Brian D.

Cornell & Diehl - Sun Bear Black Locust 2oz
5am est and it’s already sold out lol

Cornell & Diehl - Bayou Morning
Put your big boy pipes on for this one.
Pack your bowl, light your bowl, then put your seatbelt on because this is a strong one. As a new smoker I was brought low by the big Kaywoodie bowl that I foolishly puffed away at. I did however enjoy the taste and aroma and believe this will be one that I’ll grow into. A strong learning lesson though.

Cornell & Diehl - Crooner
I’m a novice pipe smoker but here’s my first try at a review. The initial notes upon opening are of raisin and maybe some brown sugar. Has a nice taste while smoking, smooth but with a little bit of bite, but overall very nice.I was told that it smelled like gingerbread, which is never a bad thing. I’ll definitely be stocking up on some more of this, maybe store some to see how it ages.

Alligator Brown (804 KS) (6mm)

Currently Out of Stock

Balkan Supreme

Based on Qty Ordered