Comoy's: Cask No.4 Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 005-595-0004

Comoy's Cask No.4 is a traditional navy flake comprised of mature Virginias and spicy Perique that have been pressed, cut into flakes, and are ready to be rubbed out or folded and stuffed for a slow smoke.

Room Note:
Customer Reviews (44 Total)
Overall Rating:
4.30 out of 5 stars
As Good As It Gets?
November 23, 2015
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
When a certain level of tobacco quality, human musical ability, etc. or any subjectively-judged characteristic is reached, the words "better" and "best" lose meaning, and all one can really say is "different". Until I'd ... Read More
October 20, 2016
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Very fresh and young, love the colour and the unlit aroma, just a mild of hay like topping, very tame at this point, certainly needs time to age, the first quarter of the bowl is quite gentle, as it develops deeper in the later stage, the spice comes... Read More
My eternal beloved
August 29, 2018
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
It's a pity that this flake is so often out of stock, here and elsewhere. I really love it, and I snap up what I can when it comes back into stock. If you like the "citrus-y" and "hay" types of Virginia flavors, Comoy's Cask #4 i... Read More
July 12, 2019
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
페릭와 버지니아와의 조합이지만 먹다보면 왠지 럭셔리네비플레이크와 헷갈린다 좀더 깊이 들어가보면 럭셔리 네비의 단맛이 좀더 강하다 살짝단맛이 모자란 건조한 단맛을 엿보인다 이맛또한 절대 나쁘지않다 사실 너무 달아도 금새질린다 럭셔리내비플레이크보다는 살짝건조하다 그렇기에 단맛이 조금 빠지지않나 생각든다 하지만 질리지않고 슴슴하게 데일리연초로도 아주 적합하다 불도 아주 잘붙어서 초보역시 즐기기에는 최적이다 강한인상을 주는 연초보다는 이런연초들이 ... Read More
Very nice
January 18, 2018
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 3.5oz
Not overly heavy on the perique. There is nicest citrus note from The Virginian . Tin note is like old hay .
Age to Perfection.
August 13, 2024
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
I purchased a half pound of this tobacco, about two years ago. I put the blend in a mason jar, and put it in the tool box of my truck. That jar has been thru some severe summer heat and some fairly cold winters. I opened that jar today and enjoyed a... Read More
December 07, 2023
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
I'm hoping someone has a suggestion for a stg group replacement
November 24, 2022
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 3.5oz
The intoxicating navy flake
October 19, 2021
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Lighting this pipe is like smelling and eating delicious fruit in an orchard,citrus and raisins,Maybe the comoy's 4 is better than the Peter Stokkebye PS400 Navy Flake, I'm not sure, but OBVIOUSLY I like both vp mixture.
A Savory Navy
February 12, 2021
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 3.5oz
I like Navy flake a lot. Though i don't like too much sweetness. This did it for me, as a more savory. I mean that in the sense that it isn't too sweet, mild hay and nice smoke plumes makes this a good candidate for a Navy flake tobacco
Near Perfect
January 18, 2021
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Almost a perfect smoke. The tin note is hay and grass, moisture level is a little high but does not affect burn. This rubs out and packs out very nicely due to the moisture level, I found it just right for air pocket or fold and stuff packing. the bu... Read More
June 14, 2020
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
October 03, 2017
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Aroma out of bag is enough , but is best to wait untill sufficient drying , then it's Katy hold the door. This as smooth as it gets, balance is a good word to describe Sweet lemon grass, citrus with a touch of spice, I could use just a touch more spi... Read More
"RATED"90" WHY?!!!!!!
July 11, 2015
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
I was getting ready to place my tobacco order and thought, Stokebye flake or Comoys. So I loaded two identical "95" Stanwell flake pipes with both tobaccos, to find out exactly which one I liked the most, puffing from both pipes between mo... Read More
柑橘 麦香 清甜
December 09, 2023
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Has not been available in 4 years
September 24, 2023
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
I loved this blend but apparently Comoy's no longer distributes to the US market. Erik Stokkebye Evening Flake is a decent substitute.
August 01, 2022
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Bulk pricing of a premium Va/Per. A diamond in the rough.
September 28, 2021
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Smooth and flavorful right down to the bottom of the bowl. Very nice!
January 19, 2021
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Enjoyed this flake very much, folded and popped right in. Good grassy/leafy flavor, and a dry, peppery taste left behind. Burned beautifully and one flake lasted a good long time.
November 21, 2020
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Very nice blend. Nice old hay notes. Smokes well. Not too heavy with the perique.
Honey Lemon Sweet
October 12, 2020
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
One of the nicest navy flakes I ever smoked. Sweet, citrusy, no bite, cool.
Fantastic daily smoke!
October 03, 2020
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Smooth, warm snd spicy. This is my new go-to daily, very mild nicotine content along with a very flavorful but mild flavor.
