Peterson: Connoisseur's Choice 50g Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-050-0014

Starting with a base of golden, red, and dark Virginia tobaccos of different cuts, Peterson's Connoisseur's Choice pipe mixture additionally boasts portions of Burley and Black Cavendish. A flavorful Aromatic blend, Connoisseur's Choice features flavors of rum, coconut, and macadamia nut for a delightful Aromatic mixture redolent of a tropical vacation.

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  • Components: Virginia, Black Cavendish
  • Family: Aromatic
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews (62 Total)
Overall Rating:
3.98 out of 5 stars
One of the Best Peterson in my opinion
September 15, 2018
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
One of the top Peterson brands, mild with enough flavor to more than please. No bite and a good burn as well. Strongly recommend if you are looking for a thoughtful smoke rather than a slap in the face, metaphorically that is!
October 28, 2017
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
I'd say a top pick for Peterson. Mild,great aroma, not goopy in the bowl. You should try it. Best in a medium-small bowl.
Smoke is as good as it tin/room note
April 30, 2017
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Tin and Room note is very pleasant. and the smoke is just as good. I tried this in an old, lightly used Dr. Grabow which my younger son abandoned. Will have ti dedicate a new pipe to this blend. Found the taste to be lightly to moderately sweet, w... Read More
December 06, 2016
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Wonderful room note. Smooth, mild and very enjoyable.
Great for beginners
March 11, 2015
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
This is my go to tobacco for anyone I am introducing to pipe smoking. It smells appealing in the pouch and stays lit well enough to make that first smoke easy enough for the beginner. The flavor is not subtle and has been greatly enjoyed by every per... Read More
Not too bad!
March 27, 2017
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Still experimenting with the Peterson line of Tobaccos-the jury's still out as I found the Sherlock a disappointing Virginian. When I opened the Connoisseur's tin, it was too dry. I had to orange peel it. Once corrected, I found this to be smooth a... Read More
Quality Aromatic
June 15, 2013
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
This was my favorite until I got hooked on 1Q. It's a quality leaf combination with a wonderful top dressing that comes through in the smoke. The tin note is a wonderful marrying of rum, fruit, maple, and vanilla. It comes pretty well in moisture lev... Read More
Sophisticated aromatic....
August 16, 2012
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Smoked gently - to avoid tongue bite - in a bowl of medium size, my experience is that one can actually isolate each of the flavors this tobacco has to offer. All of them are wonderful and the combination is outstanding. The aroma is delightful. Th... Read More
July 11, 2020
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
I was unimpressed for the first 1/3 of the bowl, then the flavor kicked in. Then I was thinking which pipe to dedicate to this blend. I'm not an Aro smoker, but from time to time I do enjoy one. For me, Planta Exotic is my favorite, but alas, Mac Bar... Read More
July 04, 2018
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
The tin note and room note are surprisingly complementary. The flavour while smoking and the aftertaste aren't particularly strong. Overall however I'd say this is a treat. It actually gets better over time.
Mum Approved
March 07, 2018
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Opening the tin the wonderful aroma of berry pop tarts come wafting into your palate. A great smoke with a Mum approved room note.
January 25, 2017
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Very mild at first not much about the taste. But after that it has more flavor than you think.
First Time Smoke
May 13, 2016
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 16oz
I am from Maine and currently visiting a dear friend in Kiev Ukraine. Went to a tobacco shop downtown and bought a Stanwell Pipe and the Peterson Connoisseur's Choice tobacco. Very nice cut and very enjoyable to smoke. I burns evenly, at least in the... Read More
August 23, 2024
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
A fine mild smoke with a lovely room note that will keep the non smokers around you happy
August 11, 2024
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Sweet and Fruity
April 27, 2024
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
As soon as I open the lid, you can smell raisin, date, fig and a little bit of rum. It all comes through and the smokey aroma, this is one of the sweeter Petersons that I've had. It's not enough to detract you from the nice tobacco blend, it just sim... Read More
Very Enjoyable
April 21, 2024
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
I picked up a tin of Connoisseurs blend from my local cigar shop. I thought I should try something new. This was a very flavorful and enjoyable smoke. It was on the milder side, and had a somewhat sweet finish. I am far from an expert in discerni... Read More
Fantastic blend
May 28, 2023
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Such an elegant blend that smokes wonderfully from beginning to end. Mild but not short on flavor or aroma. Tin note is a beautiful bouquet of vanilla, mild citrus, rum, and tobacco. Very satisfying.
