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Tabac De La Semois - La Brumeuse 3.5oz
Tobacco Perfection
You are totally missing out on the whole experience of truly smoking a pipe without this. Tabac Manil is a must in your pipe tobacco rotation. Semois is the choice if you had only one tobacco to take on a desert island. Ranks up among the classic must-have tobaccos with few peers that will continue to be enjoyed forever like Presbyterian, etc. Picked this up with a bunch of other tins on a sampling spree when another site was giving another 20% off anything sale. The one you have always been looking for.

Sutliff - Sunrise Smoke 1.5oz
Sutliff has gotten up pretty early on Dunhill
It's an improved version of Dunhill Early Morning Pipe. Smokes better and somehow is more Dunhill Early Morning Pipe then Dunhill Early Morning Pipe actually is.

Sutliff - Golden Age 1.5oz
Treat For The Experienced Smoker
About as close as you can get to the Exploration Era smoking without a time machine. Fantastic raw Golden Age tobacco.

Sutliff - Man's Best Friend 1.5oz
Barking Dog match
Looking for the grand original Barking Dog tobacco? Classic behind the desk of your den smoking pleasure. Dead-on match replacement for Barking Dog.

Sutliff - BRG Mixture 1.5oz
Briggs Mixture replacement
Great replacement match for Briggs Mixture tobacco. A pleasant classic smoking experience.

Sutliff - Taste of Spring 1.5oz
Ordered this on a whim & was amazed at the high-end smoking pleasure. A definite repurchase.

Nat Sherman - Tabac Sherman Blend # 314 2oz
The real deal since 1930
It's amazing how high quality all of the Nat Sherman tobaccos are, including their cigars. Complete high end luxury.

Sutliff - CD Blend 1.5oz
Rx from County Doctor
Excellent replacement for the legendary County Doctor blend.

Rattray's - Bagpiper's Dream 100g
Rattray Can Do No Wrong
I have been getting all the Rattray blends based on great reviews and when I got to this one I thought the reviews we just too good to be believed this is even better then all the great reviews.

Rattray's - Macbeth 100g
Simple, Effective = Great
No flavor except the master blending!

Sutliff - Old San Francisco 1.5oz
Tobacco Days of Old
Fantastic old world flavor and smoking experience.

Rattray's - Professional Mixture 100g
Buy & enjoy
Full taste tobacco aroma reminiscent of pipe smoke you think of when you think about the classic image of a smoking pipe.

Rattray's - Accountant's Mixture 100g
Remarkable & Excellent
Just really great & classic tobacco pipe smoking flavor exceedingly pleasurable.

Sutliff - #600 Mixture 79
Tradition In Your Pipe
A favorite of many for decades for good reason.

Sutliff - 150 Mark Twain
If you don't like this you don't like smoking a pipe.
The people at went out of their way to stock this after my humble customer request for it apparently alerted them to it's existence. Is it worth buying? I would go so far as to put it this strongly: if you don't like this you don't like smoking a pipe. A great testament to one of the greatest artists, people & pipers of all time.

Sutliff - SPS 2012 - Highlander
Wonderful is right
Sit back & let it take you to the Highlands...

Savinelli - Armonia 50g
Fill Up Your Cart
More Savinelli tasty treats for you to enjoy.

Savinelli - Essenza Cipriota 100g
Snap it up
Savinelli keeps the hits coming.

Savinelli - Doblone d'Oro 100g
Savinelli Wins
Another site was giving Savinelli tins away with super sale prices on Savinelli Alligator pipes so I got a bunch of each. I knew the pipes would be great but I was pleasantly surprised on how great each of the Savinelli tobaccos are. I have tried them all now (even the hard to find cavendish mix) & each is a big winner.

E. Hoffman Company - Distinguished Gentleman 2.5oz
Just as described & a real blast from the past I wish this company would bring back more old world recipes that are 'lost'.

Sillem's - Blue 100g
Great flavor & quality

Reiner - Professional 100g
You Need It
Good times for all who order it.

Rattray's - Westminster Abbey 100g
You don't need food with this

Rattray's - Sweet Fragrant 100g
A great treat
Enjoy daily

Vauen - Black Pepper 50g
Highly recommended quality tobacco should be a new must in your rotation.

