taste. I love it. After aging, the atmosphere of solid perique or burley increases.
3rd year is the charm
November 10, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Bought this when I first set out on my pipe smoking journey.After reading the reviews of Virginia's in general I knew I'd be a Virginia man...wrong.Virginia doesn't agree with me.It bites me every time within four puffs no matter how easy or slow and... Read More
April 29, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
herzaman içilecek 4 tütün den biri .3 ay kavonozda kalırsa dahada müthiş
VaPer and Rum
April 03, 2019
By: ST
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Fresh out of the bag, I find the rum topping perfume like, but after six months in the jar it did mellow out. It produced a nice smooth smoke and was a bit spicier with some age. Still very good, but it won’t make it into rotation due to the perfume ... Read More
A quality Va-Per
January 24, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I have limited experience with straightforward Va-Per blends. Unfortunately, I have missed the boat on Dunhill's Elizabethan, but I will be sampling some Escudo Navy Rolls in the future. My first Va-Per was G.L. Pease's Stratford, and it did not leav... Read More
Disfruto cada vez que lo fumo
October 10, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Es uno de los mejores Virginia perique que he fumado.Perfecto
January 10, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Vazgeçemediğim bir tütün.
December 22, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
light cream, grass and earthy flavors, too spicy for me
Very mild
October 12, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I love vaper but this really don't get it,the flavour was very mild I try small, medium and big bowl but nothing get much flavour.
Not Orlik GS
June 12, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Good tin note but lacks the character of Orlik Golden Sliced. Im a patient smoker and this particular purchase did bite. I will cellar the remaining amount and try again in a few years.......Not my favorite, by any measure.
Bites like a mule
April 09, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I've read other people's reviews and the general consensus is that this blend is pretty good, or great even. I feel like I've smoked something completely different to everyone else. It smells nice and sweet, rubs out and packs well, shit it even burn... Read More
Good Cheap VA
March 15, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Good for bulk. Nothing special. Rum bites a bit. What else to say? Tastes like Stokkebye: hay, butter, leather, horse. Pleasant but not a standout, frankly.
November 05, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
I read so much about Peter Stokkebye and finally had a chance to try some blends. The taste of this flake is just remarkable! The virginias are fresh and lemony, the tobacco does not burn hot, and there is no associated bite. There is a slight sweetn... Read More
Lacks complexity
August 02, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS400 Luxury Navy Flake Bulk
Monochromatic so far. Split my pound into four half pint mason jars and added a capful of dark rum to one jar. I'll give it some time to see what develops.
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