About Me:
Lat-forward English blends with black coffee and jazz

Hearth & Home - Black House 1.75oz
Maybe the Grail of Balkans
Ran an AI-assisted search for the TOP 10 Balkain Sobranie matches (while smoking C&D Super Balkan) and Black House was top of the heap. I knew of it, of course, thought it was long out of production. Ordered two tins, opened one...and it is delightful...tastes and "enjoys" like the Sobranie I used to smoke lo these many years ago. Problem: I bought the tins at "that other place, since I thought, of course, the blender of Black House was associated with "that other place." I was wrong. My subsequent purchases will be here, my preferred place. Still, I have my beloved Balkan Sobranie taste and nose back at a reasonable price and in stock. From a place I trust.

Hearth & Home - Black House 1.75oz
Maybe the Grail of Balkans
Ran an AI-assisted search for the TOP 10 Balkain Sobranie matches (while smoking C&D Super Balkan) and Black House was top of the heap. I knew of it, of course, thought it was long out of production. Ordered two tins, opened one...and it is delightful...tastes and "enjoys" like the Sobranie I used to smoke lo these many years ago. Problem: I bought the tins at "that other place, since I thought, of course, the blender of Black House was associated with "that other place." I was wrong. My subsequent purchases will be here, my preferred place. Still, I have my beloved Balkan Sobranie taste and nose back at a reasonable price and in stock. From a place I trust.

Cornell & Diehl - Crooner
Crooner PLUS
Just received my order of Crooner bulk which is my favorite Burley-based tobacco. ALSO in the order was a bit of Latakia, which I order for the express purpose, fiendish may it be judged, to mix 50/50 with the Crooner. Folks, if you are a lover of Crooner, AND hanker for a touch of an English blend twist, do try the Crooner/Lat matchup. Crooner stands up nicely to the Lat and the Lat plays nicely, lending a subtle boost. Enjoy...

Cornell & Diehl - Crooner
Crooner PLUS
Just received my order of Crooner bulk which is my favorite Burley-based tobacco. ALSO in the order was a bit of Latakia, which I order for the express purpose, fiendish may it be judged, to mix 50/50 with the Crooner. Folks, if you are a lover of Crooner, AND hanker for a touch of an English blend twist, do try the Crooner/Lat matchup. Crooner stands up nicely to the Lat and the Lat plays nicely, lending a subtle boost. Enjoy...

Sutliff - Pipe Force Episode V 1.75oz
Hooked on two
This is the second Sutliff LE series I'm hooked on. Episode V, when I opened it, looked like it was going to be akin to Rustica. Even the unsmoked nose gave some credence to that notion. After letting the blend dry a bit (too moist for me) I loaded a Jobey Stromboli bent Billiard...wow, was I wrong. This is an easy-going tobacco, nice earth and deep hints of oak...and with both French and Retro inhales, the spice of the Orientals make themselves known. (Again, I apologize for using wine-style tasting notes...that's all I know.) FYI, as I write this review, I'm enjoying a bowl of Episode V in a Royal Danish Sand Grain Squat Tomato. This blend is pleasing an all aspect...IMHO/YMMV

Cornell & Diehl - Steamworks 2oz
A great blend...for all seasons
I serviced my Nording QUEEN Rhodesian specifically to try C&D's Steamworks. Wanted to be sure that I got a "clean" taste. And I did...deep mellow straw and leather with a bit of wheat. (My tastes will likely be different that others, I'm used to tasting wines...so my descriptions will be more from that world.) Suggestion on preparing the tobacco. Rub out, then be sure to let it dry a bit. There was a bit too much moisture for my liking. I also tore the strands into much shorter lengths, I prefer a "shaggier" cut; I created about a quarter of the tin into near cube-like sized pieces to slow down the burn-rate. Overall...love this blend, smooth, enjoyable, can be an all-day bowl as well as companion to my usual Lat-forward English "diet. Five stars.

