Matthew S.
About Me:
UK based pipe smoker

Tabac De La Semois - Reserve du Patron 3.5oz
Dangerous, but fun
Dry as a bone, but don't despair. Pack it very tightly and sip gently. It is lovely, but strong stuff. I get all Maigret whilst smoking it, but I do have to take care. The pipe I have dedicated to this blend is very small and that's more than enough. Smoke it sitting down as it does pack a bit of a punch.

Mac Baren - HH Old Dark Fired 1.75oz
Full, deep and earthy. Behaves really well in the bowl. Really good with a strong coffee. Kind of scratches the same itch as J.F Germain's RDF.

Cornell & Diehl - Virginia Gentleman 2oz
Good every day smoke
This is the blend I grab when I'm working in the garden/painting the fence etc. It is a pleasant flavourful blend that you don't have to think too hard about.

Germain - Eighteen Twenty 50g
The new Flake version
Wonderful stuff. I like many English blends and this is right up at the top. The flakes come smashed to pieces, but after a little drying time, you will be treated to a very pleasant smoke. Needed a few relights, but I highly recommend you try this satisfying and complex blend.

Germain - Brown Flake 50g
Really good
A truly fabulous tobacco, another winner from Germain's. Really interesting hay-like, almost citrus flavour and then some deeper, darker fruitiness interspersed throughout the smoke. Cool smoking, no bite and gentle on the nicotine.

Germain - Plum Cake 50g
Not for me.
Not for me, this one. I did dry it a little from the pouch and it lit and stayed lit well. However, from the first taste, all through the bowl it was sour and really unpleasant. It was so unpleasant that I can't bring myself to try it again. I could taste the wine flavour that some reviewers speak of, but it was more like wine vinegar. I am sure others will have a better experience, but for me, I'm not going to try again.

Bengal Slices - Bengal Slices 1.75oz
I had high hopes for this blend, but I was left a little disappointed. The tin aroma promises so much more than the actual tobacco delivers. Having said that, it was a decent blend and I did enjoy it, I was just hoping for more.

St. Bruno - Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
A real nostalgia smoke for me. When as a foolish teenager I nicked my dad's pipe and loaded it up with what I found in the drawer, this was the tobacco I got (Although an earlier (Ogden's?) version). Throughout my pipe smoking time, regardless of what other smart blends I have had in my rotation, this one has always been there. It's all been said by other reviewers about the flavour profile of this blend. For me it's a decent tobacco that comes with happy memories of a time long gone and of people no longer with us.

Samuel Gawith - Navy Flake 50g
In a word, splendid. A real nirvana smoke every time. So smooth and satisfying with all the flavours complimenting each other throughout the duration of the bowl. The flakes need a little drying time before packing, but it behaves well and if you concentrate on the smoke, it needs very few relights. I highly recommend this.

G. L. Pease - Temple Bar 2oz
My wife approves.
I normally smoke English/Balkan blends and my wife is far from keen on the room note. However, the first time I lit this up she commented on how sweet it smelt and what a pleasant change it was from my usual blends. It is sweet and smoked slowly and well rubbed out the flavours of the orientals and perique come through nicely too. This may draw me away from my rather English heavy pipe smoking tastes.

Dunhill - Early Morning Pipe 50g
Just ok.
There are better English blends out there for a morning smoke, GL Pease Chelsea Morning being one of them. I found this bland in flavour and occasionally a little harsh. It's ok though, not terrible.

G. L. Pease - Westminster 2oz
A work in progress
Update 10/06/2018: After just over a year in the jar this blend has definitely smoothed out. I enjoyed it, but it will be an occasional smoke for me, not a regular blend. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good, but not my favourite GL Pease blend. I found it a little harsh when fresh from the tin. I have put this away for nearly a year now. I will revisit this blend soon and update this review if the age has made a difference.

Solani - Aged Burley Flake - 656 50g
I didn't get it.
I read all the positive reviews about this blend and thought I must try it. I just didn't get it. I found this very uninspiring. So I've put it away and will come back to it another time. If my opinion changes, I'll update this review.

G. L. Pease - Chelsea Morning 2oz
Better than Dunhill EMP
I tried Dunhill Early Morning Pipe and was left uninspired by it. I tried Chelsea Morning to try and fill that 'first smoke of the day' gap and this hits the mark. Having said that, this blend would suit as an all day blend. Lots going on in the blend. Very enjoyable.

G. L. Pease - Quiet Nights 2oz
Good after dinner smoke
Rich, flavourful and with just enough perique for spice. Not an everyday smoke for me, but I reach for this after a good meal and smoke it whilst watching the sun go down.

McClelland - Craftsbury: Frog Morton on the Town 50g
My first English experience.
This was my first foray into English blends and to this day it is still in my regular rotation. My tastes have moved on to more robust English/Balkan blends, but if I want a sweeter smoke that doesn't send people around me running for cover, this is the blend I reach for.

Peterson - Connoisseur's Choice 50g
Not for me
This blend convinced me that I am not an aromatic fan. Whilst the tin note was wonderful, I got nothing but a bland smoke from this blend. It didn't bite me, but that was small compensation for a generally disappointing experience.

Kramer's - Blend for Cary Grant 50g
Subtle blend
I must admit, I was expecting more from this blend. From the start, I was surprised by the tin note. The Latakia was very faint and the predominant scent I got was a subtle chocolate and raisin. Smoking mechanics were great; perfect moisture, stayed lit easily and smoked down to a fine ash. However, I was disappointed overall. Having said that, I am a lover of Father Dempsey and GL Pease's Gaslight and Quiet Nights, so maybe I expected too much. However, in my opinion, if you want an interesting English/Aromatic, you'd be better off trying Frog Morton On The Town.

Kramer's - Father Dempsey 50g
Excellent every-day smoke
A strong contender for my go-to every-day smoke. Described as 'Full Bodied', but I find this a mild, flavourful blend that smokes smooth and cool. All flavours blend together well and occasionally you get a pleasant blast of Latakia. Try it, you won't be disappointed.

G. L. Pease - Gaslight 2oz
Sublime smoke
A beautiful, creamy smoke. Very full, rich flavour that took me to a special place. A cool, long smoke with no bite and (for me) not heavy on the nicotine. Smoked it in my straight Falcon with the standard apple bowl. Will definitely be getting more.

G. L. Pease
Temple Bar 2oz

$16.00 $13.60

G. L. Pease
Gaslight 2oz

Currently Out of Stock

G. L. Pease
Quiet Nights 2oz

$16.00 $13.60