Benjamin G.

Cornell & Diehl - Steamworks 2oz
Different, but not different enough
I was eager to try a steamed flake from an American producer. Sadly, I find it isn't to my taste. The spiciness has been tamed by the steaming process, but all else is a mild earthiness. I detect no sweetness in particular, so I will not be continuing with this blend.

Hoyo de Monterrey - Excalibur Cigarillos (20 Pack)
Not quite what I was looking for
In my quest for short smokes while I'm at work, I thought I'd give these a try. Not bad at all, but nothing the flavor profile I was looking for.

Gawith Hoggarth & Co. - Rum Flake 50g
Smooth and sneaky strong
If smooth burley is your thing, then try this. Unfortunately, burley is not a favorite for me, no matter how smooth. I detected no flavoring, despite its reputation. It also was stronger than I thought it would be, but I'm also more sensitive to burley nicotine. Not bad, overall, but I don't think I'll be buying any more of it.

Warped - Saint Espresso 2oz
I've smoked this one a couple of times. Given the terrific tin note I was expecting something truly excellent. Unfortunately, it is decidedly meh. No notable flavor. The smoke is thick but wet. I don't think I'll be trying it again.

Warped - The Haunting 2oz
A favorite from the start
Excellent cigar leaf softened by quality Virginias. Similar to C&D's Gray Ghost, this blend was an immediate favorite. I could wish for it to be in regular production rather than a seasonal release. Good thing I have a small stockpile.

Cornell & Diehl - Crowley's Best
Surprisingly good
Just a step down from Tuggle Hall, this one still packs a punch. It may find a place in my rotation, and I still highly recommend it.

Cornell & Diehl - Interlude 2oz
Very good, but not quite great
After trying Carolina Red Flake I went looking for a good replacement that was in regular production. This one is quite good, but not quite everything I was hoping for. The flavor is excellent, if a bit too mild. The honey casing has smoothed the rougher edges, but has also toned down the flavor. I can't expect this to live up to the lofty flavor heights of Carolina Red Flake, but it did leave me wanting just a bit. A very good flake, but not quite as great as I want it to be.

Low Country - Edisto 2oz
A worthy, but distant, 2nd
As C&D's Carolina Red Flake won't be returning, I felt compelled to try this one. The flavor is unmistakably Red Virginia, though if this what passes for a flake these days, someone needs to reexamine the production. My tin was so crumbly it couldn't pass for ribbon! I could wish for more flavor, which probably isn't fair as this is still very good, but it's hard to accept anything less than Carolina Red Flake. Still, it has earned an irregular place in my rotation.

Cornell & Diehl - Cap's Blend
I've never particularly enjoyed aromatics. The few I've tried have have at best been mediocre, if not downright terrible, despite the pleasant aromas left behind. I just generally enjoy more natural tobacco flavors and aromas. This blend is a massive exception. Clearly it was crafted to emulate Captain Black, and on that score it failed. The two are nothing alike, really, but that doesn't matter. The flavor is excellent. It actually tastes like it smells, which I find to be no small achievement. The 1oz sample I tried has already cemented it as a firm favorite. It is the only blend I've had that not only elicits zero complaints, it is in fact requested. There is not much nicotine to speak of, however. I will be ordering much more of this. If you are a fan of aromatics, this deserves a try. If you've never tried an aromatic, you can do far worse than this. My highest recommendation.

Two Friends - Deacon's Downfall 2oz
So close to greatness
I liked this one quite a lot, but still I felt unsatisfied. There isn't enough flavor to hold my attention, and certainly not enough strength to entice me in any other way. So... good, but not great.

G. L. Pease - Robusto 2oz
I can't taste any cigar leaf
This blend has been such a disappointment. The Virginia is lovely, but the Latakia, though flavorful, overpowers everything. The Orientals show up to ruin what little good there is, and, as I stated at the top, I can't taste any cigar leaf. I'm halfway through the tin, but I'm ready to give up trying.

Cornell & Diehl - Poplar Camp
Tried at the behest of Jeremy Reeves himself
After a brief email correspondence with Jeremy Reeves (head blender at C&D) I was very much looking forward to trying this blend. Alas, there just wasn't enough in the flavor department for a return visit.

Two Friends - Heritage 2oz
An aromatic with no aroma, or flavor
Seriously, this blend has no flavor to speak of, and a barely discernible aroma afterward. No nicotine that I can feel, either. I can smell whatever the top flavoring is in the tin, but that's about it. I imagine this is the kind of blend one would smoke when one wants to be seen smoking, but not actually take any pleasure in it. Disappointing.