Drucquer & Sons - The Merry Monk 100g
William of Baskerville loves this!
Merry Monk--This tobacco really reminds me of Strauss Tobacconists' PRIVATE STOCK (Strauss is a Cincinnati tradition.) I started smoking Private Stock when I attended UC. The tobacco taste is reminiscent of Private Stock, but is much lighter, possibly due to the cut of the tobacco...I remember Private Stock being more of a flake cut; Merry Monk is ribbon cut. The taste is a middle strength English, the Latakia is there, just not heavily. The Virginias and Orientals play well and overall, it is a tobacco I find myself smoking all day. (If William of Baskerville in The Name of the Rose smoked...he'd smoke Merry Monk!) Five Star.

Cornell & Diehl - Latakia
Why just blend it? Smoke it as well!
Latakia, which I buy...not for blending alone. This is as some of my pipe friends on another platform and I agree, is an utterly delicious tobacco to enjoy alone. In fact, in one edition of a Sherlock Holmes book, the great detective is said to have kept his Latakia in the toe of a Persian slipper. I suggest trying Latakia, which has elements of both toast and dark rum in both nose and taste, in a Prince shaped pipe. I have a well-seasoned GBD Prince and a Brigham Rod and Reel 236 (Algonquin style) that I generally use with Latakia

Mac Baren - HH Rustica Flake 3.5oz
Rustica (2021 release)
Rustica is one of my favorite of the Mac Barin HH special series that appear, majikly, ever so often. I suspect the blendmeisters hide the leaves somewhere for a while. Rightly so. And I have learned many lessons on how I need to prepare the slices properly for me....and that is a session with one of my sharpest Damascus bladed knives, for I need to do a first cut to establish a short-ish "ribbon for a base. I then take about a third to a half of the tin and do a second cuttin, establishing a roughly cube cut, which I mix in carefully with the short ribbon. with this, I get easy lighting and steady smoking characteristics. The tobacco is deep and mellow, and in my pipes, broken in with Lat-forward English blends, not the least bit harsh (although I do find I need to be a bit more cleaning-oriented with the Rustica...the tobacco blend has a bit more residue than the typical English blend). This is not, however, an all-day smoke. I usually limit it to one or two bowls a day--which I do look forward to smoking--it is a five star tobacco, for sure.

Sutliff - Pipe Force Episode IV 1.75oz
You had me at Rustica...
As a confirmed Lat-forward English blend smoker, this blend, featuring Rustica, was a must buy/try... And I was not disappointed. Have loaded it into everything from a brand new Brigham to well-broken in Stanwell. Every bowl had the bold notes of Latakia and Rustica, mellowed out with the Cavendish and Orientals. Great room note; this is an all-day blend for me. Would love for Sutliff to have this (or a variation) as a regular line item... IMHO/YMMV

Sutliff - Crumble Cake Barrel Aged Series No.6 Phantom Privateer 50g
Well--at least I gave it a fair trial
I am generally an English Lat-forward smoker with an occasional fling into the VaPer world. Feel like using pistol ammunition metaphors to evaluate this blend... I used multiple pipe shapes from bent Rhodesian and Bulldog to straight shank Billiard to Reverse Calabash to Captain Warren. Some pipes were cleaned and reamed, some were grabbed out of rotation. Filling technique varied from traditional to parfait to air pocket. The results were the same. Phantom Privateer smoked hot, peppery is an understatement. At first, I thought it was the method used for "krumbling", upon reflection (and afrer opening another crumble cake blend) I realized I did nothing different with Privateer. The blend is, generously, akin to an overly tannic very young red cabernet that puckers one's mouth. And this observation gives rise to a suggestion...it might need some aging. I did buy two tins. I'll let the other tin sit for a bit...maybe a half-year, and report back. Of course, IMHO/YMMV

