
Cornell & Diehl - Green River Vanilla
Mild and Oily
This isn't a tobacco i smoke often but i do always like to keep it on hand, the vanilla flavor is mild and not cloying or overly artificial, in the jar the smell is more reminiscent of brownies, and it shows itself in the smoke playing nicely with a subdued burley flavor remaining after the Cavendish process. It comes out of the bag/tin alarmingly wet, and with a coating reminiscent of cooking oil (that WILL stain, dont smoke this wearing white!), but even without drying burns well with minimal gurgle or need for pipe cleaners. The profile while smoking is fairly one dimensional, but pleasant, and with a room note that's gentle and wonderful. I definitely recommend giving this a shot if you enjoy Captain Black Dark, Lane BCA, or any other straight Cavendish blends.

Cornell & Diehl - Pegasus
The Best OTC to not be OTC
This is a wonderful blend very reminiscent of all the classic "codger" blends. The Burley is certainly the star of the show here, most of the flavor is its nuttiness and cocoa notes, with the Virginia mainly providing a nice natural sweetness and just a very faint hint of the Cavendish for a nice body and mouthfeel. This stuff smokes wonderfully, leaves a very clean ash, almost no bite to speak of, and smokes top to bottom without a relight easily. Smells great in the room, and the tin note is absolutely out of this world. I try to never be without this blend on hand.

Missouri Meerschaum - Let Freedom Ring Rob Roy Bent (6mm)
Tastes like the finish
I am a huge fan of Missouri Meerschaum's products and love their pipes but something about the stain on these particular pipes is just awful. I purchased one of each shape in the Let Freedom Ring series and although they are both quite attractive but both imparted a strong chemical taste in to the smoke. I tried several bowls to see if it would go away, checked the same tobacco I was using in my briars and other MM cobs, and tried aggressively reaming the chambers to remove the visible stain from the inside but I could not get the taste to go away. Any other MM pipe is worth your money, but make sure you spend it on any other one.

Lane Limited - 1-Q
There's a Reason it's Always the Best Selling
There's not really much to say about this tobacco that hasn't been said before, it has a lovely sweet taste with notes of caramel, chocolate, and vanilla; it smells absolutely wonderful both in the tin and in the room; and is almost criminally easy to smoke. There's not a ton of complexity to the flavor but there's almost nothing better as a first tobacco; and almost ever pipe smoker you know probably has a couple ounces somewhere.

Stands & Pouches - Economy Folding Pipe Stand
Perfect For The Price
For a one dollar stand these are far sturdier than you'd expect, and are minimalist enough in appearance that your pipe will still be able to take center stage aesthetically. Be warned however if you have a church warden or other back-heavy pipe you may need to have the stem butted up against a wall to prevent tipping. These are great to take to a lounge or a friend's house if you want to be able to set a pipe down as they fit nicely in a pocket.

Peter Stokkebye - PS400 Luxury Navy Flake
The perfect Virginia
If I could only smoke one Virginia blend for the rest of my life this would be it. Mellow, sweet, grassy, won't burn you if you try, and there's just enough of the Perique to keep things interesting without dominating. Easily an all day smoke and you can't beat the price with a stick. This is the measuring stick I use against all other VaPers and very few stack up.

Sir Walter Raleigh - Regular 1.5oz
Ol' Reliable
You never forget your first, and it's nice when your first holds up. Nothing mind blowing here, just a really solid, easy smoking burley.

Mac Baren - Dark Twist 3.5oz
All time favorite
I like to say this one is like the tobacco equivalent of candied bacon: it's too sweet for some, too savory for others, but when you're in the mood for it nothing else will do. The dark fired is used with a just subtle enough hand that it really lets the maple notes and the other tobaccos shine through. Just be careful, it will bite ya.

Peter Stokkebye - PS201 Black Cavendish
Exactly what you'd expect...And that's a good thing
With a name as bold and daring as "Black Cavendish" there's exactly one thing I'd want this tobacco to taste like and it hits the nail on the head. Strong notes of vanilla, sweet but not cloying so, smokes surprisingly well with little bite on its own for something more intended as a component. Adds a nice taste and body to just about anything if you throw a little in.

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