Cornell & Diehl - Old Court
Quite good
This one isn't bad at all. It has more nicotine strength than Bailey's Front Porch, but the flavor seems to have less of an impact. I like it very much, but I'm not sure if there is a place in my rotation for it. Still recommended, though.

Cornell & Diehl - Engine #382
Surprisingly burley forward
All the other components together can't seem to balance the bitter unprocessed burley in this blend, which makes for a less than pleasant flavor experience. The aroma isn't as pleasant as New Market, either. Ah, well.

Cornell & Diehl - First Responders 2oz
Smooth mild VaPer
Somewhat similar in components to Poplar Camp, Blue Ridge, Redwood, and my beloved Evergreen. The inclusion of Bright in this blend serves to lighten the body and mute the flavor somewhat. I'd actually rate the strength at 4/5 (I'm sensitive to Perique) and the taste at 3/5 rather than what the manufacturer has rated it. This is not a bad blend at all, and I can see where my opinion may improve as I work through the tin, but I haven't decided whether it needs to join my stockpile or not.

Cornell & Diehl - Bijou 2oz
Calling it a flake is generous
Presentation is a broken flake at best, but closer to a ready rubbed. I didn't have anything intact in my tin. Not really a complaint, just an expectation reset. Flavor is typical of a Virginia/Oriental, with the Bright having a more significant say than I would prefer. The honey casing doesn't detract as much as it does in the Simply Elegant flakes. I neither love nor hate this. If I'm in the mood for such a thing, I'm more likely to choose Embarcadero from G. L. Pease. This isn't bad at all, just not one that I'm likely to repeat.

Cornell & Diehl - Burley Flake #1 2oz
Not bad
Full disclosure, I'm not really a Burley guy. The delicate flakes pack easily. The tobacco stays lit with almost no effort (I was outside in a light intermittent breeze, smoking a medium size Oom Paul). The expected Dark Burley nicotine strength is there. There is just enough Perique to notice in every puff. The Red Virginia seems to be there to moderate the Burley, but doesn't seem to contribute much flavor. I actually don't detect any sweetness at all. Overall it is mildly bitter to my palate, but very smooth with a medium body. I can't say I loved it, or even liked it overmuch, but I didn't hate it. I'll finish the tin eventually, but I won't be reordering this one.

Cornell & Diehl - Blue Ridge 2oz
Great blend
This was unremarkable in a standard length pipe, but I've been smoking it in a Missouri Meerschaum MacArthur 5-star bent and it's been great. As much as I like it, though, there just isn't enough flavor here for it to join my regular rotation.

Missouri Meerschaum - Legend Rob Roy Straight (6mm)
Good smoker
Not my favorite shape, but that's secondary to the quality of the smoke. Get one for your rotation.

Missouri Meerschaum - Legend 5th Avenue Straight (6mm)
Great medium sized pipe
It's a bestseller for a reason

Missouri Meerschaum - Legend 5th Avenue Bent (6mm)
Should be everyone's first pipe
I have so many of these it defies logic. Whether you're a beginner or a veteran, you won't be disappointed.

Missouri Meerschaum - Shire Cobbit
Among Missouri Meerschaum's best ideas
How do you improve upon a corn cob pipe? Give it an acrylic stem and make it seven inches long! Seriously, I love the MacArthur 5-stars, but I don't always have time for a 2 inch bowl. Enter: the Cobbits. This pipe, in particular, is a great medium sized bowl. Perfect for your smoking needs.

Missouri Meerschaum - Elf Cobbit
Among Missouri Meerschaum's best ideas
How do you improve upon a corn cob pipe? Give it an acrylic stem and make it seven inches long! Seriously, I love the MacArthur 5-stars, but I don't always have time for a 2 inch bowl. Enter: the Cobbits. This pipe, in particular, grants a nice long smoke. Simply wonderful!

Missouri Meerschaum - Pony Express
When you're on the go and need a quick smoke
You can't go wrong with this pipe. For additional pleasure, put a regular non-filtered stem in it.

Missouri Meerschaum - Mizzou
Nice for short break or a shag blend
I keep a few of these around whenever I want a shag blend. Just perfect for that cut of tobacco. The Pony express is a bit better, though.

Missouri Meerschaum - MacArthur 5-Star Natural Straight
Terrific for Virginia blends!
I love my MacArthur 5-stars! I primarily smoke Virginia blends, so this pipe really fits the bill. Between the long stem and the cooler smoking unfinished bowl, I'm always satisfied when I have time for bowl this deep.