Mac Baren - HH Rustica Flake 3.5oz
When I want the Tobac equal of a Saleen Mustang
There are times when a Lat-forward English or a VAPer just isn't right. The other day, I was prowling through my current table: the Gawth Hoggarth Kendal Dark Vintage or Scotch Mix wasn't quite right. The C&D Folklore was okay...but-- By happenstance, I knocked over some of my "under-the-desk" stash and--POP--the HH 2021 Rustica fell out. Roughly rubbed out a couple of slices and fired them up in recently acquired Chacom bent apple (five star-BTW). Bingo. The shreds took a bit to take the flame, when they did, the taste was Autumn with a finish of earth. Some have mentioned a sweetness, I don't find that attribute, though there is a bit of an apple nuance--very light, to be sure and more crisp than sweet. Make no mistake, the tobacco is stout. I generally do not touch it in the morning. Definitely an afternoon/evening smoke in a shape with a goodly cross-section-I tend to use the aforementioned apple or a bulldog/Rhodesian for the cooling effect of the bowl mass. I smoke this luscious tobacco in its time and place. Glad I have a number of tins of the 2021 and I think I have some of the prior release. Love it.

Cornell & Diehl - Carolina Red Flake 2oz
Pleased, to say the least..
I've been smoking this edition Carolina Red Flake for a couple of days now in a variety of pipes ranging from a nosewarmer Reverse Calabash to a smallish 3/4s Bent Billiard to a quarter-bent pot. All my pipes are fed a diet of light to heavy English blends and VaPers so there is always some residual flavor influence. That set-up out of the way, I am very glad to have ordered a sufficient quantity of this Small Batch. I pick up nose of cut grass with an oaky overtone and a finish of a touch of what I can only describe as an autumn morning. The smoke is light on the tongue and if my supply was not constrained by this C&D offering likely not becoming part of their "stable" of blends, it would be one of my go-to tobaccos. Love it and will keep it with my specials...like the Savinelli 125th Anniversary Blend and several other limited editions.

G. L. Pease - Quiet Nights 2oz
G. L. Pease Quiet Nights-Corcovado
(Looking over my collection of tobaccos, I realized I'd missed an opportunity to have some fun. With a few exceptions, Lat-forward English blends predominate my purchases; I decided to have a bit of fun. I've mentioned in one or two of my reviews that I loves me my jazz, so I started looking at some of the blend names, just for the heck of it, to see if any were the same (or close to the same) as some of my favorite tracks. I found five, this is the first review of one of the finds.) G. L. Pease Quiet Nights (song-Corcavada-Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars-Jobin/Getz is the preferred instrumental) When I first opened the tin, I was surprised that the Red Virginia component (earthy, reminiscent of turned soil next to a woodline) came on first, not overwhelming, mind you, just eagerly to present. The Latakia then elbowed its way in, as Lats do. To my mind, the heady aroma of the Lat melded with the Virginia nicely. The Perique and Orientals wove themselves in like grace notes. The slices break apart into nice shaggy strings; I've used several different packing schemes and they've all worked well. One side note...all my pipes are carefully broken in with a heel cake...and Quiet Nights performs beautifully, smoking down to the bottom, with no dottle. Like the opening act, the taste and mouthfeel of the blend follow much the same pattern with this variation... The Virginia and Latakia blend into a savory full-bodied taste with the Perique and Orientals adding piquant (and sparkly) notes. For me, this is not just an evening-only blend...I could smoke this blend all day, just like I could listen to the song I've taken as the homage for this blend... IMHO/YMMV

Cornell & Diehl - Palmetto Balkan 8oz
I have to admit, I am one of the many who was not able to purchase this toothsome Balkan blend here. Look, guys, I spend my days doing Boolean search looking for Technical and Engineering candidates, I can find stuff. And find an alternate source I DID. I ain't reviewing this lovely tobacco there, though. When I first opened the 4 oz. can, I was transported...figuratively...to Cincinnati, OH and the place where I bought all my pipes and tobacco for many years...Strauss Tobaccos on Walnut just off Fountain Square. This C&D blend has a container nose that is a doppelganger for Strauss' PRIVATE STOCK English Blend, which I smoked for many years, while getting my degrees at UC. While the nose is similar, the TASTE is not quite the same. PRIVATE STOCK is Lat -forward, Palmetto's Perique is the leader here with the lush, aged Virginias backing and the Orientals dulcet in the background. I bought all I could from the "other place"; like the other commentors, I don't remember seeing heads' up announcement. Pays to have a back-up source. Hats off to C&D for this blend.

