Peter Stokkebye: PS306 English Oriental Supreme Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 005-005-0018

Peter Stokkebye's classic blend, English Oriental Supreme, brings together the finest mellow Georgian Virginias, Black Cavendish, Mexican Burleys, Turkish Oriental, and Cyprus Latakia, while evoking an exotic flair uniquely its own.
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  • Components: Virginia, Latakia, Burley, Orientals, Black Cavendish
  • Family: English
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews (47 Total)
Overall Rating:
4.32 out of 5 stars
Smells can be deceiving
May 29, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I ordered this with about five other tobaccos. I had recently discovered English blends were my true love, and I wanted to experience new blends. This mixture stunk up the box and everything in it. I was not to be deterred. I separated the bags, and ... Read More
November 11, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
This tobacco exudes a quality of simplicity and comfort. It is sweet for the first quarter, notably sweet, but not overwhelmingly, as in an aromatic. This sweetness then transforms slowly into a calm, mellow smokiness that rises in intensity as the b... Read More
Excellent English blend
October 02, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
Excellent flavor throughout. Slight floral notes on the finish excellent tastes of burley and black cavendish. I only get a slight twang of the orientals but that might improve over time. Not overpowering I would give it a medium strength as far as ... Read More
My first English
March 12, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I’ve started pipe smoking daily as a cheaper alternative to cigars, which I love. I started with aromatics, as most do, but found them lacking. Enter this blend. It smelled extremely smoky/rich from the bag. Once lit, however, the first thing I notic... Read More
Absolutely love this blend
March 18, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
This blend has quickly become one of my all time favorites. not only is the price point very easy on the pockets, the quality of this blend is really up there. its smokey sweet, smooth with just enough spice from the orientals. it has volume from th... Read More
Very Mellow
August 18, 2013
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
English Oriental Supreme -very marsh mellow - so to say- light like weight of a marsh mellow, burns to white ashes and gives me a mellow evening. I would highly recommend - I purchased 8 ounces and will get a pound on the next order. I to see how lon... Read More
December 23, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
February 25, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
A Mild Version of EMP with Burley
June 16, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
Think a VA/BUR... a roasted grain nuance with a bready sweetness. Supplement that with a touch of black cav for smooth sweetness, a touch of orientals for a slight woody and floral nuance and a whisper of latakia for the slightest of cedar smokiness.... Read More
A Bridge to the Heavier Side
October 10, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
This blend served as the bridge to heavier/fuller mixtures, at least for me. It starts off sweet, probably too sweet for more "veteran" English blend smokers unless you're specifically looking for that. The sweetness starts to fade after ... Read More
Better with time
May 21, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
EOS is a great, accessible English blend. It's mild enough for a beginner, but still retains complexity and depth. I bought a pound about a year ago and jarred it up, more to have something consistent on hand than expecting the cellaring process t... Read More
Great Smoke, Great Price
March 12, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
Since McClelland's has decided to depart the pipe tobacco scene, I went in search of a replacement for Frog Morton On the Town (one of my favorite tobaccos). I find this tobacco not to be as sweet as OTT, but the flavor and burn is great. This wil... Read More
For all-day and 'Good morning' smoke
February 02, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
English Oriental Supreme is a wonderful 'Good morning' tobacco for latakia-lover pıpe smokers; and an all day tobacco for virginia-lover pipe smokers. It does not contains much latakia, but it's a tasteful smoke. Highly recomended!
A number one English Style
January 25, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
When I first open the bag I thought I don't remember there being Cavendish in this blend description. Cavendish does not always work for me in a blend. This one however does strike the balance nicely for me The first light was a Cavendish sweetness ... Read More
Quite nice
August 23, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
Enjoyable smoke
The Orient Express with English Class
January 19, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
What can I say.. I love both this and PS English Luxury.. While Luxury has a bit more sweetness at times.. this blend with oriental leaf as a mysterious flow which never gets singular in presentation. Looking to start English blends.. try this.. sea... Read More
One of my favorites
January 07, 2017
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
The title sounds diplomatic ai? Well, it is true, I found this one full of flavour and in a very good balance and that is the beauty of this tobacco. First, it praises you with the sweetness of the Virgina, also a hint of Black Cavendish, along with ... Read More
May 17, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
Great flavor to keep you interested through the whole bowl. So smooth you wish you had time for a 2nd. I've tried many English blends, this one strikes the perfect balance for me. Cheers!
My intro into English blends
January 13, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
This was my first step into the world of English blends. It smells wonderdul, almost like beef jerky but in a good way. Mellow and just the right blend of smokey and spicy.