Missouri Meerschaum - Dwarf Cobbit
Among Missouri Meerschaum's best ideas
How do you improve upon a corn cob pipe? Give it an acrylic stem and make it seven inches long! Seriously, I love the MacArthur 5-stars, but I don't always have time for a 2 inch bowl. Enter: the Cobbits. This pipe in particular is great for a short smoke, or for sampling a new Virginia blend. And for a bonus, the stem from this pipe will fit a MacArthur 5-star bent pipe perfectly, in case you ever wished for a MacArthur with an acrylic stem like I have.

G. L. Pease - JackKnife Plug 2oz
I'm no good at this
The flavor and aroma are wonderful, I just can't prepare a plug properly to save my life. Good thing there's a Ready Rubbed version.

G. L. Pease - JackKnife Ready Rubbed 2oz
Maybe it's me?
For some reason this version just won't produce a decent flavor for me. The plug tasted wonderful, not sure what's going on with this one. It's much easier to prepare, though.

Tabac De La Semois - La Brumeuse 3.5oz
Complex and easily overwhelming
In all fairness, I'm not a Burley guy. I tried this out in a MM Pony Express. I liked much of the flavor present, moreso than any domestic unprocessed burley I've tried. It isn't enough for a repeat purchase, though. The flavors can overwhelm to an extent, and the nicotine can easily overcome you if you're sensitive to Burley. A high quality tobacco, but not one for me.

Daughters & Ryan - Ryback 16oz
Okay, but nothing great
Quality tobacco, but surprisingly lacking in flavor and strength, considering what it is. Since it only comes in 1lb. bags, I probably have enough to last forever, so not one I'm likely to reorder. You may feel differently.

G. L. Pease - Windjammer 2oz
Just not for me, I guess
I bought mine on release day, and I've had several bowls in a variety of pipes of varying widths, and this one just isn't very good. The Perique is too strong a presence, and the Burley muddles the flavors too much. It's all quality leaf, but I just don't care for the combination. I don't often concern myself with room note (or beard note in my case), but it isn't good, and I do most of my smoking outside. I'll finish the tin eventually, and share with others who might be interested, but I won't be reordering. Thanks anyway, Mr. Pease.

G. L. Pease - Penny Farthing 2oz
A bit too spicy for me
This one started off well, and I love shag blends. I was smoking this in a Missouri Meerschaum Pony Express that I'd put a longer stem on, so it's a narrow bowl and not very deep. It burned well despite my over-packing it a bit. By mid bowl, though, the spice was just too much for me. Not a bad blend by any stretch, and I'll certainly finish the tin, but an hour later my tongue is still tingling, so I'm not sure I'll be reordering it. You might feel differently.

Cleaners & Cleaning Supplies - White Elephant Tapered Pipe Cleaners (100 Pack)
Based on reviews, I thought these might be okay. Turns out not to be so. These shed so much it's not even lint, it's fluff. The wires, while striking an excellent balance between rigid and flexible, several times already I've had pipe cleaners get hung-up in a stem because there's a sharp wire end sticking out of the fluff and grabbing the interior wall. I'll use these up on restoration work, but they will not be put to regular use, and I will not be ordering again. Peterson pipe cleaners will still be my go-to, but even B.J. Long is better than this. UPDATE: The lint is so bad new clogs are forming in front of the old ones in pipes I've been restoring. I'm giving the rest of them to my daughter for art projects. Absolutely disgraceful.

Cornell & Diehl - New Market
Terrific as a potpourri
I tried this in an old cob, and the experience was underwhelming. It tastes better than Engine #382 (another Deer Tongue blend), but not by much. Also, now I can't smoke anything else in it without tasting Deer Tongue. The aroma in the jar, though, is amazing. My daughter is constantly asking for a whiff of it.

Old Dominion - Laughing King
Loved it until it burnt out
UPDATE 2021: The new design manufactured by Missouri Meerschaum is now a 3/4" bore just like the Virginia Planter which makes it less than ideal for shags. I'm deducting stars for this. My original review is below. Terrific for shag. I could wish for the draw to be more open, but the use of completely natural materials makes up for it. Sadly, mine burn out on a long drive north. I should probably buy another one (or two).