Perique master
August 03, 2020
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
The perique is the star of the show here. I get an excellent amount of tongue dance without the bite. And the fact that its in flake form is perfect for me. I love the smell as I rub this blend out and prepare a bowl.
pleasantly surprised
July 19, 2020
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 3.5oz
Immediately, I note that I am a fan of Virginia family tobacco blends. Cask number 4 pleasantly surprised. A pleasant pinwheel of Perique feels, but does not interfere with enjoying this mixture. By the way, smoking this mixture in a meerschaum pipe,... Read More
Comoys Quality
June 02, 2020
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
I love this flake and with a little age on it. Fresh, it's good too, with the lemon Virginia. It burns well, but needs a few relights which is expected, especially from tins when first opened, but the bulk is the same as far as I can tell. I've seen ... Read More
Current Favorite
December 23, 2019
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Comoy’s Cask No.4 is my go to tobacco. I consider it to be the best bulk blend available. It’s much more flavorful and rich than Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake. In fact, I’d go so far to say it’s closer to Escudo. If you enjoy flake or coin Virginia Per... Read More
November 29, 2019
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
This is a quality tobacco that I cellar deep, because it's pretty much a staple blend for me. I usually just roughly break up a couple of flakes, without actually rubbing them out and then loosely pack my pipe. It usually takes a few re-lights and ta... Read More
Like a Breeze
July 21, 2019
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 3.5oz
Smoked slowly in a deep pipe, this mild Perique blend is a perfect all day pleasure. Needs few relights or fuss, turns slightly sour as it nears the bottom of the bowl (in a pleasant way) and is ready to enjoy straight out of tin. Makes me wonder ho... Read More
Periique Comes Through
July 15, 2019
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
I enjoy Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Twist Flake as well as His Navy Flake. Comoys Cask 4 has a deeper flavor profile than the Navy Flake. The peppery Perique comes through---not in an overwhelming fashion but as a gentle reminder that it is there. Com... Read More
Grass and Citrus
May 24, 2019
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 3.5oz
A superb Va/per. Good grassy sweetness with a hint of perique. A quality leaf, rivals Orlik GS, doesn’t bite. A personal go-to alongside Solani and the Orlik man. You won’t be disappointed.
Love the flake
March 12, 2019
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 3.5oz
I have enjoyed smoking the Virginia Flake. Packing the bowl with this unique style tobacco products a fresh & enjoyable experience. Slow burning & mild beginning, then the flavor just gets better! When the bowl is gone, nothing but ash. Wow, doesn't ... Read More
Inoffensive. Unexciting.
May 19, 2018
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 3.5oz
Thinly-sliced, mostly-whole moist flake. Tin note is soft grass hay with barely a whiff of fruit when first opened. Delicate flake crumbles a bit when rubbing out. Pleasant natural Virginia flavor with very light Perique. Deposits more tar than is ty... Read More
Year later!
August 22, 2017
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
A year in the jar has done the job.Good investment!
Convoys #4
May 28, 2017
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 3.5oz
This is the first time trying vomits blend I bought this one by chance and it is an amazing tobacco excellent taste room note excellent I smoke it all day it's really a nice smoke smooth taste well packed broken flakes just rite I went with other rev... Read More
March 23, 2017
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
No es gran cosa en terminos de sabor, sin embargo, en terminos de mecanica es genial. Dobla facil, prende facil, y se mantiene prendido sin problemas aunque llega sobrecalentar la pipa. Sabe ligeramente a pan.
Shits all over Stokkobye
November 18, 2016
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
I wasn't sure what to expect from this when I ordered. What i was met with is a lovely 'navy style' flake that that has some hints of fruit and just enough spice from the perique. Everything is just right. It packs and burns well, has no bite and wou... Read More
Very nice VaPer!
September 15, 2016
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
I'm really enjoying this blend. It's just what virginia/perique should be. Loving it in my Corn Cob Pipe :)
I'll be back for more
June 11, 2016
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
I hadn't smoked much this category or type for a lot of years, now. Mainly, I tend to stick to latakia blends and burleys. But, lately I've kind of been gravitating back to these kind of flakes. Capstan, Orlik, and things like that. This, now, I thou... Read More
good flake
March 11, 2016
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Perique, Virginia. good...
pretty good
February 28, 2016
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 3.5oz
this is a run of the mill va. but the price of this said "buy me ,cellar me" so i did. tast is youngish but sloww sipping brings out sweet possibilties
Solid Navy Flake
September 24, 2015
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 3.5oz
I tried the 3.5 oz. tin. Had a good sweet Virginia flavor followed by the smooth Perigue. Do not try to smoke this too fast, as it will bite some. Smoked slowly the flavors are very good. I went ahead and ordered a 1 lb. bag to put away for a year or... Read More
Pleasently Surprised
July 11, 2015
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
I must confess that heretofore I have been a, gasp, OTC smoker! My Grampa smoked Prince Albert and it is still a favorite in my rotation. For any of you first timers wanting to venture into the world of fine Virgina Perique Blends on a budget, you wi... Read More
February 08, 2015
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 3.5oz
This blend has a wonderful aroma while in the tin and while it burns, however, it taste like a dirty, cheap, tobacco. There are much better VaPers on the market which render this one useless. It might suit the taste of one who enjoys a dirtier tastin... Read More
Good tobacco
December 16, 2013
Product: Comoy's Cask No.4 Bulk
Good tobacco how cheap! You have a look his Tin, back to compare! Amazing eye-catching!