John H.

Cornell & Diehl - Autumn Evening
Great Aromatic
This is a great aromatic. It is not a wet mess. However, the cut is not a ribbon it is more a fine cut. It does burn great and to the bottom of the bowl with just a few if any relights. The maple flavor is in the forefront but is not overly sweet and pairs nicely with the natural tobacco flavor. This blend will definitely be in my rotation for smoking on cool autumn nights.

Cornell & Diehl - Apricots and Cream
Gloopy but Tasty
This is a very wet tobacco. And it still has alcohol present I think, because it will hold the flame but not get the tobacco burning. This needs a lot of dry time, and will still leave a lot of moisture. It pops and cracks from the amount of moisture while lighting, and be careful this blend will absolutely steam your tongue. However, with all of the flaws the flavor and room note is quite nice. You definitely taste apricots and cream.

Cornell & Diehl - Sweet English
The first few bowls I liked it, but after smoking my trial ounce I was not a fan. I has a strange sweet cream smell to me and only a slight bit of the good smokey incense of a good English blend. This is a confused blend in my book. Won't buy again.

Orlik - Golden Sliced 50g
My First Virginia Tobacco
This was my very first endeavor into Virginia and Flake tobaccos. Once I popped the tin and took in the tin note I smelled a raisan, hay, and slight citrus (tangerine maybe?). I was quite pleased with how it smoked right out of the tin. It needed some relights, and a slow puff rhythm to keep the Virginia tobacco getting too hot. I don't get any spice on the draw, however, I do get just a touch of spice in the retrohale. I bought some for the cellar. This is a winner.

McClelland - VBC - Vanilla Black Cavendish
Smooth and Tasty
This is one of my favorite aromatics. It burns good with some dry time. But the flavor and the room note is heaven. The wife also enjoys the smell of this tobacco. It does have a vanilla flavor, but the flavor is more of a warm toasty caramel covered vanilla cream. I'm sad to see McClellands leaving.

Gawith Hoggarth & Co. - Bob's Chocolate Flake
This is a very interesting smoke. It has some nice dark coco flavor that mixes well with the Latakia, and the slight lakeland essence adds this cologne/perfume room note which is quite pleasant. I did not get the soapy taste that some describe. This flake is moist and does require dome dry time. Smokes great in a cob.

Peter Stokkebye - PS402 Luxury Twist Flake
Great straight Virginia
This is one of my favorite straight (with some topping) Virginia. It does have a caramel topping but I find it mixes very well with the bready hay notes of the tobacco. Out of the 3 Luxury PS Flakes this is my favorite.

Sutliff - 1M
My go to aromatic
I bought 4 pounds of this tobacco without even trying it first. I was quite nervous, but everyone said it was similar to 1Q. So I took the chance. In my opinion I would take Sutliff's 1M over Lane's 1Q. They are both great but for the price I'll take Sutliff. It has a great bready, vanilla, and marshmallow flavor, and it burs quite nice with just a little drying time.

Peter Stokkebye - PS41 Cube Cut
Easy to load, great to smoke
This was one of my first burley blends to smoke. I was quite pleased with how easy it was to pack a bowl with these tiny little cubes. Once I fired up I thoroughly enjoyed the flavor of dark fruits and dark spices. This burned great with just a few relights. In addition, I added some of this tobacco with some PS Luxury Navy Flake and it was fantastic. Will definitely be adding this to my rotation.

Peter Stokkebye - PS306 English Oriental Supreme
Great Smoke, Great Price
Since McClelland's has decided to depart the pipe tobacco scene, I went in search of a replacement for Frog Morton On the Town (one of my favorite tobaccos). I find this tobacco not to be as sweet as OTT, but the flavor and burn is great. This will be a definite addition to my rotation.

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