Newminster: No.403 Superior Round Slices Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 005-528-0022

For Newminster's Superior Round Slices, whole Virginia leaves used as the wrapper and filler are combined with a center of dark-fired Kentucky and are then rolled into ropes and cut into coins. The coins are slightly aromatic and medium to full in strength.
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  • Components: Virginia, Dark Fired Kentucky
  • Family: Virginia
  • Cut: Coins
Customer Reviews (86 Total)
Overall Rating:
3.68 out of 5 stars
January 29, 2024
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
纽敏斯特 403 V K 绳切 生草:青草,淡淡的烟熏,V草发酵的味道。 烟熏 泥土 发酵的水果 腐烂。木质味 黑暗,青草。坚果,新鲜水果,焦糖 烤面包,朽木的味道。 口腔里面是,类似柠檬的酸味,有甜味。人工调的,类似于蜜糖。 烟气:会有些许酸气,但很浓郁,基本没有什么杂味儿。过鼻刺激会有余韵,斗温极高。半斗之后开始出现劲道。需要花精力去控制的一款草,以肯塔基的风味为主线。
My favorite.. like nothing else..
September 12, 2018
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I keep around 10 blends in my rotation but this is my favorite. Some people liken it to the current (orange) version of Three Nuns but I beg to differ. Both Three Nuns and 403 share similar ingredients but they taste different. The dark fired Kentuck... Read More
Great flavors that move around a little
June 25, 2018
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
[Tin/bag - Not much of any smell. Maybe faint bown sugar along with some faint old shoe. Neat, smaller coins with easy preparation for stacking them in, rolling them and stuff, or rub out too. Perfect moisture, ready to smoke.] Carries high heat... Read More
It is nice!
July 10, 2015
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
This tobacco smoked smoothly to the end. It is medium strength with a subtle grassy aroma. Overall a nice quality tobacco.
June 16, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
December 03, 2020
By: LU
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
December 19, 2014
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Tongue like severe burns suffered the same,High temperature,Winter can save electricity。In addition to low-cost, I can not find his second advantage。
3 Nuns
March 18, 2016
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
If you like three nuns then this is for you
May 29, 2022
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Good Combo
January 04, 2020
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I love Dark Fired. I love Virginia. The combo is a no-brainer.
Edited review
March 16, 2017
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
When I first tried this, I enjoyed it a lot. A bit sharp around the edges, fresh, for my taste buds the DF over-took the VA, but I enjoyed it enough to order 1lb and jar for aging. My what a difference time can make with some blends. In the genre of ... Read More
December 22, 2022
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Best value in pipe tobacco today!!!
September 04, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
These little coins turn into veritable gold with a few months in the cellar. These are certainly comparable to other Mac Baren spun cut VA/KY blends. If you like that combo of leaf, order a pound today. Jar it up. Then forget about it for at least th... Read More
The damn bite!
February 10, 2020
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I would LOVE this so much more if it wasn’t for the tongue bite it gives me. I’m trying to age some to see if that mellows out the bite. I love the DFK, the smokiness it brings to the blend. I have mixed it with other slices just so I can smoke it.... Read More
Sweetly smoky
September 14, 2016
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Cold smoked smell of dried plums, with gently sweet touches, little aromatic. When burned, it draws attention to the large amount of smoke, quite smoky and sweet flavor. The Virginias enhance the DFK making it a snuff all too hard and that does not g... Read More
August 19, 2024
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
No nun,
August 23, 2023
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
If you enjoy Three Nuns, you will not enjoy this so much. Three Nuns is mellow hay like Virginia with just a tinge of dark fired. This blend is run of the mill Virginia with quite a bit of dark fired. The blend is sharp and has a rough aroma. Every t... Read More
Extremely different
February 08, 2022
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Surprisingly this is a very sweet tasting smoke with just a bit of that dfk mesquite I can't wait to see what a little age does to it
It does get bitey
June 22, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Interesting flavour, the grassy raisin Virginia staple with a dash of dfk. This was my first taste of anything dfk. Really enjoyed the added dimension the dark fired gives! If your unsure about dfk, this is a good blend to try. Like a Smokey va-per/v... Read More
T Reed
May 02, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
The dark Kentucky and Virginia comes together wonderfully I'll be ordering this regularly
لاذع جدا😝