Seattle Pipe Club - Hogshead 4oz
Hmmm---Guess not for us
Guess we won't see how Joe handles a pure Virginia blend. I've become a fan of Seattle blends recently and would have procured some of this seemingly toothsome special. The "other place" I usually go for these specials...has the same situation...and did the same process...not a peep until 12:01 AM EDT. We have vaporware in the IT world, now we have...smokeware (?) in the tobacco community, I suppose...

Cornell & Diehl - Folklore 16oz
Folklore--I'd say this tobacco may be "Fable-oulous"
First, I got not one but two blocks of this gorgeous hunk of tobacco blend. Yah gotta do your research and see which other estimable tobacco purveyors are selling highly desirable and oft-times highly limited-supply blends. I was on two of my compters shortly after midnight and had both blocks on order and was asleep by 12:10 AM. Yes, two computers, I am prepared for this sort of thing. Why? Because I am used to dealing with highly desirable/limited edition fountain pens that can go even faster than limited edition tobaccos. If you want something, plan to do what needs to be done to acquire the item. Now...The tobacco is just freakin' awesome. At the risk of sounding somewhere between fanatical and pedantic--I did an extra level cleaning (I use vodka for my stem and shank cleaning fluid) of a Savinelli 125th Anniversary and a Savinelli Autograph to use as my dedicated smoking "rides". The "opening" aroma is redolent with fruit and earth, promising a deep room note and a gently complex taste. For a change, I was correct on both counts. (I am still better at wine tasting than tobacco tasting). After letting the initial lighting settle, the second kindling released the depth of the mixed Virginias with the great overtones of the Perique and the sparks of the Burley and Oriental accents. This tobacco tastes like, to me, like the Dave Brubeck Quartet sounds. I'm writing this note after just the first several bowls of Folklore. Also in rotation, somewhat ironically, is the fairly new C&D Edisto, which does not have the same complexity as the Folklore. In no way does this take away from Edisto, if anything it highlights the great talent at C&D. For the technically minded, I decided to use a short-style cut on the block, with each "chunk" about two inches in length. I use a medium-ish pack and find that I need few "in-between" lightings as long as I remember to tamp. Bottom line...great tobacco and I am glad I did get two bricks. I'm letting brick #2 age in the rather substantial vacuum-sealed packaging. I have it stored in a light-proof container, think the aging will go quite well. And yes, it was worth losing a bit of sleep to wait for...

Cornell & Diehl - Folklore 16oz
Folklore--I'd say this tobacco may be "Fable-oulous"
First, I got not one but two blocks of this gorgeous hunk of tobacco blend. Yah gotta do your research and see which other estimable tobacco purveyors are selling highly desirable and oft-times highly limited-supply blends. I was on two of my compters shortly after midnight and had both blocks on order and was asleep by 12:10 AM. Yes, two computers, I am prepared for this sort of thing. Why? Because I am used to dealing with highly desirable/limited edition fountain pens that can go even faster than limited edition tobaccos. If you want something, plan to do what needs to be done to acquire the item. Now...The tobacco is just freakin' awesome. At the risk of sounding somewhere between fanatical and pedantic--I did an extra level cleaning (I use vodka for my stem and shank cleaning fluid) of a Savinelli 125th Anniversary and a Savinelli Autograph to use as my dedicated smoking "rides". The "opening" aroma is redolent with fruit and earth, promising a deep room note and a gently complex taste. For a change, I was correct on both counts. (I am still better at wine tasting than tobacco tasting). After letting the initial lighting settle, the second kindling released the depth of the mixed Virginias with the great overtones of the Perique and the sparks of the Burley and Oriental accents. This tobacco tastes like, to me, like the Dave Brubeck Quartet sounds. I'm writing this note after just the first several bowls of Folklore. Also in rotation, somewhat ironically, is the fairly new C&D Edisto, which does not have the same complexity as the Folklore. In no way does this take away from Edisto, if anything it highlights the great talent at C&D. For the technically minded, I decided to use a short-style cut on the block, with each "chunk" about two inches in length. I use a medium-ish pack and find that I need few "in-between" lightings as long as I remember to tamp. Bottom line...great tobacco and I am glad I did get two bricks. I'm letting brick #2 age in the rather substantial vacuum-sealed packaging. I have it stored in a light-proof container, think the aging will go quite well. And yes, it was worth losing a bit of sleep to wait for...

