Mac Baren: HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-039-0103

As it says on the tin, Mac Baren's HH Pure Virginia is pure Virginia, flue-cured and sourced from regions with the highest reputations for producing leaf of this type. As with other HH-family blends, this thin-cut flake is made without any topping and only a minimal casing, for a natural sweetness and a purely Virginia experience.

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  • Components: Virginia
  • Family: Virginia
  • Cut: Flake
Customer Reviews (61 Total)
Overall Rating:
4.32 out of 5 stars
I'm Mac Baren's iron fan
December 01, 2020
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
在尝试过老暗火,拉切,还有这款 HH Pure Virginia以后。我是马坝的忠诚粉丝,要知道我喜欢的圣布,蓝绞盘也同样是由马坝代工的。用我们中国话说:大巧不工,重剑无锋。马坝的HH系列没有花哨的名字,没有繁复的吹嘘,只有至纯至简的烟气,至美至臻的味道。这款烟草有着天然没有修饰的坚果甜味,再最后的三分之一尤为浓郁。鼻腔回味吞吐出的烟气,有着极为舒适的烟草气息。我不喜欢奶精调香的清淡弗吉利亚,我欣赏的弗吉利亚应该是两种走向,一种是veermaster,saltydog这种有着奇妙调配带来丰富变化... Read More
Amazingly Good
August 19, 2017
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
I used to smoke Mclelland #27 for the last ten years for my go to Va flake until I tried this recently. This blend basically focuses on everything I like about Va tobacco and somehow the steam press seems to have removed all of the traits I don't lik... Read More
Disagree with the Reviewer Below
March 15, 2016
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Look. I like Virginia. I like, really like Virginia. And to tell you the truth, usually, I'm not a huge fan of MacBaren. They make some great stuff, sure, but the leather/cologne/savory/bitter thing is not for me. This, however, entered my top te... Read More
Straightforward and Full
July 24, 2017
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
I like HH Virginia. Great quality tobacco. For me it is very different than most of the Virginias I smoke. Somewhat robust and full. Not sweet or particularly nuanced. It could be used in cooler weather in place of mild/medium English blends. I woul... Read More
May 16, 2017
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Alright so Mac Barren Pure Virginia Flake. Wonderful! This is a very straight forward, no nonsense Virginia Flake. Reminds me a lot of their original Virginia Flake, but this one has a much stronger, more up front tobacco flavor. First thing that cam... Read More
Superb Virginia
January 31, 2018
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Since Dunhill ruined thier flake by poor packaging when switching to the round tin, this has become one of my two favorite tobaccos (the other is McC 40th Anniversary). I would add that I enjoy it most after I crack a 6 month old tin and let it air ... Read More
Have the right pipe
March 26, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
In a chimney, with time to spare and sipping slowly this is heaven. Doesn’t perform nearly as well in pipes that aren’t tall and narrow.
Perhaps the Best VA Flake
May 26, 2021
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
Mac Baren’s HH Line has achieved and surpassed the halcyon of VA Flakes the like of which Germains and Gawith established. Perhaps it’s the century old steam press they acquired to manufacture the HH line, or perhaps it’s the sourcing and blending..... Read More
May 10, 2021
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
This is the second Mac Baren HH blend that shook up my rotation. Pure Virginia is a WOW parade. The flue cured Virginia is somehow both aged and young simultaneously. It's like I'm smoking two pipes at once, a small bowl of young OGS and a large bowl... Read More
I'm a little disappointed.
September 25, 2015
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
I usually only get inspired to write a review for a tobacco that I love instantly. I'm no "Expert" but it doesn't take me long to figure out whether I do or do not love a new blend. Based on the advertised description and heralded promoti... Read More
May 28, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
马坝 HH纯弗吉尼亚 生草:果香、淡淡的烟熏、一点酸气。 点火后:烟熏、青草、柑橘、泥土、果酱、花香、木香、香料、面包、焦香。 口腔里面能感受到:柑橘的果酸和果酱、蔗糖的果甜,口腔里面会有一些青涩感。 烟气方面:整体浓郁,过鼻烟熏明显,风味易捕捉,清晰,斗温易控。 总的来说,这款斗草是需要小口品吸,放慢节奏的,你能感受到更多的果香与花香。明显的酸甜味,一斗下来,口腔还是会有些许的杂味。但整体的风味不错,比起普通的那款弗吉尼亚薄片,我觉得HH弗吉尼亚薄片更适合已经进阶的斗客。
Best Virginia yet.
February 11, 2023
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
Smells beautiful in the tin with a unique presentation. Arrived with over a year of age on it - which is nice. Smokes like a dream, subtle sweetness and spice. Earthy natural flavor of pure Virginia. A truly great smoke. Buying more.