April 08, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
لم اتوقع ان امر بتجربة لدغة الفم كاملا في حياتي فقد مررت بلدغة اللسان كثيرا وكانت مؤلمه حقا لكن هذا الخليط قوي جدا على غشاء الفم وحار من اول نفس ,لقد مضى علي اسبوع دون ان اتذوق شيئ من التبغ لا انصح بتجربته
Thought It Was The One
January 31, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I was briefly infatuated with this tobacco. Our relationship was beautiful and pure. I couldn't understand the reviews that gave it anything less than 5 stars. Then one day, I finally tasted the flaw that others had warned of. She starts out majestic... Read More
Nothing special
August 13, 2020
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Title says it all. Glad I only purchased a 1oz bag. I smoke a lot of dark fired Kentucky and this is very ordinary. In the trash
End taste chemical taste
March 08, 2020
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
It was sweet at first, but it was totally impossible at the back
End taste chemical taste
March 08, 2020
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
It was sweet at first, but it was totally impossible at the back
Peppery and a little rough
February 13, 2020
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I decided to try an ounce of this one. Tin note is very miniscule, you get a light grassy smell from the Virginias. As for flavor, it's very smokey and peppery at first, and can be harsh on the tongue and palette (I don't usually experience tongue bi... Read More
October 21, 2019
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
This one is great.. if you like Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky this one is similar but without as much sugar. Needs a little dry time and smokes best folded/stuffed. Has an almost incense-like quality without being aromatic and burns well down to the b... Read More
Pleasantly surprised and loving it
July 24, 2019
By: ST
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Mild maple and brown sugar BBQ sauce. Even better after a year and make sure to pick out the stem bits. Not a burley guy, but I can do DFK and I am really loving this blend. It’s going down as one of my all time favorites.
A little unusual but pleasant
February 22, 2019
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
First this is not a good blending for a small bowl.first smoke was out of a small bowl that fit 1.5 coins. I only used one coin to keep the balance and it was a little sharp and bitter. Bigger bowl different story. The flavor is pronounced that sweet... Read More
No waiting for this
December 28, 2018
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
You get full flavor as soon as you light the pipe. It's a mellow flavor with an obvious spice element. Being in the mood for that or not bumps this up or down a star accordingly.
May 16, 2018
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
코인컷중 제일 흐물흐물한형태다.그만큼습도가 많이머금은모양이다.아로마적인부분도없지는않다 하지만 아로마의 베이스보단 맛에서오는 베이스가 훨씬더크다.이걸피우다보면Mac Baren: Club Blend가연상된다.마치다른시대에 태어난쌍둥이처럼!만약둘중하나라도없어지면 안타깝지는않을듯하다.
March 08, 2017
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I REALLY wanted to like this. First experience with Dark Fired and Va. Can only describe this as smoking ground up fiberglass, truck tires and dog rockets soaked in fine plum brandy. In my opinion.. this would make a fantastic gorilla repellent, if... Read More
very good.
February 18, 2016
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
this is good. next order list.
Smoke for the Addict
November 19, 2015
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I smoke to savor the taste of the tobacco and not so much for the effect of the nicotine, and this one's nicotine-to-taste ratio is just too high for my enjoyment. I have been a nicotine addict in years past, when all I was looking for in a smoke was... Read More
March 20, 2015
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Have to disagree with last review, when smoking strong tobacco, have respect, sip it slowly, savor the flavour. Let's bring that star rating up then ay. This baccy can be folded, rubbed, stuffed and cut. Try cutting It cube style and mix half and ha... Read More
A little bitey
June 24, 2024
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Overall the flavor is very good. Does bite a little but not too bad. Just a slight tingle not unlike the sensation I get when urinating.
June 03, 2024
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
May 25, 2024
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Superb flake
May 13, 2024
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Ok, so my initial bowlful of this flake was a real trial. Couldn’t keep it lit, tongue bite deluxe and a stuff and fold in a Oom Paul non filter gone sideways. But the tobacco rounds looked wonderful, were not too moist, and smelt delicious; so I dec... Read More
My NEW favorite
December 04, 2023
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
The taste and strength of this is a perfect smoke to calm your mind to enjoy the rest of your day with a flavor that please ant taste palette.