Cornell & Diehl - Folklore 16oz
Folklore--I'd say this tobacco may be "Fable-oulous"
First, I got not one but two blocks of this gorgeous hunk of tobacco blend. Yah gotta do your research and see which other estimable tobacco purveyors are selling highly desirable and oft-times highly limited-supply blends. I was on two of my compters shortly after midnight and had both blocks on order and was asleep by 12:10 AM. Yes, two computers, I am prepared for this sort of thing. Why? Because I am used to dealing with highly desirable/limited edition fountain pens that can go even faster than limited edition tobaccos. If you want something, plan to do what needs to be done to acquire the item. Now...The tobacco is just freakin' awesome. At the risk of sounding somewhere between fanatical and pedantic--I did an extra level cleaning (I use vodka for my stem and shank cleaning fluid) of a Savinelli 125th Anniversary and a Savinelli Autograph to use as my dedicated smoking "rides". The "opening" aroma is redolent with fruit and earth, promising a deep room note and a gently complex taste. For a change, I was correct on both counts. (I am still better at wine tasting than tobacco tasting). After letting the initial lighting settle, the second kindling released the depth of the mixed Virginias with the great overtones of the Perique and the sparks of the Burley and Oriental accents. This tobacco tastes like, to me, like the Dave Brubeck Quartet sounds. I'm writing this note after just the first several bowls of Folklore. Also in rotation, somewhat ironically, is the fairly new C&D Edisto, which does not have the same complexity as the Folklore. In no way does this take away from Edisto, if anything it highlights the great talent at C&D. For the technically minded, I decided to use a short-style cut on the block, with each "chunk" about two inches in length. I use a medium-ish pack and find that I need few "in-between" lightings as long as I remember to tamp. Bottom line...great tobacco and I am glad I did get two bricks. I'm letting brick #2 age in the rather substantial vacuum-sealed packaging. I have it stored in a light-proof container, think the aging will go quite well. And yes, it was worth losing a bit of sleep to wait for...

Cornell & Diehl - Folklore 16oz
Folklore--I'd say this tobacco may be "Fable-oulous"
First, I got not one but two blocks of this gorgeous hunk of tobacco blend. Yah gotta do your research and see which other estimable tobacco purveyors are selling highly desirable and oft-times highly limited-supply blends. I was on two of my compters shortly after midnight and had both blocks on order and was asleep by 12:10 AM. Yes, two computers, I am prepared for this sort of thing. Why? Because I am used to dealing with highly desirable/limited edition fountain pens that can go even faster than limited edition tobaccos. If you want something, plan to do what needs to be done to acquire the item. Now...The tobacco is just freakin' awesome. At the risk of sounding somewhere between fanatical and pedantic--I did an extra level cleaning (I use vodka for my stem and shank cleaning fluid) of a Savinelli 125th Anniversary and a Savinelli Autograph to use as my dedicated smoking "rides". The "opening" aroma is redolent with fruit and earth, promising a deep room note and a gently complex taste. For a change, I was correct on both counts. (I am still better at wine tasting than tobacco tasting). After letting the initial lighting settle, the second kindling released the depth of the mixed Virginias with the great overtones of the Perique and the sparks of the Burley and Oriental accents. This tobacco tastes like, to me, like the Dave Brubeck Quartet sounds. I'm writing this note after just the first several bowls of Folklore. Also in rotation, somewhat ironically, is the fairly new C&D Edisto, which does not have the same complexity as the Folklore. In no way does this take away from Edisto, if anything it highlights the great talent at C&D. For the technically minded, I decided to use a short-style cut on the block, with each "chunk" about two inches in length. I use a medium-ish pack and find that I need few "in-between" lightings as long as I remember to tamp. Bottom line...great tobacco and I am glad I did get two bricks. I'm letting brick #2 age in the rather substantial vacuum-sealed packaging. I have it stored in a light-proof container, think the aging will go quite well. And yes, it was worth losing a bit of sleep to wait for...