Cornell & Diehl - Tuggle Hall
A pleasant chameleonic blend
My journey with this blend has been interesting. Originally purchased to get a sense of Latakia forward flavor without any orientals, I was initially pleased, but underwhelmed. In cooler (or cold) dry weather, the Latakia is definitely the chief flavor, and it's balanced nicely in spite of the strength. In warmer (or hot) humid weather, it develops a sweetness that is wonderful. All that said, it has become my go to Latakia blend. I have come to love it's shifting nature, and it has well-earned a spot in my rotation.

Cornell & Diehl - Golden Days of Yore 2oz
Bought as a gift
Reports were okay

Cleaners & Cleaning Supplies - Neerup Shank Brush 5/Bag
Definitely a necessity
I can see where I'll be ordering these again

Cleaners & Cleaning Supplies - Neerup Long Brush 2/Bag
Great for my long stems
I like longer pipes, so these are a boon to my cleaning efforts.

Cleaners & Cleaning Supplies - Neerup Chamber Brush 2/Bag
Excellent brushes!
Works for all but the largest pipes

Tampers & Tools - Brigham Pipe Reamer
Almost too rigid
I have an older one that will actually bend when torqued, so this is an improvement, but it doesn't adjust easily and frequently gets stuck mid ream.

Cleaners & Cleaning Supplies - B. J. Long Churchwarden Pipe Cleaners (32 pack)
Excellent pipe cleaners
I wish the quality control for these could take over for the regular size versions.

Warped - Until the End 2oz
A good blend, but I'm not in love
As much as I like some other blends from Warped I'm just not wowed by this one. Don't get me wrong; I don't hate this. It just isn't one I'm going to love and have around.

Cornell & Diehl - Old College
No diploma for this blend
Based on the description, I was expecting better. Bland, boring, and no flavor to speak of.

Cornell & Diehl - Mountain Camp
Not enough body, and too much spice
With this much Latakia, I expect to like this more. As it stands, I don't seem to taste much of it despite the high percentage. The balance of flavors aren't doing much for me either. Most of the time it seems the components are competing for dominance. Ultimately it's just not for me.

Cornell & Diehl - London Squire
Who's smoking this?
I feel like my tongue has been lacerated by too young bright virginia and too spicy turkish. Not enough of anything else to balance. Hard pass.

Missouri Meerschaum - Country Gentleman Straight (6mm)
Another order, another cob
Nice to hold, better to smoke. One of the better cob designs available.

Cornell & Diehl - Morley's Best
Burley, burley, burley...
If I couldn't smell the Latakia, I don't think I'd know it was there. Virginia is all but absent, too. Just smoke straight Burley and you'll get the idea.

Cornell & Diehl - Golden Ash
Not enough Latakia
I fully appreciate Latakia as a condiment rather than the main course, but there just isn't enough here. I can smell it more than taste it. For a better example of this kind of blend, see Bailey's Front Porch.

Two Friends - Bed & Breakfast 2oz
Virginias are way too much for this blend. I'm also getting too much spice from the Orientals. If I wasn't able to smell the Latakia in the tin, I'd never know it was there.

G. L. Pease - Barbary Coast 2oz
So far, a no for me
I think the delicate kiss of brandy isn't working for me. I'll finish the tin, but I don't think this will be a repeat purchase.

Cornell & Diehl - Junkyard Dawg 2oz
I'm not sure what the point of this is
I don't know if they successfully aped the blend they were going for, but on it's own merits I was underwhelmed.

Cornell & Diehl - Bailey's Front Porch
Summertime Latakia Blend
A great blend. I'm honestly stunned how much I like this. That said, it is underwhelming in cooler weather, so far. To me, Burley requires some warmth and humidity, but then I usually smoke outdoors. It has a primary spot in my summer rotation.

Cleaners & Cleaning Supplies - B. J. Long 9 Inch Pipe Cleaners (32 pack)
Why don't the regular ones work this well?
No lint, no complaints

Cornell & Diehl - Sansepolcro 2oz
I don't get it
This one came highly recommended, but so far it's not working for me. All quality stuff, just may not be to my tastes. Ah, well.

Two Friends - Redwood 2oz
A new favorite
EDIT: The original manufacturers' write-up was this: "The color is reminiscent of the hues of a redwood forest; the flavor is rich and soothing, and the room aroma is as pleasing as a walk in the woods after a gentle spring rain." When C&D Evergreen went away and didn't come back (BRING IT BACK C&D!) I went looking for similar blends and found this. I love the flavor, and it actually does smell of a walk in the woods when lit. I got an extra for my cellar anyway, and now there are more on the way.

