Corey K.

Cornell & Diehl - Kelly's Coin 2oz
Yuck !
Something must have changed with this blend. Its starts off strong but smooth and instantly turns to such a harsh taste that it's not even enjoyable or able to be finished. Reminds me of some old cheap roll your own tobacco that's been sitting around for half a decade on the store shelf. Maybe I just got a bad tin but I'm not even interested in buying another and finding out because it was that bad.

Cornell & Diehl - Pegasus
Not a bad blend but defiantly better Runowski. blends on the list..worth the money to at least try it.

Cornell & Diehl - Haunted Bookshop 8oz
The poor reviews this blend gets is probably from men who's wives make them pee sitting down...You want a man's blend ? pick up a can of this and let it kick you right in the face..if you're looking for "floral" go somewhere else...

Half and Half - Half and Half 7oz
a good solid OTC blend that I never had an issue with.

Peterson - Sweet Killarney 50g
Caramel ?
I'm not getting the Caramel that everyone is talking about, just taste like soap and perfume to me.

Peterson - Sherlock Holmes 50g
It's Okay...
It's Okay, but not memorable enough to keep on buying. it's at least worth a try.

Captain Black - Cherry 1.5oz
This smells great in the packaging, unfortunately when you smoke it it burns super hot and also smokes like a chimney. The taste just isn't there for me, its like slicing your tongue with a razor blade and hitting yourself over the head with a brick...

Cult - Blood Red Moon 50g
A good cherry that doesn't bite or burn hot. smooth smoke with a good room note.

Lane Limited - Very Cherry
Not as Good as I hoped...
Upon opening my 2oz bag I was instantly taken back to memories of when my mom or grandmother would shove a spoonful of Robitussin cough syrup down me when i was sick. someone wrote that it reminded them of a urinal cake, after letting it sit for a week i am defiantly getting that urinal cake smell now.. arrived fairly dry, doesn't burn too bad, does have a bit of a bite. I guess i was just expecting a bit more from all the good reviews I've read.

Carter Hall
Carter Hall 14oz

$51.20 $38.75