G. L. Pease - Maltese Falcon 2oz
Blend it for me- signed Sam Spade
Yah, mixing Bogie's roles... What's not to love, a Lat-forward English blend with a beloved movie title for a label name. Since I've been a customer of this here whistle stop, I've become a fan of G.L. Pease English Blends. They're all unique.. Maltese Falcon is, pardon the pun, a bit of a tease. there is a bit of sweetness when first opening the tin--think that may be the flue-cured having its way. The sweetness then takes a backseat to the Latakia and the Red Virginia, playing in with the orientals in a bit of minor key. The author of the description is correct, this can be an all-day tobacco, it is that good and that gentle. (Movie note: Sam Spade smoked hand-rolled cigarettes through out The Maltese Falcon. There were pipes seen on his office desk...got to look quickly, though.) Final note-I, for one, am quite pleased this is in the GL Pease standard offerings.

Mac Baren - HH Rustica Flake 3.5oz
A blend with maybe some history
I first ordered this luscious, indeed sensuous, tobacco in the 2020 release--and when smoking the last of it, knew I had ordered too few tins. Why? The tobacco is pure enjoyment. It is the essence of history. The aroma and pungency evokes thoughts of what smoking must have been like in pre-Colonial North and Meso-America, when the Rustica plant was the tobacco leaf d'jour. Even with the H&H blend, the Rustica presence dominates and IMHO, as a Lat-forward English blend-lover, absolutely revel in its assertion of statement. Ironically, I find it most pleasant smoked in some of my smaller-bowled pipes that have been well broken-in. Most prominent are a couple of Chacom Reverse Calabashes, two Savinelli Bing Favorites and a couple of bent Bulldogs (both are GBDs). This may be one of those "in my head" things, in the art of some of the meetings of settlers and native warriors, the pipes used seem small-bowled. I am stocking up with the 2021 Rustica release. I shall not be caught short this time. So, if you do enjoy a stronger blend and eschew aromatics...and there are tins left...this is a great blend to sample.

Cornell & Diehl - Latakia 2oz
Waiting for the bulk to arrive...
Had to buy the tin in the interim... Latakia is sorely under-rated as a stand-alone tobacco. Low in nicotine, and really not all that pungent, it is also a great blending agent as most have noted. I think the simplest non-English/non-Aromatic blend is a 50/50 Latakia/Cigar Leaf blend which is my go-to blend when I am tired of pre-blends or want a change of pace from English. (I never allow Aromatics in my bowls, thank you.) For a nice simple, straightforward English-style blend, Latakia, Bright Virginia and the Oriental of your choice (I use one of several). I prefer C&D Latakia to all that I have tried...

Cornell & Diehl - From Beyond 2oz
Caveat--I write in the sci-fi genre-- I walked out to my private launch pad, looked over my vehicles and selected a nicely tuned Chacom Reverse Calabash, filled the tank with From Beyond and lit the fire. Behaved well in atmospheric mode...robust, good Lat forward, the Perique bringing in a good boost. Continued on to the first Node Gate, programmed the navputer for a short hop to Alpha Centauri, kicked in the FTL. The subtle background Virginias and Orientals began to assert their qualities, banishing thoughts of any overpowering other-worldly harshness. Punched the RTH and finished off with nary a trace of dottle. Decided a couple of days later that a longer trip might be a good test as well. Pulled my big GBD Colossus ROSE 1759 (2 inch bowl depth and nearly 1 inch chamber diameter is about 3 cu. in. chamber capacity) for a Galactic trip. This was a pleasure BEYOND... As one reviewer noted, I now wish I'd ordered twice the number of tins I will note I did have to laser tentacles on both star system runs. Worth the trouble... Be well, fellow smokers.