Love pure Virginia
June 10, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Do you like pure Virginias in near pure as it gets? I find this flake to be the perfect Virginia. Naturally sweet, mild and a very pleasant smoke for the morning or late day. A great addition to any rotation and I really like Virginias and this is my... Read More
April 04, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
没有任何的添加 因为热压的特殊技术 带来了不一样纯V的体验 但个人感觉没有别的V草香甜 可能没有添加 如果喜欢纯粹的V草 可以一试 不作为主要口粮 看各位个人口味
March 19, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
애스틀리 44보다는 덜 진하고 FVF보다는 진한 묘한 녀석입니다 딱 담배 피우는 느낌 그 자체에 단맛과 텁텁하거나 느끼한 맛이 없고 아주 깔끔합니다 단밤 맛에 설탕 촵촵
Mediocrity at its best.
March 02, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
I didn’t hate it, but I hadn’t gotten the chance to smoke in a while due to a new baby in the house, and bad weather, so I smoked the hh Virginia, and found that after all that time I wished I picked something like marlin flake or Peterson Virginia f... Read More
August 20, 2021
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
هل تريد ان تعرف ماهو الكمال في فرجينيا ؟ جرب ان تدخن هذا التبغ في غليون متوسط مع كرسي مريح وفنجان من القهوه وهذا المزيج العجيب وستعرف معنى الكمال
Straight Virginia convert
January 28, 2021
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
I, like many other pipe smokers love variety, but never really got straight Virginia's. I bought this blend on a whim and holy cow! I had a beautiful epiphany. First, when I opened the tin it had a nice malty fermented aroma. The tin came with about ... Read More
It's Okay
December 29, 2020
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
As much as I love MacBaren tobaccos, this was kind of a "Meh". I have found nothing that gets close or beats ODF. I'll try it again down the road and if my opinion changes ya'll will be the first to know.
Stout Virginia
June 17, 2020
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Surprisingly well-rounded and relatively strong. About a medium-full for nicotine and flavor strengths. Sweet aroma, baked-goods, sweet, and spicy on the palate. Great presentation. Highly recommend.
Clean as can be.
November 26, 2018
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
This straight Virginia has been a staple in almost every order I place. Beautifully layered under gold paper & snuggly stacked in its tin. The citrus & grassy notes quickly hit my nostrils & the flake has been ready for a pipe immediately... Read More
Not your typical virginia
August 10, 2018
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
This is a quality tobacco and smokes quite well however does not have the typical sweetness I look for in Virginia it's more round and deep kind of like Virginia all grown up it's quite good and also reminds me of ODF a little bit but my favorite Vir... Read More
The Best Virginia ever
March 06, 2018
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
This is an email I sent to Mac Baren hope it explains it all to you: I just wanted to drop you a line to tell you I have been smoking pipe tobacco for 36 years and have tried more than I can count. I just yesterday received a tin of your HH Pure Virg... Read More
May 08, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
First Impressions:
March 02, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Preface: I have a very sensitive palette, if it’s gonna bite, I’ll find it. Tin Note: fresh cut grass/hay/spring time in a can Taste is a light earthy/woody notes/subtle dark fruit influences/mild sweetness. My tin was opened with 6 months of age an... Read More
January 02, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
It doesn’t have much complexity
December 09, 2023
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
Like other flakes in the HH series, it breaks apart very easily, and is moist, but not overly so. This is a very fine Virginia and as deeply rich and earthy as the best Virginia blends on the market today. I love EVERYTHING about this blend!
Ok Blend
September 06, 2023
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
The flavor is good but to me its basically Capstan yellow its very mild and lacking any sort of interesting flavor. Mild hay and very little else
Seminal Tobacco Experience
July 22, 2023
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
This Virginia is not your typical blend. It's not overly sweet, and it's not the hay and sugar. This Virginia is nuanced. Iron, leather, wheat, apricot, honey. This is not an all-day smoke because it deserves to be enjoyed in a moment of quiet reflec... Read More
December 29, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Nice well rounded flavor with good nicotine kick. One bowl left me smiling, it’s like I took a prozac.
December 29, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Nice well rounded flavor with good nicotine kick. One bowl left me smiling, it’s like I took a prozac.
very nice!
December 21, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Tin date Nov 2019 has note of plums, sweet bread, and mild fresh cut grass. Tobacco flakes are a reddish-brown with a little dark brown and tan. Moisture is good to go. Rubs out easily and no drying needed. Burns slow with a few relights. The strengt... Read More
October 15, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
兄弟们如果在广州附近可以一起云云呀···交流 咸鱼是doraemon肥温
Pure and Tasty
September 19, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
A while back I bought some pounds of Mac Baren for the cellar. Bought tins for den. This tin was dated 04/22. When it is hot outside, I hit my Virginia and VaPers pretty hard. The tin note, room note, and taste on this Virginia are outstanding! Happy... Read More
Best Virginia
August 25, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Best Virginia on the caseing no bullshit
Ummm…maybe: (revised 11/22)
July 08, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
I’ve been a Mac-B loyalist since the early days of my pipe shenanigans….a whopping 8 months ago; and I’ve also loved VAs from the start. This one fell a little flat for me right out of the gate. Maybe it’s my inexperience, but I couldn’t get a cool o... Read More
담백하고 맛있는 버지니아
March 31, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
달콤하고 두툼한 질감의 연기가 좋은 맛있는 버지니아로 요즘 제일 맛있게 피우고 있다. 묵히면 더 맛이 좋을 듯
Newb review
March 03, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
One of the best "catchup" flakes ive smoked yet! Loved it!
