Samuel Gawith: Navy Flake 50g Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-059-0014

Samuel Gawith was the son-in-law of Thomas Harrison, a snuff manufacturer who moved his trade and equipment to Kendal, Cumbria, England from Scotland in 1792. Gawith inherited this equipment from Harrison, and the company has been crafting premium tobacco since, with one of Samuel's two sons continuing the brand while the other joined with Henry Hoggarth to establish Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. Though offering separate blends, both brands remain forever linked and still share the same manufacturing facility in England's Lake District, utilizing processes and techniques that date to the brands' 1792 roots. In many of their mixtures, Samuel Gawith maintains the standards enforced by the United Kingdom's strict purity laws of the 19th and 20th centuries — such laws dictating how much and what type of flavorings could be added to pipe tobacco and ensuring that sub-quality leaf wasn't hidden under the veil of exorbitant toppings.

Samuel Gawith's Navy Flake is a traditional navy mixture, blending Virginias with a small amount of Latakia — flavored with a dash of rum.

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  • Components: Virginia, Latakia
  • Family: English
  • Cut: Flake
Customer Reviews (33 Total)
Overall Rating:
4.17 out of 5 stars
Fvf plus rum and lat
November 09, 2017
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
Sam gawiths navy flake is not what I expected, but that isn't a bad thing here. I assumed there would be a stronger Latakia presence but instead there is just enough to lend some flavor and complexity. The first half of the bowl brought more up fro... Read More
December 17, 2020
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 250g
March 22, 2021
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
March 17, 2021
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
劲道3.0 饱满度3.5 室韵3. 以朗姆酒作为调味的斗草。这款草的调性和马坝家的拉塔基亚切片有点像,都是以V草作为主线。点燃以后坚果味奶味加淡淡的V草甜味,舌尖和鼻腔感受到了酒韵以及类似于喝酒的刺激感,拉草味道很弱;中段以后劲道加强甜度有所上升,主线味道变成了烤面包的感觉,酒韵仍在;最后小半斗,酒韵突然消失,L草味道成为主角,但皮革味仍然很淡,V草甜度减弱,没有特别明显的主线味道。总结这款草很适合作为和淡酒品一起搭配享用,劲道适中,前大半斗的酒韵调配很显功力。斗温偏高似乎是最大的缺点。 欢迎去... Read More
A Navy on another level
February 21, 2021
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
Definitely breaks up the classic navy with latakia smokiness. The rum has a molasses flavor to me that gives a sweet kiss in between the spice that keeps dancing in you mouth the more you smoke it. Creates awesome smoke that is mesmerizing. This c... Read More
Navel flake SG
June 25, 2017
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 250g
This is my first time ever and I'm convinced it's top of the line backy nice cool and satisfied smoke upon opening tin I was greeted with long wide lushest flakes excellent taste and easily rubbed out now I'm not into all the fancy crap but this is a... Read More
December 17, 2020
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 250g
Five Stars
January 29, 2019
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
One of my favorite smokes. Smooth, mellow and burns slow.
Five Stars....But Will They Stick?
August 14, 2018
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 250g
My I Pad has a way of dropping stars,so I give this five in word.This is better than Bothy Flake,in my opinion.Someone wishing to enter the ranks of Samuel Gawith may well try this,as it is a smooth,yet full flavor mixture.Just a hint of Lat.In my op... Read More
Sweet smoke
July 12, 2013
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
This is one of my favorite flakes, and the coolest, sweetest of them all. I really like the fact that it is a navy flake with some latakia, which only adds to the sweetness without making it any heavy or tasting like a English blend. I love English b... Read More
A Fine Tobacco
July 16, 2021
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
This is the first Navy flake that I have tried with Latakia. If you have ever smoked Full Virginia Flake, you can pick up the same Virginia flavor in this blend, the Latakia doesn't overpower the VA (IMO). A well balanced blend, it became an instant ... Read More
Solid Navy Flake
April 04, 2021
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
Top 10 purchased tobacco but under 4 rating? Lesson here, it sells because it’s good. Not really complex nor is the Lat upfront. The blend is pretty straight forward, Latakia and Virginia with a splash of rum but it tastes rich, full and is completel... Read More
아주 좋습니다
May 11, 2016
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 250g
적당한 라타키아 맛과 구수한 버지니아의 맛이 아주 조화롭습니다 아직 맛을 보지 않았다면 한번 맛을 보시기를 바랍니다
August 30, 2023
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
America started this whole tobacco thing, but those Brits win the contest, hands down. This is by far the greatest navy flake currently in existence. Both sister companies Sam Gawith and Gawith Hoggarth always use the very highest quality leaf as not... Read More
Too much anchor,
August 16, 2023
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
If this is a Navy Flake, then I’m Sir Francis Dashwood. I smoked this right from the tin. By the way, tobacco does not age in a vacuum sealed tin. The sloppy dark flakes were damp and needed a few hours to dry. Alright, the tobacco needed direct su... Read More
November 19, 2022
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