March 04, 2023
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Tin note of maple sugar, spices and vanilla. Tobacco is a course cut of light brown, brown, dark brown and black. Moisture content is great. Burns moderate with few relights. The strength is mild to medium and nic is mild. Flavoring is mild to medium... Read More
It smelled great but had no taste.
January 30, 2023
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
I ended up giving this away. It smelled fantastic but tasted like hot air. I tried it multiple times in multiple pipes I just got nothing out of it. Full disclosure, I gave up on aromatics after trying this blend. I’ll occasionally smoke English bl... Read More
A European aromatic with quality tobacco you can taste
August 22, 2022
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
The problem with most American aromatics is you can't taste any tobacco...only whatever artificial goop they smoother it with. It's usually like overly sweet candy for adults. This is not the case with quality European aromatics, such as Connoisseu... Read More
Not quite there
March 14, 2022
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Purchased this blend a couple of months ago and when received I immediately had to try it. Somewhat of a disappointment, just didn’t have taste although the tin note wasn’t bad at all. Tried it again today and even though it was on the dry side it wa... Read More
February 09, 2022
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
rum scent, wild berry and tangy flavor full of awesome. apple bowl style preferred for this blend.
My favorite Peterson aromatic blend!
December 22, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
I really like Peterson blends. I feel that this is better than the Deluxe and Sweet Killarney blend.
Mothballs and candy
October 13, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
If you like mothballs, this one has everything for you. While I'll allow that the flavor stays with it the whole way through, including the sweetness, I'd not recommend.
Great tobacco, but has its shortcomings
September 07, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
This blend has a wonderful aroma and taste. It does require some work. Needs to be "fluffed" a bit from the can. It can be difficult to keep lit, but when it's burning, the taste and room note are amazing. More fruity than classic tobacco, for a ... Read More
Favorite Aromatic So Far!
August 23, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Started out pipe smoking on aromatics, then made my way over to different english blends, va blends, burleys, va pers, etc. Wanted to give aromatics another try as I've gotten more experienced. This is a great aromatic - great room note, tin note is ... Read More
August 15, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Buen humo
July 30, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
fumarlo suave pero muy placentero
It lives up to the name
June 28, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Smoked in a cob with a paper filter. My tin was packed tight, I had to break it up before packing the bowl. Mellow tobacco, gentle smoke, mild flavor. Figgy tin note, no room note to speak of. I really enjoy the aftertaste of this smoke. I keep ... Read More
Very good quality, nearly excellent
May 25, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Fine hint of berry aroma more in the 1st half of tin. Works nicely with my brigham pipes. Very low goopy tar. Can vie to become a regular!
Muy bueno
April 17, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Agradable sabor si lo tratas suave se fuma muy bien
Very good
April 07, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Always very pleased with this blend. It's a generous aromatic but not too "artificial" and sugary. You can't go wrong with this blend if you like aromatic tobacco.
Refined and Fruity
April 06, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
An enjoyable blend that balances fruity flavors, custard notes and natural tobacco toastiness. It has a bright tang up front that moves gracefully into the rest of the palate. Room note includes toasted marshmallow. Smokes well, smooth, well behaved.... Read More
March 27, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
This blend really has it all. Smoothness, boldness, bursts of flavor and an overall relaxing smoke
February 18, 2021
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
It has a complicated taste and a complicated tin note. The room note is pretty good. I really can't stand aromatics, but this one is at least made of quality tobacco. I tried to like it. Every time I open up the jar, any desire to try it again is ... Read More
November 22, 2020
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Love this blend. Perfect balance of room note, flavor and body. Not goopy or chemically topped, just a delicious, light smoking tobacco that exudes quality.
A good enough aro
June 11, 2020
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
If you are into aromatics, you will probably enjoy this.
Quality tobacco, underwhelming flavor
March 26, 2020
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Coming from such a reputable name, I was underwhelmed by this blend. By no means was it not enjoyable. The vanilla and chocolate notes came through with a hint of rum. The fruitiness was tasted but not as strong for me as it one for others here. As e... Read More
Love at First Sniff
February 22, 2020
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
While jarring the contents of my latest SmokingPipes mail call I opened the tin of Connoisseur's Choice and fell in love. The aroma of the tobacco on my plate was like a tropical dream filled with fruit, rum, and vanilla. This is NOT a sweet & go... Read More
Good all round
January 02, 2020
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Don't get me wrong, it's a very well balanced aromatic. Just got bored of it after a bowl or two.
