Thomas S.

Cornell & Diehl - Black Cherry
Mixed Feelings
This has no bite at all, which is great. It smells very good, which is also great. I didn’t find any flavor at all. Not cherry, not tobacco, just thick smooth cavendish smoke. It lit easily and burned flawlessly… I’m really torn. Overall I have to give it a C - satisfactory

Samuel Gawith - 1792 Flake 50g
Very Good
If you like tonka bean, this smells wonderful the moment you open it. If you don't, then youll hate this. I'm a little baffled by the dot-rating, though. This is strong! It's easily a "5". The room note is nice, I'd say "2" (though if you don't like tonka, then you won't agree). The taste rating is right. Needs to be rubbed out and dried off like all Gwaith flakes. Lights and burns well after that and didn't bite me a bit.

Sutliff - Tobacco Galleria: Fox & Hound
Nice Mild English
This is a very tasty light English blend. The latakia is present but doesn’t dominate. It burns well and softly and doesn’t bite.

Sutliff - Frosty Mint
Exactly What I Hoped
First off, the other reviews are spot on. The only way the peppermint is getting stronger is if you ground up menthol crystals and mixed them into your bowl. But I frequently use Vicks Extra Strength Menthol cough drops, and this is what I was hoping it would be. If you don't like super potent menthol, don't use this straight... And use a clay pipe.

Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust - StillWell Star Navy No. 1056
Nice First Cigar
I am a pipe smoker, and these Star cigars tempted me after reading some reviews. As my very first cigar ever, this was comforting and encouraging. I will be trying other cigars now.

Low Country - Natural Virginia & Oriental
Better than Expected
I got this as a base for making my own blends. It is smooth and mellow with a subtle spiciness that develops through the bowl resulting in a better experience than I though a "plain base" would be. I have refilled my pipe throughout a day with this and didn't feel like I was missing anything.

Low Country - Natural Virginia & Burley
Plain but Good
I got this as a base for making my own blends. While it is a plain sheet of white paper... it's a *good* piece of paper. Not something I really want to smoke plain too often but I feel like I could easily smoke this all day, pipe after pipe, and be satisfied if not excited. Some days, you just want a hot dog and fries, not a gourmet meal.

Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation - 1982 Centennial Blend 1.4oz
Smells Nice
Smooth and mild, the blackberry flavoring is very faint and only at all noticeable at the very tiniest sips. Even then, it's like a Bigelow tea - all fragrance and no flavor at all. Burns well, smooth, and pleasant, but a tiny bit disappointing.

Cornell & Diehl - Steamworks 2oz
Quintessential Vigrinia
Mine was pretty surprisingly wet - I could blot it on a paper towel - so it may need significant drying. But after that it burns well with no relights. I experienced no bite at all (and I'm pretty sensitive), even when lighting - so that was a delight. In my opinion, it starts off somewhat bland but it develops quickly with sipping into a flavorful and mildly spicy experience. The entire smoke was smooth and mild, and well worth the purchase.

Capstan - Flake Blue 1.75oz
I’ll be blunt: got this for the Tolkein tie-in. It’s ok - I’ve nothing to complain about. But IMO it’s just not as good as Peterson or Stokkebye but costs nearly double.

Captain Earle's - Mystic Blend 8oz
This is nearly indistinguishable from "Reflections", to which I gave the same review. I found this balanced, smooth, and well-behaved as far as burning goes. But I'd say the flavor is a bit TOO balanced - it's so very even that nothing stands out. It's not at all bad, but it's not particularly great either.

Captain Earle's - Reflections 8oz
I found this balanced, smooth, and well-behaved as far as burning goes. But I'd say the flavor is a bit TOO balanced - it's so very even that nothing stands out. It's not at all bad, but it's not particularly great either.

Peter Stokkebye - PS400 Luxury Navy Flake
Good Clean Smoke
I found this a little more flavorful than Peterson Flake. Otherwise, it is a simple, pleasing, easy smoke. All day enjoyment that won’t get in your way. Very good.

