Vauen Tinned Pipe Tobaccos

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+About Vauen
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Components: Include +
  • Burley
  • Black Cavendish
  • Virginia
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  • Burley
  • Black Cavendish
  • Virginia
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  • Virginia
  • Aromatic
Strength +
  • Very Mild
  • Mild
  • Medium
  • Strong
  • Very Strong
Room Note +
  • Very Pleasant
  • Pleasant
  • Very Tolerable
  • Tolerable
  • Intense
Taste +
  • Very Mild
  • Mild
  • Medium
  • Strong
  • Very Strong

Founded in 1848 by Karl Ellenberger and Carl August Ziener, VAUEN has undergone many name changes since its founding, finally settling on VAUEN, a phonetic abbreviation of "Vereinigte Pfeifenfabriken in Nuremberg" in 1909. Their pipe tobacco, made in Germany like all of their products, are predominately aromatic and Virginia blends, specifically formulated for lovers of European style pipe tobacco.

Auenland 50g

$25.00 $19.99

No. 14 Virginia Flake 50g

$25.00 $20.00