January 08, 2019
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
The tropical fruits and rum are complimented by the black Cavendish and overall full flavor of the tobacco while still being nice and mild. The room notes are lovely and I will definitely be keeping a tin of this around all year
Quality Aromatic
January 01, 2019
By: ST
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
This tobacco delivered exactly as the description stated. I didn’t think I would like the fruitiness but it does not overwhelm the tobacco flavours. The tin note does fade quickly after opening but it’s still good.
Headed for the Cellar
December 06, 2018
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
One of my faves . This tin is headed to the cellar for some much needed rest. He will come alive when he wakes up!
Dangerously smooth
June 16, 2018
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Excellent tin notes of vanilla and rum. I also detect some maple. Not chemically smelling which is nice. Mellow bodied smoke. Lots of flavour similar to the tin notes. A bit sweet but quality tobacco used of course. A good aromatic
Peterson Choice
May 19, 2018
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 16oz
Connoisseur's choice is the best choice for Peterson.
Currently my favorite aro
May 13, 2018
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
This blend has an almost intoxicating taste to it, very mellow fruit notes perfectly paired with a complex vanilla and rum flavor. It is not too topping heavy, as the virginia comes through and is not smothered. And I am not an aro guy; a good englis... Read More
Good Aromatic
May 11, 2018
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Doesn't burn too hot or too fast. Good aroma. Mild but Constant taste to the end. Low on nicotine : (
April 23, 2018
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
It smelled amazing when I opened the tin, and tasted amazing. I'm making sure I buy more now.
Not for me
January 25, 2018
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
This blend convinced me that I am not an aromatic fan. Whilst the tin note was wonderful, I got nothing but a bland smoke from this blend. It didn't bite me, but that was small compensation for a generally disappointing experience.
Mild & Pleasing blend
October 02, 2016
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Normally I am not an aromatic tobacco user. This blend is mild with a nice pleasing taste & the room note is acceptable. This would be a good starter tobacco for the newer pipe smoker. I will likely buy this blend again even though I am a seas... Read More
Prettty good
January 30, 2016
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
I'm new to smoking pipes, I've been smoking it for two or three months now and since I live in Quebec, getting my hand on quality tobacco isn't all that easy. I ordered this tin based on reviews and I am not sorry I did. Very nice smell, not tongue b... Read More
A pleasure to smoke
June 18, 2015
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Wonderfully mild and smooth and quite enjoyable to smoke. Burns well and smells awesome. Love it.
Enjoyable enough
December 15, 2014
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
This blend is enjoyable but nothing spectacular. The description lists tropical fruit, maple, vanilla, and rum as flavors, and I was hoping that the maple and rum would be the most prominent. Unfortunately, the sharp, sweet tropical fruit notes overp... Read More
In The Beginning...
November 08, 2014
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
...I only purchased aromatics. Smoking this one made me tire of aromatics very quickly. Yes, it smells incredible and both the War Department and the neighbours appreciate it. However, to the smoker, it just plane tastes like plastic, and I don't ... Read More
An Excellent Aromatic!
April 26, 2014
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Wow! This is my new favourite after smoking Lane 1Q. Needs a little drying. Burns very good, great room note.
September 18, 2013
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
I've only been smoking a pipe for about 9 months, so take my comments in that light. As I've fumbled my way through various tins looking for a fit, I've met with some success and some not so. With that said, this tin could well be the best I've encou... Read More
A Pleasant Aromatic
June 22, 2013
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
This was one of my first tobacco purchases when I picked up my pipe again last year. It was an easy blend to like and it helped me start my journey to the wonderful and flavorful world of non-aromatics.
Candy For Your Pipe
April 03, 2013
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
When opening the tin I was hit with a sweet, fruity rummy smell. I just wanted to eat it! It was a little damp first smoke so I dried it for a bit and had 3 more bowl over the course of 4 hours. When I smoked the first bowl it was like taking a bi... Read More
Great stuff.
October 21, 2012
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
For an aromatic, this stuff has some real complexity. With the combination of quality tobaccos,and interesting flavor this baccy doesn't disappoint. The flake is what really convinced me to give it a try, and im glad I did. Its my go-to for a baccy t... Read More
September 29, 2012
Product: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice 50g
This blend has a wonderful medley of flavors. It is slightly too sweet and fruity for me through the first third of the bowl. After that it is an enjoyable smoke.
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