Nat Sherman - Tabac Sherman Blend #509 2oz
Classic pipe smoke & taste
Pipers of yesteryear would approve

Nat Sherman - Tabac Sherman Blend #536 2oz
A fine way to spend the day.

Sutliff - French Quarter 1.5oz
Better Than Fine French Dining
Top notch. It is absolutely different. Hats off to Sutliff.

Mac Baren - Halberg Red 100g
Yet another winner of top quality from the legendary producer Big Mac.

Larsen - 1864 Perfect Mixture 100g
What's In A Name?
Lives up to its name.

Larsen - Signature Vintage Mixture 100g
Complex and off the beaten path. For connoisseurs.

Sutliff - Country Estate 1.5oz
Fine Quality
If you owned a country estate you would parade the grounds with this.

Sutliff - Blue Danube 1.5oz
A fine sailing smoke
Like a new taste from somewhere new.

Sutliff - Berkshire 1.5oz
English pleasantry
English history is best read with this in hand. Puff your cares away.

Sutliff - Great Outdoors 1.5oz
Taste Wilderness
Clean crisp fine smoke.

Cornell & Diehl - Crooner
Croon A Piping Tune
Fantastic old world smoking pleasure all the way. Pair when listening to Bing's fine old chestnuts & watching Bing's classic films.

Edward G. Robinson - Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend 1.5oz
As Fine As The Man Himself
Classic in every way from start to finish. One to repeat often paired with the late great Edward G. Robinson's fine films .

Cornell & Diehl - Chopped Cigar Leaf
Good To Have On Stock
Great mixer with sweet blends for a new sensation.

Sutliff - B21 Black Spice
Sweet N Hot
Nice & spicy for a treat in your rotation.

Presbyterian - Presbyterian 50g
Makes you strong & healthy

Cornell & Diehl - Haunted Bookshop
Now It's Morley's Turn To Haunt You
Worthy of the great piper Morley and his own dedication to the gentle art of piping.

Cornell & Diehl - Izmir Turkish
Turkish for Thanksgiving
Great Turkish!

Sutliff - Kasimir 1.5oz
Smoke of Kings
Excellent dip into both worlds. Seems like one to cellar for different notes.

Sutliff - Balkan II
Trip to the Balkans
Hands down best Balkan blend out there.

Sutliff - 705 - Kentucky Blizzard
Weird and different in a good way - tried on a whim thinking I would hate it and its a great treat that is totally new and unique not like any other tobacco.

Sutliff - 526 - Old Professor
Totally lives up to the description and name exactly - a new favorite worth keeping in stock.

Mac Baren - Modern Virginia Loose Cut 100g
Was very pleasantly surprised on the super high quality of this blend. A nice different taste note into your rotation.

Sutliff - Taste of Autumn 1.5oz
Fall Into It
A real treat. More quality Sutliff stuff that should get more attention.

Sutliff - Maple Street 1.5oz
Yet another great Sutliff blend that is totally underrated and deserving a place in your cellar.

Rattray's - Winter Edition 2014 100g
Tinned Finery
Perhaps the softest, finest high end blended tobacco mix I have smoked in 30 plus years of piping.

Larsen - Larsen Limited Edition 150 Year 100g
150 Years of Perfection
Top shelf high quality. Stock up in your cellar before its gone fore good.

Davidoff - Scottish Mixture 50g
Better Than Haggis
Why get something 2nd best? Fine quality goes without saying. Also better than tartans, kilts, highland dancing, bagpipes and many other Scottish things.

Davidoff - Danish Mixture 50g
Great Danes
Fantastic - what are you waiting for? Stuff it in your Danish freehand & blow the cares away.

Kopp - Winter Edition 2014 100g
Year 'Round Pipe Stuffer
Tasteful Christmas treat for year 'round smoking pleasure. Fine notes come from this fine blend of tobaccos for one of the best Christmas blends out there.

Kopp - Limited Edition 2015 100g
Like A Summer Day
Very different blend for a great change of pace top shelf tobaccos blended perfectly for a new flavor like the tin art itself.

Sillem's - Linea Epoque Antique 3.5oz
Fine & classic
Amazing blend that captures the vintage aromatic tins of days gone by. Buy without hesitation.

Sutliff - Ready Rubbed Match
A Great Match
Excellent job at the match & a perfect smoke - recommended. Placed it in my old vintage tin of the real Edgeworth from days of old to complete the match.

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