Cornell & Diehl - Eight State Burley 2oz
Well....Okay, a Burley with benefits
Giving you fair warning, My main blends are Lat forward English blends, whether I do the blending or I buy blended. Thought I would trust C&D, since they do a great job on their English blends. I was rewarded with a very comfortable smoke. The aroma in the tin is of late autumn hay in the field (a good thing) and the taste is of tobacco, earth, with hints of merlot and cocoa. Second hit (nostril) is pure tobacco. I am using this tobacco to break in a pair of new Savinelli Alligator pipes; the long ribbon cut burns slow and easy, ending with no dottle. While I am not going to say I am a Burley convert, I'll not be turning my nose up at non-aromatic blends using Burley as a base now. And I did lay in a small supply of this Small Batch, having learned that is something one does with any C&D Small Batch run. Highly recommended.

Savinelli - 145th Anniversary 2oz
Special tobacco for a special pipe
My special someone gifted me with one of Savinelli's 145th Anniversary Punto Oro pipes and included a tin of this "matching" tobacco. The aroma from the tin bespeaks an aromatic. Hastening to smokingpipes.com I was amazed to find this is a VaPer with Italian Burley. Not a casing mentioned anywhere. The tobacco, while fragrant with raisin, plum, chocolate and earth in the tin, On the tongue and in the nostrils the fire-cured Italian Burley makes its statement, then the Perique wafts in. There is then the Virginia providing the delicious finish. Frankly, I've not been much of a VaPer smoker (Lat forward English); THIS blend has changed my mind. Since I'm using this tobacco only in the 145th Sav Punto Oro pipe, I have laid in a good supply. Just not quite sure what to do when it runs out...

Gifts - Smokingpipes Baseball Cap Black (with Pockets)
Cool, just plain cool
First, ya got to understand I am not a hat guy. I will condescend to wear a watch cap when it is cold and snowing. That is about it. I am also not much of a "wear advertising clothing stuff guy"; no Alligator polo shirts, no horses, no brand names or rude sayings on my tee-shirts. When I saw this ball cap I had to have it. First, as Ramsey Lewis opined, only the In Crowd will know what the logo signifies. Second, the cap has cool utility pockets. Third, a very special lady thinks it looks good with my "silver hair." What's not to like. Get one. At least you know you are wearing a hat with the the emblem of a winning team!

Tabac De La Semois - La Volute 3.5oz
Notes From LES
I was really kind of skeptical when I bought as many units of this tabac as I did, for two reasons. First, I'm a devout Lat-forward English blend sorta guy. Second, I've not developed a penchant for Burley. Okay, three reasons. I've not had a heckuva lot of success with tobaccos from the EU. Figure, what the heck. First, I am in...like...with this Limited Edition Semios. The nose is fresh mown hay with a hit of moss. Light. Intriguing. Selected a newer pipe (a Nording) that is just starting its journey with me, so it hasn't a build-up of Lat-flavored cake. The moisture content is low, which I prefer and the cut borders on a shag. The tobacco takes to flame well and tamps/stays lit nicely throughout the bowl. The ash is a dark silver grey. The taste is simple and pleasing. Light grass and earth with just a soupcon of mint. Not like you would get with a top dressing, this has a naturalness that is just barely there. I'm glad I did lay in a supply, this is a great tobacco. Looking forward to the next edition...

Cornell & Diehl - Crooner
Croon a little blend for me, Bing
I got this C&D blend specifically to smoke in the several Savinelli “Bing’s Favorite” pipes I have—yah, I know, corny as Kansas, what the heck. Overall, the blend is gentle (not a big fan of Burley) and the deertongue does give a nice upstate New York meadow-y taste and nose. Room note is unobtrusive. That last statement is the crux of my problem with Crooner. Like Der Bingle…Crooner is just too laid back. See—I’m one of those Lat-forward English blend folks. In abject glorification of Sherlock Holmes, I smoke Latakia straight up, none of this tippy-toeing around as blending tobacco. Crooner is good and I’ll recommend it to anyone. No bite and stays lit nicely. It’s so…Holiday Inn-ish. Philistine-like it may be, I’ve decided to work up a blend using Crooner as the predominate base and add a goodly portion of Perique—thinking along the lines of a 2:1 Crooner/Perique ratio. Giving Crooner 4.5—great blend, just sorta loses some tenths of points on the dismount.