Cornell & Diehl - Old Joe Krantz White Label 2oz
A mildly complex blend
I wasn't sure what to make of this at first, but it has been steadily growing on me. I keep reordering it (in bulk rather than tin), which is probably the best recommendation I can give it. I smoke this in the summer for a pleasant change of pace from my usuals. That said there isn't really enough going on to make it a regular for me.

Cornell & Diehl - Old Joe Krantz Blue Label 2oz
Boring at best
There's not much going on here. The Virginias are too spicy/sharp, and the Burleys are providing shockingly little body or balance.

Cornell & Diehl - Evergreen 2oz
This needs to be in regular production
I could smoke this forever. If only I'd known that when I only ordered one tin. This needs to be in regular production. Get on it C&D!

Cornell & Diehl - Briar Fox 2oz
Spicy is an understatement
I don't think they had me in mind when they made this. All quality tobaccos, I just don't get the appeal of this one.

Missouri Meerschaum - Great Dane Spindle Straight
Just like the bent, only straighter
These pipes are so good and so inexpensive, I wonder why I spend so much on briars, but don't tell my wife I said that.

Missouri Meerschaum - Great Dane Spindle Bent
Another great Missouri Meerschaum
Easy to hold. Slightly more generous bowl. This is a winner.

Replacement Stems - Amber Straight Non-Filtered Stem (for Missouri Meerschaum)
How does one review a replacement plastic stem?
It fits, and I can smoke. Yay!

Replacement Stems - Amber Bent Non-Filtered Stem (for Missouri Meerschaum)
Performs as expected
What needs to be said? When your cob needs a new stem, get one.

Warped - Kings Stride 2oz
A real treat
This stuff is really amazing. Thick full smoke and a decadent flavor. I just wish the flavor was stronger. A wonderful experience that I may revisit occasionally, but a not a regular or a favorite smoke for me.

Warped - Cloud Hopper 2oz
A lovely complex light cigar blend
This has been one of the few blends I've tried that actually delivers the complexity promised in the tin description. It's good enough to merit reordering, which I've just done.

Low Country - Guendalose 2oz
Didn't work for me
I'm not sure why, but I never figured out what to do to make this work for me. I may try it again, but I've already got favorites in this genre, so I'm not in a hurry to try to like another one.

Cornell & Diehl - Billy Budd Blonde 2oz
I wish they'd called it something else
The only thing this has in common with the original Billy Budd is the inclusion of cigar leaf. The blends could not be more different. I like both, but I'll smoke this one all year round, though not as a regular. The fact that it's available in bulk is another bonus.

Missouri Meerschaum - Morgan Polished
If you can't get the natural version
This one smokes a bit hotter. Other than that it's the same.

Cornell & Diehl - Star of the East Flake 2oz
Better than the ribbon, but...
Not as wispy as the ribbon version, but still not one that works for me. I'll find my Latakia fix elsewhere.

Cornell & Diehl - Purple Cow 2oz
If it were bulk
I didn't like this one enough to pay the tin premium more than once. It wasn't bad, but there are much better options for this kind of blend available in bulk.

Cornell & Diehl - Habana Daydream 2oz
Not an English, barely a Cigar blend
I just don't like Latakia in my cigar blends, I guess. There isn't enough cigar here to justify the name, either. Try Billy Budd Blonde for a significantly better cigar blend.

Cornell & Diehl - Awakened Elder 2oz
Too much going on here
On paper I should love this blend, but there are just too many flavors present that don't ever seem to come together as a singular experience.

Kramer's - Father Dempsey 50g
What's the appeal?
My tongue is stung, and no flavor to speak of.

Cornell & Diehl - Carolina Red Flake 2oz
Perfection in a bowl!
I believe I'm unlikely to find a better Virginia Flake. I wish I'd bought more. And now it seems it's gone for good. I wonder if C&D can be convinced to make the regular red they get into a bulk flake like they do for bright...

BriarWorks - Country Lawyer 2oz
Sometimes it's great, other times not so much. I think I need a wider bowl for this one. I'll have to try it again.

Tampers & Tools - Czech Pipe Tool
No smoker should be without one
Great tool, once it loosens up enough to use.

Cornell & Diehl - Mad Fiddler Flake 2oz
Quite an experience
The tin aroma is so intriguing that I want to keep trying it, but I can rarely achieve the flavor that it promises. I'll revisit this, but I don't think it'll ever be a favorite or a regular part of my rotation.

Cornell & Diehl - Easy Times 2oz
Somewhat inconsistent
About half the time it was wonderful, the other half it felt like the flavors were competing for dominance. I will come back to this, but there are other things to try first.