At times uneven--but use a bigger bowl!
March 02, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
(To update the below: Halfway through the tin/Mason jar, I switched to a pipe with a wider and deeper bowl, a Liverpool, than the French Genod I was breaking in. What an improvement!) Like all Mac Baren's flakes, this one looks beautiful in the tin. ... Read More
What tobacco should taste like
January 14, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
This is a very rich virginia blend. There is beautiful balance between sweet and ...sort of like tanic leaves on a moist forest floor. This tobacco reminds me of oolong tea, it's that amber type between green and black tea
Pure virginia
January 12, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Top 5 tobacco
September 18, 2021
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
It’s smooth and wonderful tasting. Lovely mouth feel and 2 flakes fit inside my savinelli 320KS perfectly. I do the fold and stuff method with 0 tongue bite and the bowl has never gotten hot. I don’t even dry it out, though I know some people do.
Pure Virginia on point
July 22, 2021
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
This is everything you would expect from a Virginia. Sweet, burns great, room note is very nice
Good tobacco
July 12, 2021
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
Another faithful battle friend...............
Very nice
May 22, 2021
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
When I first opened this one I didn't care for it at all. So much so I actually set it aside and forgot about it. It started sour and rather unpleasant with a matching smoking profile. Now a few weeks later after finding the Tin randomly and giving ... Read More
March 26, 2021
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
First time trying...Amazing Flavor, I'm going to be buying more...If this is what it tastes like with no age on it I can't wait to see how it changes with age.
Great tobacco for cigarette smokers starting with pipes!
March 03, 2021
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
When I first started smoking a pipe, I got many aromatic blends, but was not very happy with the experience. This is coming from a cigarette smoker who was trying to transition to pipes. I spoke with someone who recommended this as something more sim... Read More
Reminiscent of Christmas Cheer
January 07, 2021
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
A warmhearted fellow pipe smoker allowed me to dabble in a tin of his 2013 Mclelland Christmas cheer, and boy was I in love with that tobacco. I spent a lot of time searching for a replacement. Browsing forums, watching YouTube videos,talking to fell... Read More
Aging it.
December 04, 2020
By: ST
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
With a minimal casing, I am missing the sweetness I enjoy. A long time in the cellar will make it very worthy. I loved the natural tobacco it presented, it’s a must for me, but too young it lacked that extra bit of sweetness to round it off for my li... Read More
MacBaren!I love you !
September 26, 2020
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Another MacBaren jewel.Tasty ,zesty,subtly sweet,never harsh ,slow burning goodness.Rub out esily ,doesnt need too many relights.Weird thing is each bowl takes me elsewhere ,with each bowl i dicover something new.Thank you Per Jensen.Highly recomende... Read More
July 20, 2020
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
Put it half year , then the flake become ribbon, its my second tin , not sure if its becoz the heat that cause the flake to break . The taste also a little different from my first tin but overall still good. One of my rotation.
Does what it says on the tin
December 15, 2019
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
If you are looking for a good, straight Virginia, this is a really good one to try
Maybe The Best
November 02, 2019
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
This, and Opening Night are probably the best straight Virginia blends I have had. This has a range of tastes and has good body to it. When it's young it has some savory, earthy, vegetal, salty flavors, fruit-forward flavors, citrus, vanilla, honey... Read More
Brings back memories...
August 31, 2019
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
When I was 15, I befriended an 86 year old pipe smoker. At the time I had my grandfather's pipe and nothing in the way of pipe knowledge. He taught me his own feelings of tobacco and pipe smoking and they have informed my every bowl in some fashion. ... Read More
Working it's way to the top of my list
June 22, 2019
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
The tin I received already had 4 years of cellar age on it. The tin note is pear, tart apple, and hay. Moist flakes that required a bit of drying time for my liking. Taste is predominantly fruit driven with bright green apple and pear leading the ... Read More
A Nuanced Virginia
January 15, 2019
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
MacBaren's HH Pure Virginia is a tin I keep going to when I know I want a Virginia but I'm not sure what else I want. It never disappoints. It smells nice when I open the jar; it tastes nice when I first lay flame to it; and it stays nice from start ... Read More
Excellent now
November 20, 2018
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 3.5oz
Excellent now, better after 1 yr in the tin,
Very nice
August 03, 2018
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
This is a great Virginia all around.
oh sooo good
July 29, 2018
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
I am starting to really zero in on what I like as a pipe smoker and a pure Virginia is it. this is a sip it tobacco that will always be in my cart every time I order
Great Straight Virginia Flake
November 30, 2017
Product: Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia 1.75oz
Recently opened a tin from 2015. Perfect little stack of flakes. A smooth and savory smoke with a hint of that natural VA "sweetness". There's a lot of flavor here, considering there's only one component. Since it's hot-pressed (likely with steam), a... Read More
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