Lon G.

Lane Limited - Very Cherry
First, let me say that I've been smoking a pipe for most of 50 years. But now, I live where it is HOT. I always liked the English blends, the latakia and Balkan mixes, but thought I'd give it a change and try something a little less warm. So, I tried this cherry blend and loved it! I was a little excited by the aroma, so I puffed away a little too fast. Smoke this stuff SLOW, and it won't bite. Stayed lit for me, and flavor through the smoke, even the first bowl. Good stuff for sure.

Lane Limited - Black Raspberry
Mild, mild, MILD!
Okay, I'm a 71 year old geezer, a pipe smoker for over 50 years, and I'm hooked on this stuff. I normally have smoked English blends and always found airomatics too hot, too gloopy and so on. But now I live in Mexico, where it is hot... no, I mean HOT! I wanted something cool for the afternoons so I tried the Rasberry blend. No bite, no hot tongue, no gloop in the pipe. I just ordered another 8 oz, so go figger. Another old dog learning new tricks.

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