Two Friends: Celtic Mist 2oz Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-067-0005

A base of the highest grades of Cavendish, with just a bit of Burley, is enhanced with wonderfully sweet Virginia tobaccos to make Two Friends' Celtic Mist. A delightful tobacco flavor sets the stage, enhanced, not overwhelmed, by the addition of a little essence of Irish Mist. The room aroma is equally enchanting to those fortunate enough to be in the presence of the smoker.
Room Note:

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  • Components: Virginia, Burley, Black Cavendish
  • Family: Aromatic
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews (4 Total)
Overall Rating:
1.50 out of 5 stars
July 09, 2016
Product: Two Friends Celtic Mist 2oz
Celtic mist is an aborted mission to the land of aromatics. It was impossible for me to finish the tin after three times trying it. I had to sell the rest to someone who loved it. Although the idea is good, the casing that resembles some form of odd... Read More
Disappointing in the extreme!
May 02, 2022
Product: Two Friends Celtic Mist 2oz
I really wanted to like this, based on the description and the reputation of the blenders Greg and Craig ... I LOVE Redwood and think it's way under appreciated. Celtic Mist MISSED by a long shot. It smells pretty nice in the tin, and upon lighting i... Read More
What was I thinking?
October 19, 2021
Product: Two Friends Celtic Mist 2oz
Yes, what was I thinking when I ordered this tobacco? What I was thinking was based on the description on the label it sounded like something I would enjoy. NOT! I smoked one bowl of this Two Friends Celtic Mist and just could not finish it. I found ... Read More
really enjoyed!!
January 20, 2016
Product: Two Friends Celtic Mist 2oz
I am not a huge aromatic fan, but this was very good. This is one of the few aromatics that tastes just as good as it smells. The flavoring is definitely there but not overwhelming.