John Cotton's: Number 1 1.75oz Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-735-0001

John Cotton's Number 1 is an Oriental and Virginia forward blend, seasoned with just the right amount of Latakia. Though considered the more mellow of the modern John Cotton's blends, this Russ Ouellette-blended smoke is not short on complexity of flavor.

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  • Components: Virginia, Latakia, Orientals
  • Family: English
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews (8 Total)
Overall Rating:
4.06 out of 5 stars
Superior Light English
March 26, 2020
Product: John Cotton's Number 1 1.75oz
A top, mild English contender. As noted in the tin description, this blend is Virginia-forward, more so than other mild English blends like EMP and Good Morning. However, the Orientals and Latakia play an evident role and contribute a quality spicine... Read More
Great English Blend
January 13, 2016
Product: John Cotton's Number 1 1.75oz
Sampled this at the West Coast Show. I'm not a fan of English blends, but this one was really good. For me it's a perfect balance of Virginia, Latakia, and Oriental. A nice flavor profile of some sweet fruity notes from the Virginias with a bit of h... Read More
nice change of pace
January 19, 2023
Product: John Cotton's Number 1 1.75oz
Tin note of sour, spices and mild smoky. Tobacco is yellowish tan ribbon with a little brown and a smidgen of dark brown/black mixed in. Moisture content is good, though some want to dry it out a bit. Burns moderate with few relights. The strength is... Read More
August 11, 2018
Product: John Cotton's Number 1 1.75oz
Have been smoking a pipe for a few months now and hadn't smoked an English till now. I love the full flavor with the Lat kick I am understanding the nickick more as I am smoking this bowl as I type. Not necessarily a first bowl of the day tobac for m... Read More
fairly mellow smoke, with plenty of flavor
January 06, 2018
Product: John Cotton's Number 1 1.75oz
The Virginia and orientals are front and center with a nice, warm almost buttery flavor. While the latakia adds a nice mellow smoky background. Great smoke!!
fairly mellow smoke, with plenty of flavor
January 06, 2018
Product: John Cotton's Number 1 1.75oz
The Virginia and orientals are front and center with a nice, warm almost buttery flavor. While the latakia adds a nice mellow smoky background. Great smoke!!
A wonderful find.
January 14, 2017
Product: John Cotton's Number 1 1.75oz
What Bradley H. said. Of my varied mixtures, I find myself dipping into this perfectly balanced blend 2 to 1 over anything else. Can't imagine not having such a great smoke around.