C S.

McClelland - Craftsbury: Frog Morton's Cellar 100g
Favorite of the Craftsbury Line!
The first time I tried it I loved it! I knew instantly that I had found what I had been looking for!

McClelland - Craftsbury: Frog Morton on the Town 50g
Second favorite of the Craftsbury line.
This is an incredible smoke and a very unique blend. The first time I tried it I loved it and still like it very much, that being said when I tried Frog Morton Cellar I knew instantly that I had found what I had been looking for. I think if your budget allows try them all and decide for yourself. I guarantee even when you find the one that's "fits the bill" the other's will not be cast aside, they will all most likely be enjoyed!.

Lane Limited - BCA
Best Black Cavendish Available!
I haven't found a better black cavendish, It could be used as an all day smoke it's that smooth and cool, (it would probably eventually get boring though). It also works wonders in cooling and sweetening other blends that are harsh/bitter/hot. This tobacco is STELLAR!

Peter Stokkebye - PS201 Black Cavendish
Very nice!
Love Cavendish, this is a very nice smoke with vanilla and mild tobacco flavor with an occasional wisp showing up of the exact tin note. I still prefer Lane BCA however this so far this is fairly good on it's own I can see using it as a blender for sure.

Peter Stokkebye - PS17 English Luxury
Excellent all day smoke!
This is a very smooth smoke, burns well with plenty of great mild flavor. I get mostly plum and raisin notes with a little hay and tiny amounts of spice. I tend to switch between this english luxury blend and early morning pipe for my first bowl of the day. Indeed an enjoyable mild yet flavorful smoke a perfect crossover. Give it a try!

McClelland - 5110 - Dark English Full
This blend is good, very good!
This for me could be an all day smoke, this is a stout smoke similar to FM Cellar but not as sweet (subtle differences) but I tend to go back and forth between the two blends, I also soaked a stave in bourbon from an empty Cellar tin and put it in a jar of 5110 I'll update at a later time. Enjoy!

Dunhill - Early Morning Pipe
Very smooth English
I crave this for my first smoke of the day no matter what I have on hand it's just the perfect amount of flavor with my morning coffee. The nicotine is light and the flavor blend from the latakia and the orientals are just about perfect for my taste.

Sutliff - Molto Dolce 1.5oz
Interesting tin note. Unbelievably good room note.
Rich and creamy, definitely needs to be left out for a while. To me it tastes exactly like it smells which I can't quite put my finger on. It is very sweet and very delicious. I read so many good things about Molto Dolce I had to give it a try and after smoking it the first time I thought I would go through it pretty quick, I'm not, but when I crave it I gotta have it! It's an interesting taste. Oh and let it crackle and pop it's perfectly normal for this smoke.

Sutliff - J12 - Chocolate Truffle
Damn this stuff is good!
I occasionally have a sweet tooth and this definitely fits the bill. This is very moist tobacco and does better with some drying time. Outstanding chocolate almond goodness with no bite whatsoever. Give it a try!

Sutliff - 203 Coffee
Smoke this with a cup of Joe!
Take it easy on this one once you get it going and sip it slow, it is absolutely delicious with a cup of coffee.

Cornell & Diehl - Autumn Evening
A fair smoke.
Smells nice, tastes a little less nice than the note, I don't seem to be getting very much maple flavor from this batch however it smokes great and the smoke is thick and creamy. Worth a try.

Peter Stokkebye - PS400 Luxury Navy Flake
Outstanding Va-Per!
The tastes, yes tastes, are absolutely wonderful. I get vanilla, hay, fig and plum and very light pepper or spice with the warm sweetness coming from the Virginia's. What works best for me is to load the bottom third with short stick like pieces then the second half of the bowl with folded and lightly twisted/pulled and the top third of the bowl I rub out, this is what works best for me and don't over pack it, it will expand. Also the tobacco itself aesthetically is gorgeous, I order a pound at a time! A+++

Sutliff - Z92 Vanilla Custard
Rich Vanilla Flavor!
Pouch note: Very sweet! Tastes fantastic, very flavorful rich and creamy. A bowl or two a week is all I need to satisfy my sweet tooth (I am primarily an English smoker) if you find it too sweet top it with a small pinch of your favorite navy flake. I use P.S Luxury Navy Flake!

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