Tin notes of tart plums, vinegar and sweet grass. The flakes are dark brown and dense, rubbing out takes some effort. Tobacco is a little sticky and may need some drying. Burns slow and with an average amount of relights. The strength is medium and n... Read More
Sam Gawith VA with Rum
April 28, 2021
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
The earthy, fermented and bready sweetness of the Virginia is complimented by the slightest amount of Latakia, which lends complexity to the richness of a fermented Virginia. The rum is assertive and boozy at first - not aromatic, and supports the ... Read More
Pirate Treasure!
April 08, 2021
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
The best navy flake out there, dark, bitter sweet, deep in flavour.
Sweet - Something A Little Different
September 08, 2019
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
Sweet smoke with nice virginia forward flavor. The rum is an nice element that took me a couple of bowls to appreciate. If you don't like it at first, give it another try. It's very smooth, produces a lot of smoke and doesn't cause bite of any kind... Read More
April 03, 2015
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
this tobacco has absolutely no taste to me I don't get all these high reviews
Not like it was.
July 10, 2024
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
I'm somewhat loath to ding old Sam but this blend is far younger than tins from the early 2000's. Not as dark in the tin and the topping is too motor oil like and not so rummy as I remembered. I realize tobacco sources do change or perhaps it is shi... Read More
What a great tobacco especially when cellared
February 02, 2024
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
I love this blend. Right out of the can is good but I cellared for a few years. It’s great! The smokiness of the Latakia combined with the sweet Virginia rocks!
What a great tobacco especially when cellared
February 02, 2024
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
I love this blend. Right out of the can is good but I cellared for a few years. It’s great! The smokiness of the Latakia combined with the sweet Virginia rocks!
A complex Navy Flake
June 10, 2021
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
Rich in flavor! This navy flake is unique in that it adds Latakia. At first was skeptical but after trying it with just over 2 years of age, the Latakia isn’t over powering and adds a nice contrast to the otherwise sweetness and rum flavors associate... Read More
April 27, 2021
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
In a word, splendid. A real nirvana smoke every time. So smooth and satisfying with all the flavours complimenting each other throughout the duration of the bowl. The flakes need a little drying time before packing, but it behaves well and if you con... Read More
Salty Sea Smoke
April 04, 2021
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
First Impressions: flavor is marked at 4/5 but I find it exstreemly light in body. Grassy, lemony virgin with a very light application of Latakia. The Latakia adds a consistent saltiness and occasional wee bit of floral essens but is in small enough ... Read More
a complex navy flake that you need to try
February 21, 2021
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
I like Navy flakes, but sometimes i find them too sweet, and wish there was something to break up the single flavor note. Here it is. This has a subtle latakia smokiness, followed by a kiss of sweet, molasses flavor hints which dart in and out of t... Read More
a complex navy flake that you need to try
February 21, 2021
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
I like Navy flakes, but sometimes i find them too sweet, and wish there was something to break up the single flavor note. Here it is. This has a subtle latakia smokiness, followed by a kiss of sweet, molasses flavor hints which dart in and out of t... Read More
Mellow and smooth
May 04, 2018
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 250g
My favorite flake thus far. Mellow, smooth, and slow burning. I usually smoke this when reading and want a long smoking session
SG Navy Flake
March 24, 2018
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 250g
Great VA/Lat flake. Best rubbed out, slow burning and cool. Rum adds a slight sweet note.
February 20, 2017
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
I'm not a latakia fan so I thought based on the rum flavoring I may enjoy this. After going through the 1st of 2 tins I ordered I'm suprised to say that while I found the latakia tolerable, it was the only flavor I got from this. It was barely there ... Read More
My First Samuel Gawith Tobacco
March 13, 2014
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
One of my favourite flakes when smoked in a pipe that has a hefty latakia flavour embedded in the briar. However, in a fresh pipe, I find it to be a tad acrid as many virginia blends seem to me. More latakia would be nice, but still a lovely smoking ... Read More
Sweet, smooth smoke
January 08, 2014
Product: Samuel Gawith Navy Flake 50g
This is a great tobacco. Virginias are always on the front while latakia gives a round and smoky flavor to it. It needs to dry properly, otherwise, you`ll get frustrated!!! Once aired, the smoke is very pleasant and smooth. Sweet virginias and a sub... Read More
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