Brook D.

Missouri Meerschaum - Party Line 2oz
COMPLETE surprise!
This blend was like a revelation. You get the deep, rich cocoa notes/flavors that a good cigar provides, without the cigar leaf backdrop. The scotch/malted topping plays perfectly in the background to round things out. I don't know that anyone could pull tongue bite or harshness out of this blend... incomparably smooth. Excellent, excellent, excellent... A+

Velvet - Velvet 1.5oz
Fantastic... Among the Best
As a newer smoker I am absolutely floored by all aspects of this tobacco. Pouch note, room note, flavor, and easy burn. Absolutely moving into my rotation. What a value!

Sutliff - Z92 Vanilla Custard
This is THE Vanilla.
If you are a vanilla fiend... this is all there is. pouch and room notes are absolutely intoxicating. If you want subtle vanilla, look elsewhere. The taste isn't nearly as powerful as the notes, but still delicious. It comes in moist but i have no issues lighting or keeping lit. This is my daily driver, nothing in the aromatic or non-aro family even comes close. The wife loves the smell of the smoke and the smell of my beard when i'm finished. You won't catch me without some of this jarred up. A+++++

Sutliff - Z92 Vanilla Custard
This is THE Vanilla.
If you are a vanilla fiend... this is all there is. pouch and room notes are absolutely intoxicating. If you want subtle vanilla, look elsewhere. The taste isn't nearly as powerful as the notes, but still delicious. It comes in moist but i have no issues lighting or keeping lit. This is my daily driver, nothing in the aromatic or non-aro family even comes close. The wife loves the smell of the smoke and the smell of my beard when i'm finished. You won't catch me without some of this jarred up. A+++++

Lane Limited - Very Cherry
This is the HEAVY Cherry
Have been looking for a cherry with LOADS of flavor and i've found it. As others have said, the bag note is extreme but not unpleasant. You get the cherry flavor from false light to finish. If you are looking for something subtle, this is not it. If you are a cherry fiend and want that cherry overload, this is it. Perfect moisture content out of the bag, lit and smoked very well. Very small amount of bite at the beginning, but entirely manageable. Smallish-medium sized bowl smoked for 45 minutes. I will be keeping this jarred and on hand at all times. A+

Brick House
Maduro Robusto

$8.00 $7.20

Short Rusticated (150) Fishtail

Currently Out of Stock

Z92 Vanilla Custard

Based on Qty Ordered