Cornell & Diehl - Carolina Red Flake 2oz
Nice change of pace..
Love me my heavy Lat-forward English blends (50%+ Latikia, thank you). However, when PS.C advertised this tobacco, I bought a couple of tins...just based on the description. I am glad I did. Been enjoying the blend in a number of varied pipes including two Savinelli "Bing's Favorite" long-stemmed Billiards, a couple of Brighams and a couple of other pipes I pulled from the rack from rotation. Delightful, easy-smoking, good flavor and room notes. One hint...Light the "load" smoke for a bit..maybe 3-4 minutes and then set the pipe down. When it is cool to the touch, relight. The flavor and aroma becomes much more pronounced...the Perique notes are more prominent and the Carolina Red Flake mellows the experience out. Certainly glad I bought two tins. One for now and one to save until C&D makes up another batch. Bill in NYC

Cornell & Diehl
Steamworks 2oz

Currently Out of Stock

Cornell & Diehl
Folklore 16oz

Currently Out of Stock

Cornell & Diehl
Anthology 1992-2022 2oz

Currently Out of Stock

Brown Smooth Bent Apple Reverse Calabash

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Mac Baren
HH Rustica Flake 3.5oz

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Cornell & Diehl

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    A Smoker's Guide to Palate Refinement
  • ► I'm more than fair with wine tasting and can hold my own with various cuisines. Umm...other than the nose of tobacco blends when I first open the package, I don't get the taste or nuance of the individual components of the blend...save for the overall strength of the blend. Not sure of the reason. More's the pity. Will try concentrating, perhaps, in the future.
    A South Carolina Tribute to Balkan Blends: Palmetto Balkan
  • ► Some wondered about the size of the offering. On one of my other purveyors, the weight offered is 8 oz. and the price is $37.50...so a pound is $75--which tops the $60/lb. we paid for FOLKLORE...not that I am complaining....
    The Histories, Writings, and Pipe Smoking of Shelby Foote
  • ► Being both a pipe smoker AND a fountain pen user (not collector...USER) I'd like to offer this little tidbit. Shelby Foote wrote every word of the three-volume Civil War narrative with a dip pen, specifically an Esterbrook nib. Unlike Shelby--I will cite my sourcehttp://theesterbrookproject.com/NIB%20SHEETS/ESTERBROOK%20313%20PROBATE%20PEN/ESTERBROOK%20313%20PROBATE%20PEN.html
    The Retrohale: A Technique for Advanced Flavor Appreciation
  • ► Great article, Chuck, as always. As I was reading, I realized I've been retrohaling since I returned to the "Path of the Pipe" some three years ago after a thirty-some-year absence. I made the decision not to "lung inhale," so moved to the long-remembered and inelegant inhale method named method "French". By a quirk of fate, the retrohale. My technique, though, is a bit different...I push the pipe smoke out through my nose with a constriction of my throat AND push of the back of my tongue. Works for me--IMHO/YMMV
    Tobacco and Book Pairings
  • ► Logan...I like your suggestion. Challenge accepted.Book-Death on the Nile
  • ► HMMMMH&H RUSTICA with MOST DANGEROUS GAME?G.L. Pease SPARK PLUG with THE PRIZE (Indy 500) or GRAND PRIX (Monaco)Drucquer & Sons THE MERRY MONK with THE NAME OF THE ROSEFinally:Cornell & Diehl Latakia and any Sherlock Holmes novel or short story. ("...he kept his Oriental Latakia pipe tobacco in the toe of a Persian slipper... I read this line in one edition of the collected stories of Sr. A. C. Doyle)