Peter Stokkebye - PS31 Optimum
Mellow and Smooth
The fragrance and the flavor are mild and pleasant. The sweetness is refreshing and reminds me of well made pancakes with syrup. This makes me quietly happy

Mac Baren - Dark Twist 3.5oz
My new favorite
This is simply heavenly. Dessert in a pipe. Smells like a molasses treat and tastes nearly as good. And for room note, it beats many candles I’ve burnt.

G. L. Pease - Windjammer 2oz
Balanced Flavor
My first GL Pease was Quiet Nights. This is similar but milder amd better balanced in my opinion. It lights well and doesn’t bite, a very solid blend overall.

Peterson - Flake 50g
Mild and Pleasing
Sometimes you just want a calm, easy pipefull. This delivers in spades! Simple to light, rarely if ever needs relighting. Doesn't overwhelm with flavor and the room note is subtle and inoffensive.

Missouri Meerschaum - Luminaire 2oz
Top note is very appealing. The broken flake rubs out without effort and the moisture is spot on. Rewards a slow smoke with great flavor and fragrance. A great winding-down smoke and one I’ll get again and again.

Peter Stokkebye - PS24 Nougat
This came at the perfect mousture. The bag note is heavenly and it richly rewards a nice, slow cadence. Flavor and fragrance are both great, but make me crave some ice cream 😊

G. L. Pease - Quiet Nights 2oz
Very Nice
The tin starts with a lovely, rich, dark armoa. It rubs out easily, packs well, lights great, and stays lit easily. The complex smoke is delightful and continues to develop to the bottom of the bowl. Love it!

Captain Black - Cherry 1.5oz
Not too bad
I've had an odd mix of really wet and so dry it crumbles. The cherry isn't overpowering and is more on the "dark cherry" side which makes it pleasant. Doesn't bite too badly but it will get you if you don't go slowly.

Super Value - Cherry Cavendish 1.5oz
Bites like a rabid dog
It's always wet, always goopy, and the cherry cough syrup smell is very very strong. If you like a scorched mouth, this is a good choice.

Cult - Blood Red Moon 50g
The best cherry, hands down
The fragrance when you open the tin is downright appetizing. It lights easily and rewards smoking slowly with a delightful flavour. The room note is simply delightful and I agree with the many other reviews that this has the least bite of any cherry aromatic I have tried.

Cornell & Diehl - Briar Fox 16oz
Very Nice
This is a good, solid blend. Mine came a tiny bit moist but dried quickly after crumbling. It lights easily and stays lit without fuss or effort. The initial smell reminds me of a bread puddng. The flavor is mild without being wimpy and the room note is very nice. This is a great pipe-filler for when your smoking is really secondary to whatever you have going on.

Lane Limited - Very Cherry
Too much
It is appropriately named: it is VERY cherry. But think bright red marischino cherries, ready to top a sundae. Mine arrived very moist and I should have let it dry out more because it bit hard and wouldn’t stay lit. Edit: Even after drying it for a while, it bites hard and doesn't stay lit. I do not like this.

Liga Privada
#9 Coronets (10 Pack)

Currently Out of Stock

Saint Espresso 2oz

$17.25 $13.80

Lot 23 Maduro Churchill

$8.50 $7.65

G. L. Pease
Horizons Flake 2oz

$16.00 $13.60

Triple Maduro Robusto

Currently Out of Stock

Mac Baren
HH Old Dark Fired Ready Rubbed

Based on Qty Ordered

Blood Red Moon 50g

Currently Out of Stock

Tobacco Galleria: Fox & Hound

Based on Qty Ordered

Peter Stokkebye
PS31 Optimum

Based on Qty Ordered

Mac Baren
Dark Twist 3.5oz

$33.70 $26.00

Peter Stokkebye
PS24 Nougat

Based on Qty Ordered

G. L. Pease
Quiet Nights 2oz

$16.00 $13.60