May 20, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I was surprised and will order more. Lots of flavour, not overbearing and smooth. You do not get tired of this one
Nice change-up
August 01, 2014
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I like the Stokkebye bulk English blends; they are easy to find, relatively inexpensive and, to me, taste great. I like this one as a change-up to my two other Stokkebye mainstay English blends, Proper English and English Luxury. All three have a per... Read More
خلطة مميزه
November 06, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
بالرغم اني اتحسس من بلاك كافندش وبالصدفة اشتريت هذه الخلطة دون النظر في مكوناتها الا بعد ان جربتها اود القول بان هذه الخلطة مميزه حلاوة الفيرجينيا تدغدغ سقف الحنك وكامل تجويف الفم ونكهة الحمضيات خفيفه وبالكاد تمر على الطعم بالكامل و البيرلي معتدل اما... Read More
My New Tobacco of Choice
July 30, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I've been a British blend smoker for over 40 years. I've smoked a lot of good blends in the past, but this is one of the best. It's cool smoking, stays lit, burns evenly, easy to pack, tastes and smells great. I have found my Huckleberry!
First impressions
July 23, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
Nice mild and pleasant smoke. Surprising consistency in the flavor with all that's going on here. The Orientals and burley are out front with a combined nutty woody and earthy notes. Theres also a very gentle peppery, faint bitter walnut. The Virgini... Read More
December 30, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
A fine, mild day/night English blend alternative.
May 13, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I’ve found this mix to be conducive to meditative thinking, in quiet contemplative moments or just relaxing. You might consider this blend as a mild night pipe alternative for your rotation. Because of its’ mild profile, it’s also a good blend to tak... Read More
English, Balkan, Scottish? It's all good.
January 17, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I love a good mellow creamy Latakia combined with fragrant exotic Orientals in a blend. A fan of English and Balkan mixtures as a whole, I've tried oh so many. But, finding ones that are perfectly suited to my palate and so beautifully measured is ra... Read More
Mild in all departments with lots of flavors represented from each ingredient.
June 22, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
[Tin/bag - English with a little vinegar, slightly meaty smell. 2nd Bowl Tin/bag - Weak campfire, leather old shoe, very slight juniper old tree smell. A lot richer almost aromatic-1-Q type smell by comparison with English Luxury and Proper English... Read More
Mehmet Ergül
July 01, 2016
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
It's wonderdul. I highly recommend to lovers pipe.
You better get it while
December 04, 2015
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
This is a very good blend - I try to keep 2 lbs on stand-by thru the year. hope thr price doesn't go up like MacBaren.
Classic English
February 04, 2024
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
Smokes smooth and steady with few relights. Everything you’d want in an English blend. No bite even if you’re hitting it a little hard. Friendly smoke and definitely one of my staples.
Improves with Age
December 12, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I put my jar in the cellar for two years, and I've been so pleasantly rewarded. Everything that was good about it when it was fresh is still good, but now it's even better. I wasn't expecting to see so much of a difference, but it's really striking.
Outstanding English Blend
February 15, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
This blend has the character, smoothness and complexity that I look for in a smoke. Given it's available in bulk, why look elsewhere?
Decent English
January 10, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
Basic English flavor, pretty decent, smokes a little hot and the burley makes it a little gross, otherwise pretty typical, not necessarily a favorite but could be a go to in a pinch, burned well and lit easily, if it wasn't for the burley would have ... Read More
January 03, 2023
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
Phenomenal blends. While very flavorful and rich it's actually very smooth and not strong. It's tangy, tart, sweet and smoky all at once. Going to buy a pound or two.
A wonderful English blend!
November 16, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
For a bulk blend, I was surprised at the incense like pouch note, very smooth, sweet incense like taste, and only slight tongue tingle, but no bite!😀 If you love English blends, this is a must try!👍
Good Blend
September 15, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
This was disappointing to me its not a bad blend at all and I will be putting maybe 8oz in the cellar but I also picked up some Sutliff BS match at the same time so my judgement may be a bit clouded at the moment. I will get maybe 8oz for the cellar ... Read More
PS306 English Oriental Supreme
March 17, 2022
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
Fine tobacco blend!
Very Balkan, Very Delicious.
December 21, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
Orientals reign supreme in this blend, redolent of glorious sourness and delightfully dancing spiciness. Everything is perfectly proportioned, perfectly harmonious. Beginning with a sour nose, it develops by turns into something alternatingly creamy,... Read More
Very Impressive!
September 30, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I love this blend. It is a smooth and wonderfully complex smoke. This is up there with my other favorites such as Quiet Nights and Orient Express. Exceptional craftsmanship on display here.
Order now!
March 27, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I wish this came in 55 gallon drum size. PS don't play.
Too Much Burley
March 22, 2021
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I wouldn't call this a mild English because it it not like any English I have encountered. The Burley dominates and the Latakia is absent.
October 28, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I walked into my local B&M and asked to try a bulk English blend after trying three different aromatics my first time into the store, feeling that I was missing a lot that my pipe had to offer. I walked out with this after a recommendation from t... Read More
Great Summertime Blend
September 23, 2020
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
I really appreciate this blend most on the hot days of summer - it’s very light and citrusy upon lighting, with the sweet Virginia front and center - you can get a little toasted flavor from the Latakia, but it’s not very pronounced until you get pas... Read More
August 20, 2019
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
This tobacco is awesome. It would be nice to find more with this flavor profile. Nice sweet/sour background.
November 15, 2018
Product: Peter Stokkebye PS306 English Oriental Supreme Bulk
Very nice English blend
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