味道一般 频繁点火
November 23, 2023
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
抢不到PS403 看到这款纽敏斯特403抱着试试看买了一大包,抽了几碗 ,感觉味道一般,烟气量也不大需要频繁点火,也许需要陈化一段时间吧,价格有优势也容易买到是优点。
September 23, 2023
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Newminzter No.403
September 20, 2023
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
May 29, 2023
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Hard to keep lit but, when it is lit, it's very nice.
May 28, 2023
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
April 19, 2023
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
March 06, 2023
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Fragrant, creamy, rich, smooth, a bit spicy, sweet around the edges. So very good.
December 28, 2022
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
My Gold Standard
October 23, 2022
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
This is the tobacco against which I compare all other tobaccos. Nothing else satisfies me quite like the NewMinster No. 403 superior round slices. This is a perfect tobacco. No Notes!
A great tobacco
September 11, 2022
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I smoke a few bowls of this every week it seems can't wait to let some age if can refrain from over indulging
Superior Round Slices
July 27, 2022
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Aged Four Years
May 29, 2022
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
My pipester pal sent me a jar of aged smoke. We both like Virginia's, Kentucky Dark Fired, and Burleys. The top note is extraordinary. There's plenty going on. Sweet and spicy notes too. Using one of my favorite Castello pipes. Probably will buy a po... Read More
Surprisingly Nice
March 06, 2022
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
This is my first knowing experience with a pure Virginia blend. The first thing I noticed about this Tobak is how little I could smell of it. I had no expectation of flavor notes. What happened is that I left my shop for a brief moment, and upon ret... Read More
December 23, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
很好抽的一款烟丝,不轻 不重 不烈 不燥!!
Stashed away since 2013
December 13, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Still nice, smoked with patience. Nice sweet grassy little pepper and least bit of tangy no bite. Love a tobacco that is naturally all the descriptives I've listed with no artificial flavors
Not 3 nuns
October 08, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Nope. It's not 3 nuns. It's just as good and possibly a tad better. This is another one I'll be buying a pound at a time so I have some to smoke now and some to cellar.
Decent But Stale
September 13, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
While I really enjoyed the rustic look and feel of this tobacco, it came to me pretty stale. I guess the nature of buying samples of bulk tobacco is that it's always a gamble on the freshness. I feel I would have enjoyed this a bit more new from a ti... Read More
Unique for sure
August 08, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Lots of flavor from start to finish. Sweet and woody. I definitely taste the Kentucky in the blend. If you're sensitive to dark fired leaf you may not enjoy this. Like others have said, it can be a little bitey, so go easy on it. I like the neat litt... Read More
July 14, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Burns cool and very dry.
Top notch
January 20, 2021
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I LOVE this tobacco. Either rubbed out or a few coins folded into the pipe is great. I am a fan forever now.
Orlik in bulk
August 18, 2020
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I happen to enjoy Orlik dark fired strong Kentucky. This is every bit as good, maybe better! It’s sold in bulk at a very affordable price. It can be rubbed out, or the coins can be folded over and packed in your bowl. This is sweet, savory, smoky and... Read More
1 lb Orders
July 10, 2020
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Delicious and cheap. Buy it by the pound while you can
Good tobacco
June 27, 2020
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Very interesting and tasty tobacco mixture. I began to have almost daily rotation. Personally, my strength interferes with it.
Solid 4 Stars
June 25, 2020
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I have experienced no issues with mechanics or bite. This tastes like excellent tobacco. And, it satisfies in nicotine, smoke and mouth feel. This is a solid choice in smoking tobacco pleasure.
Nice smoke
July 23, 2019
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
This is my 1st time trying round slices. So far, my 1st bowl is pretty good. I like this blend.
Smokey Golden Graham’s
May 02, 2019
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I gave this a shot even though I found Newminster’s Navy Flake to be quite harsh. I just fold the coins and stuff them into the pipe. The same graham cracker taste found in the Navy Flake is present in these coins but not the harshness. The Virginia’... Read More
Decent smoke
March 15, 2019
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Coins are smaller than anticipated but pack and rub out well. Aroma is sweet Virginia and a bit of Kentucky. Lights well and smokes smooth. A bit light on the flavor for me. Grassy Virginia and Kentucky. More Virginia than Kentucky which surprised me... Read More
Nice Spicey Blend
August 13, 2018
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Just finished a 2oz sample of this and I rather enjoyed it. Very much some light fruity notes from the Virignias and some notes of molasses and brown sugar notes overall. The Dark Fired Ky was noticed very well as a nice spicy flavor. I have finally ... Read More
October 11, 2017
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I don't know if my tongue is just tired from the increased level of smoking over the past coup of days or what, but this tobacco did not seem to have a lot of flavor at first. This did not prove to be a hindrance though as I finished the whole bowl. ... Read More
Interesting but not my cup of tea....
