About Me:
Pipe tobacco is one of nature's greatest treasures. Smoking a pipe is one of man's greatest pastimes.

Captain Black - Gold 1.5oz
Great budget Aromatic
Obviously Captain Royal is not considered a boutiqe blend by any means, but its popularity for the price makes perfect sense. For the money, you get a very pleasant smoke, a great aroma, and a great carry around pouch to throw in your jacket pocket. The Gold blend is my favourite of their aromatic blends, but the Royal blend has a little more flavour for smokers looking to step into some more powerful blends. I've paid the same amount of money for other brands, and ended up throwing them into my garden as fertilizer.

Mac Baren - 7 Seas Royal
Sweet, Mild Smoke
This tobacco blend has a great aroma, and I find myself inhaling the scent from a new package a lot when I have it around. Flavourful, but not overpowering, with a nice room note, and nice smokability.

Lane Limited - RLP-6
Very pleasant slow smoke
I'm a fan of many mild Lane blends, but I find that this one in particular holds a certain amount of moisture that makes the smoke slower and cooler, plus it's delicious, and non-pipe smokers seem to appreciate the room note of this blend more than heavily flavoured tobaccos.

Tampers & Tools - Rubber Pipe Bits (2 pack)
Good for Stem Biters
I find these useful on long straight stem pipes, where I have a tendency to bite down on the stem to support the weight. When I have an empty pipe in my mouth, I also find that I bite down on the stem quite hard. I don't find that the the rubber protectors impart any flavour on my tobacco, but that's because I have minimal contact with them. If I push the rubber a few millimetres past the actual stem end, my lips are on the stem, and my teeth are on the rubber, and the smoke flows normally.

Peterson - University Flake 50g
Very Tasty Flake!
I can't get enough of this blend. I like to keep a tin nearby just to open and take in the aroma when I'm not smoking. I have more Peterson pipes than any other brand (my family are Irish) and I find it fitting to smoke University flake through them. I like mild, cool smoke, and I don't need to make a trade off on taste with this. The Mahogany/Burley/Virginia ratio is bang on. I'm very proud of my stack of tins.

A&C Petersen - Escudo Navy Deluxe 50g
Very pleasant blend.
This may not have the full bodied depth that many experienced smokers desire, but its milder flavours and pleasant aroma are excellent for all level of pipe smoker. The value for such a fragrant, tasty blend cannot be denied, and it beats its contemporaries easily. Also, this reminds me of the Navy Flake blend that my grandfather smoked, and I think that old style is attractive to many.

Peter Stokkebye - PS400 Luxury Navy Flake
Great medium smoke!
I also jarred my first batch of this blend, simply because I wanted to sample others before getting to it. When I returned to the jar, some additional moisture had found its way into the tobacco, giving it a darker colour, and a very nice texture for rubbing into the bowl. I keep as much of this stuff on hand as possible, but I save it for mini-special occasions.

Peter Stokkebye - PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake
Tasty and Cool smoke
My favourite of the Peter Stokkeby line, the taste of this blend is exceptionally smooth and light, and rolling the cool smoke around in the mouth is very enjoyable. Its aroma and room note are very appealing, and rubbing the "hay bale" tobacco wheels allow the smoker to produce the perfect texture for a long smoke.

Peter Stokkebye - PS402 Luxury Twist Flake
Delicious Aromatic
You couldn't ask for much more in a tobacco than this. The taste of the pure Virginia blend is stronger than a dedicated aromatic, but not overpowering, offering no bite. The aroma is amazing, and the room note seems to appeal to others who stand nearby me when I smoke. The twist flake and roll make sure that you get a long smoke every time. Its natural moisture is pretty much perfect, and I stock up on this when I can.

Cork Ashtray Knocker

Currently Out of Stock