Cornell & Diehl - Dark Burley
Rich and strong
Terrific as a blender, but not my thing as a solo affair.

Cornell & Diehl - Chopped Cigar Leaf
Very strong solo
Wanted to try this since so many of my favorites have it in. By itself, not for the faint of heart.

Missouri Meerschaum - Natural Freehand
For your favorite tobacco
A nice classy cob, heh.

Missouri Meerschaum - MacArthur 5-Star Polished Bent
Probably my favorite cob
I smoke mine so much I ordered 3 more.

Missouri Meerschaum - Diplomat 5th Avenue Bent (6mm)
Better than the Legend
The bowl seems just the right size, to me.

Cleaners & Cleaning Supplies - Peterson Tapered Pipe Cleaners (50 Pack)
Finally a decent pipe cleaner
Seriously, this is the only one on the market that doesn't leave your pipe full of fluff.

Cornell & Diehl - Burley Flake #5 2oz
I can't decide if I like this one
There's nothing really wrong with it, but it's heavily cased and it doesn't seem as strong as the others. Not bad, though. I do keep smoking it.

Cornell & Diehl - Burley Flake #4 2oz
An interesting try
Another good Burley flake from C&D. I think I'll try the rest now.

Cornell & Diehl - Burley Flake #2 2oz
The first Burley I ever loved
I loved this when I first tried it. I don't have it around all the time, but it did encourage me to start exploring the Burley side of C&D's portfolio. I highly recommend it.

Missouri Meerschaum - Patriot Bent
Not my favorite
I didn't really think the shape of a cob would make that much difference, but it does. Also, the stem likes to fall out of the one I got.

Filters & Adaptors - Savinelli 6mm Adapter (5 pack)
Works as advertised
No complaints

Cleaners & Cleaning Supplies - B. J. Long Regular Pipe Cleaners (100 pack)
I hope you like lint
Personally I don't like to smoke cotton balls, so I don't buy these anymore.

Filters & Adaptors - Adapter 9mm to 3mm Reducer
Doesn't fit
I have a few 9mm filter pipes banging around and this fit precisely none of them. Every time it was either much too big or way too small.

G. L. Pease - The Virginia Cream 2oz
Does as advertised
Everything you read about it is true. It just doesn't wow me. I may get back to this someday, though.

G. L. Pease - Montgomery 2oz
The flavors were fine, there just isn't enough there there.

Cornell & Diehl - Three Friars
Wish I could like it more
I finally got this blend to work in a narrow old basket pipe I've had for years. There is a lot to like here when it works, but this will never be a favorite of mine.

Cornell & Diehl - Orion's Arrow
With this much spice, you'll be eating bland food for balance
For those that like this kind of thing, Nirvana awaits. For me, I need more body and a more nuanced flavor profile.

Cornell & Diehl - Oriental Silk
Too much work
There is so much spice in this, it takes to much work on the draw to keep it from being overwhelming. Wonderful flavors can be achieved, but I'm not patient enough for it just now.

Cornell & Diehl - Opening Night 2oz
Very nearly perfect
I like this one a lot. The Red Virginias control most of the flavor with the Bright Virginias lending a tremendous amount of sweetness. Probably my favorite straight Virginia Flake after Carolina Red Flake. Several tins are aging in my cellar, and several more will join them at every opportunity.

Cornell & Diehl
Virginia Flake 2oz

Currently Out of Stock

Cornell & Diehl
Crowley's Best

Based on Qty Ordered

Cornell & Diehl
Cap's Blend

Based on Qty Ordered

The Haunting 2oz

Currently Out of Stock

Cornell & Diehl
Carolina Red Flake 2oz

$16.00 $13.60

Cornell & Diehl
Evergreen 2oz

Currently Out of Stock

Two Friends
Redwood 2oz

$16.00 $13.60

Cornell & Diehl

Based on Qty Ordered
    J.R.R. Tolkien: Builder of Pipe-Centric Worlds
  • ► "Mark intends to re-release it this Christmas in a revised version, so watch for its availability."Where?!? I have the original, but I would happily plunk down the money for a revised version.Oh! And I loved the rest of the article, too 😊
    Missouri Meerschaum: 150 Years of American Corn Cob Pipes
  • ► "There's even a local distillery that buys some of our grain to make whiskey," he says. "They're coming out with a whiskey that they're going to call Popcorn Bourbon, sourced from none other than Missouri Meerschaum corn."What distillery is this? I'd love to try the whiskey made from Missouri Meerschaum corn.