G. L. Pease Zeitgeist Collection Tinned Pipe Tobaccos

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+About G. L. Pease
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  • Orientals
  • Virginia
  • Dark Fired Kentucky
  • Perique
  • Latakia
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  • Orientals
  • Virginia
  • Dark Fired Kentucky
  • Perique
  • Latakia
Family +
  • English
  • Virginia
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  • Very Mild
  • Mild
  • Medium
  • Strong
  • Very Strong
Room Note +
  • Very Pleasant
  • Pleasant
  • Very Tolerable
  • Tolerable
  • Intense
Taste +
  • Very Mild
  • Mild
  • Medium
  • Strong
  • Very Strong

Founded in the early 2000s by Greg Pease, G.L. Pease Tobaccos puts the discerning smoker at the forefront, focusing on bringing out the intricacies and natural flavor of the tobacco itself. Each blend is created in small batches, ensuring the quality of each mixture over sheer quantity, as well as affording the opportunity to adapt each blend to match the highest quality of leaf available. A true boutique blender, the variety and richness of each blend have propelled Pease Tobaccos to the front of tobacco cellars around the globe.

For more on G.L. Pease Tobaccos, check out the blog.

G. L. Pease
Bankside 2oz

$16.00 $13.60

G. L. Pease
Géométrie 2oz

$16.00 $13.60

G. L. Pease
Horizons Flake 2oz

$16.00 $13.60