June 27, 2017
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
VA in this one make for a sweet, grassy smoke. The coins dried up pretty quick. Ended up giving the lot to a friend. Won't buy again. Not that it was horrible, it's just not my cup of tea...
Bulk Stockton
April 07, 2017
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
If you've ever tried Mac Baren's Stockton in the green tin, this is very similar. I find it a little less smooth than Three Nuns, which is also similar, at least in it's current form. Aging does make a difference and slow smoking, ie sipping is pref... Read More
February 17, 2017
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
If you are a fan of dark fired Kentucky leaf, then this should be on your list to try. It's earthy, nutty, a little spicy and quite strong with a nice tobacco flavor. I could be wrong but I swear I taste a touch perique in this. I like to add a pinch... Read More
September 20, 2016
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Great Puff!
October 10, 2015
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
My first experience with Dark Fired Kentucky was with these tobacco disks. The aroma is a mix of spiced grass and the smoke is quite voluptuous where we notice the Virginia and DFK tastes. A great smoke who'll please the natural tobacco fan. I really... Read More
아주 좋은
September 17, 2015
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
이제것 구입한 벌크 연초 중에서 제일 좋은것 같습니다 조금의 단맛과 구수함 적당한 강도
High Quality Tobacco
July 01, 2015
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
My first thought upon taking a whiff was that this stuff smells an awful lot like Three Nuns, which makes some sense as they have similar ingredients. (This doesn't have Burley, however.) I found it to be quite mild, and I didn't seem to get the nico... Read More
Wow! That is good.
June 30, 2015
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Received a sample with my order and I am pleasantly surprised at what a delicious and interesting blend this is. The pouch note is inviting, sort of figgy pudding. This packs easy and smokes with a slightly grassy/hay note backed up with a rich dark ... Read More
Hard, but tasteful
November 25, 2014
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
May be a little too hard on the nicotine for a beginner. Anyway, its was something great to smoke, better when dried a little. I was please, because it's was way better that what I was used too, and it's tasted dried figs and dried raisins sometimes... Read More
VA at it's finest.
March 10, 2014
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I've tried a lot of blends and a whole lot of Virginia's. Orlik was my "everyday" smoke. This is now the smoke of choice. It's bold, with a robust flavor, without being overwhelming. A good shot of nicotine, easily inhaled. Smokes right do... Read More
Newminster - No.403 Superior Round Slices
October 05, 2013
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
Newminster - No.403 Superior Round Slices; Star Rating = 4.0; Rating Scores - 10 is the Best and 0 is the Worst; Pouch Note = 8; Room Note = 8; Flavor = 7; Bite = 8; Burn = 8; After Taste = 8; Raw Score = 47; Rated Percentage = 78%; Commen... Read More
Such a good smoke
September 05, 2013
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I really enjoy this tobacco. I will be buying more.
Very Tastee
March 15, 2013
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
This has great balance. Not too dry or too moist. The sweetness in the taste and in the aroma are the natural rich tobacco smell. The coins rub out wonderfully and pack just right.
good choice for a good price
January 11, 2013
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
this stuff is really nicely balanced ... a smooth and satisfying smoke ... is it just me or does this blend resemble the john aylesbury "curly cut"??? not only the look, the taste is very similar as well ... anyhow - a perfect smoke for a v... Read More
November 20, 2012
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
This is by far the best Va. I have tried yet. Nicely balanced between the three tobaccos. The price for the quality is unmatched. I would also recommend the superior navy flake as well. It is as well done of a blend as this. My two new all day smokes... Read More
A sleeper
August 25, 2012
Product: Newminster No.403 Superior Round Slices Bulk
I was given several ounces of this blend when it first came out. Had a ok natural sweetness. I stored the rest in a mason jar for a couple of months. Revisted and found the natural sweetness more pronounced. Ordered 4 pounds for long term cellaring. ... Read More
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