Mac Baren: HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 005-004-0020

The strongest tobacco in Mac Baren's portfolio and among the strongest pipe tobacco blends in the world, HH Rustica combines the Nicotiana rustica strain of tobacco with Dark Virginias and Burley. The result is a strong blend with a rich, complex flavor profile, and it's available here in bulk, ready-rubbed format.

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  • Components: Virginia, Burley
  • Family: Virginia
  • Cut: Broken Flake
Customer Reviews (16 Total)
Overall Rating:
4.41 out of 5 stars
April 12, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
麦克巴伦 HH 乡野之人 2021年 生草:水果发酵和黑暗风格的气味。 点火后:泥土、木质味、花香、柑橘、面包、草药、苔藓、一定量的烟熏。 口腔里面能感受到:类似柠檬的果酸和淡淡的果甜,口腔会有涩感,尼古丁含量高。 烟气方面:整体柔顺、厚重,斗温不高,值得注意的是斗草要醒干再抽,不然会有一定的水汽,那么你可能就会出现杂味与呛人感,整体劲道偏高,需要控制过鼻的次数。 总的来说,这款草各种风味都保持的很好,半斗之后开始体现劲道,一抖下来体验感还是满分的,但是不能忽略的是他的尼古丁。它会有特别的花香... Read More
Rustica Unleashed
February 28, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
Mac Baren's HH Rustica Ready Rubbed in bulk strides into the room with a presence you can't ignore—bold, unrefined, and with a strength that grabs you by the collar. This blend doesn't tiptoe around; it's a full-bodied, earthy affair with a nicotine ... Read More
Best Ive ever smoked
March 08, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
This is the smoothest and tastiest pipe tobacco ever! I've never tried the flaked but this is great. It reminds me of a good maduro cigar. Its got body and strength but smooth as silk and a subtle sweetness on the back of the palate that is sublime. ... Read More
Time Machine.
July 05, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
This is so good. Smooth, but strong and balanced. MacBaren’s really has impressed me with this fine tobacco. Is it strong? I’m not going to blow smoke up your arse, yes it’s strong. You’ll see Pocahontas doing somersaults nude, right down the village... Read More
A Real Man's Tobacco
July 28, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
The stuff of legends in bulk and ready rubbed? Sign me up.
May 14, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
它很棒,简单粗暴,在点燃之后,我深深的吸了一口,接着习惯性的从我的鼻腔里出去。然后。。。。。。尽管我咳了十多分钟,但是我还是喜欢它的味道,微甜,微涩,浓烈的乡村泥土气息,再加上一大杯美式咖啡,让我欲罢不能。我想,我应该买点HH Old Dark Fired Ready Rubbed感受不同的风味。建议新手请在指导下品尝,它实在太棒啦!
Actually very nice
February 29, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
Very moist in the pouch. I broke up strands and left it to air dry a bit, stuffed a 616 KS Savinelli, did a charring light and let it sit. Lit it up and it was reluctant so I let it sit a while longer. Finally got it going and was rewarded with a ric... Read More
Medicinal Use, preferably
August 09, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
This here is a medicinal substance. It doesn't taste very good, and it's extremely potent. Be careful not to overdo it, you can smoke too much with even a small bowl of this one. The value I see in this tobacco is as a traditional medicinal and rit... Read More
My wheelhouse
June 22, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
I like full tobacco flavor with a good dose of nicotine. This delivers both. Made me wobbly a time or two on an empty stomach. Won’t do that again. If you like burly you’ll like rustica. Just smoke this after a good meal.
vitamin N
June 11, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
a bit mellow than the tinned one. good amount of vitamin N, slightly dry
I thought this was too wet, but it smokes well if sipped.
April 07, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
This tobacco tastes great. It isn't quite as smokey as something really lat heavy, but it's definitely there. The smoke actually comes across sort of sweet, it's a really nice smoke. Mellower than I expected, but it definitely has a sting and a spicy... Read More
A bad experience.
March 31, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
The flavor of this tobacco is quite nice, unfortunately I could not keep the bowl lit long enough to enjoy more than perhaps a minute of smoking. Perhaps it is my pipe or my packing technique but even after pulling all of the tobacco out of the pipe ... Read More
1rst time with Rustica
March 30, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
I smoke Orientals, VaPers, English, DrkFKentucky, & aromatics(occasionally). They said it was REALLY STRONG...Doesn't taste OVERWHELMING..Don't get me wrong... It does have some KICK to it. It's smoother than I had thought it would be. But it's real... Read More
Holy smokes
March 19, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
It's good. Bag note is almost exactly like Old Dark Fired, and the taste is similar, but there's a peculiar tingling on the tongue that isn't at all unpleasant. Unlike HH Burley Flake, the taste of the tobacco is rich enough to overpower the sweeteni... Read More
Patience Is A Virtue
March 07, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
This ready-rubbed came on the moist side, but after a little rubbing and 20 minutes of drying time was good to go. I used a vintage 624KS, which I consider a medium bowl. I'd recommend a medium sized bowl of your choice for the experienced smoker. It... Read More
March 01, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Rustica Ready Rubbed Bulk
This is my first review ever although I smoke pipes since 55 years. Mostly I smoke flakes….Latakia based is my favorite. I was lured to this one by the claim that it is so strong. So I fed it into one of my Dunhills. Early impression: superb! ... Read More
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