Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: Balkan Mixture Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 005-001-0034

For Gawith, Hoggarth & Co's Balkan Mixture, the finest flue and sun-cured Virginia, dark Indian air-cured, and Latakia are expertly blended with Latakia to give the smoker a unique taste and aroma.
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Also available:

Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: Balkan Mixture 50g Balkan Mixture 50g
  • Components: Virginia, Latakia, Orientals
  • Family: English
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews (43 Total)
Overall Rating:
4.09 out of 5 stars
I wouldn't bother
March 24, 2018
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
I've been comparing different "Balkan" blends recently. Unfortunately this is completely unlike any other. To those of you unfamiliar with Lakeland Essence let me just say it quite similar to maybe sucking on a bar of soap while sitting beh... Read More
Get Some
November 21, 2015
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
I love Balkan style tobacco, read some reviews and decide to get some. Just opening the tin made comfortable with my decision to purchase. Creamy would be a good description for the whole bowl, sort'a like a comfort food I couldn't leave it alone. T... Read More
Old time
June 29, 2017
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
I purchased two tins two years ago, smoked one and stashed the other for future pleasure, just as tasty but smoother . To me and my taste it's the best English on the market today maybe since the beginning. After aging could be a all day smoke . Next... Read More
A Nice Blend
March 22, 2018
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
I tied a tin of this a week or two ago. I enjoyed it quite a bit and smoked up the tin within a few days. Very typical of a Latakia/Oriental type English blend, subtle yet full bodied. Plus it has a slight hint of he "Lakeland Essense" whic... Read More
March 17, 2021
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
前段:皮革,淡奶油味,中段拉草味道变弱,主线出现了南瓜布丁或者烤红薯的味道。 欢迎去B站关注“躲在厕所抽斗的克里斯”,里面有详细测评
Light, faint English blend with Lakeland essence.
December 26, 2016
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
Delicious tin nose. Comes in a rather fine Ribbon Cut. Moisture in tin is too high, I had to let it dry over night before smoking. BALKAN MIXTURE is a light, mellow, fluffy, one-dimensional, flavoured English mixture. The name is misleading. A real B... Read More
April 14, 2022
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
抽过SG的Balkan,所以特意来试试这款balkan。 首先!拿到手以后发现盒已经开了,如果不是物流快递的问题,那就是SP.com的问题,问了其他的烟斗爱好者,都说SP.com买到的这款烟斗丝容易开盒。 问题就是里面的烟斗丝很干!还得自己处理!返湿几天后试了试,味道并不如SG好,Balkan的风味没有什么特殊体现。 不会回购,可以说是近期来在SP.com购买的失败烟斗丝。
نكهة فريدة مزجت بيد فنان
March 17, 2021
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
خلطة فريدة صنعت بيد محترف لقد مزجت اوراق تبغ فيرجينيا مع اللاذقية والتبغ الهندي باحترافية عالية و اعتقد بان التبغ الهندي المذكور في الوصف هو ما اعطى هذه النكهة الفريدة لكن للاسف لم يذكر نوع هذا التبغ الهندي لقد اعجبني كثيرا بمجرد ان تبدأ التدخين يتم... Read More
Four and a half stars!!
January 22, 2018
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
This is the first blend I've tried from Gawith and Hoggarth. I must say it's very tasty. Will obtain more in the future.
Best Balkan Ever!
November 14, 2017
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
In many years smoking a lot of different tobaccos, including English and Balkan mixtures, this imho is the best!
March 25, 2016
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
the most powerfull english i,ve ever smoked.just about the best as well. i had one bowl and had to order again.please don,t ever stop making this.nothing compares. gaslight by pease is good for the evening but this is good anytime!balkan? maybe but i... Read More
New Favorite English sets a High Bar
June 24, 2024
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
Excellent Virginia & Latakia mixture. According to Gawith Hoggarth, there is not a scintilla of Oriental in this mixture, just Virginia and Latakia as stated on the tin and all the ad copy. Despite the lack of Oriental, it is still incredibly good. I... Read More
September 27, 2022
By: DK
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
March 13, 2022
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
August 13, 2021
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
February 08, 2021
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
라타키아라고하면 최고의맛을 자랑하는 사무엘가윗의 발칸이다 라고해도 아무도거절못할것이다 사무엣가윗의집안인 가윗호가스 이회사의연초이니 분명 그DNA는 분명살아있다고 본다 첫번째는 강도가 별4개이다 그만큼 처음부터 강하게 라타키아의베이스가 강하게올라온다 그만큼 처음부터 강도는 충분히 느껴진다 향또한 강하게 표현한다 둘째.맛의향연은 분명 다른 라타키아혼합율인 잉글리쉬계열중 꽤나 강하게 느껴지고 발칸의 그리움이 어느정도는 씻겨질것이다 발칸의... Read More
June 02, 2017
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
I knew I was in for a treat when the package arrived and the enticing Latakia aroma was wafting out of the sealed package. Strong indeed but the flavours are top shelf. I'm glad I gave this a try and will be ordering more for sure
A real Balkan
February 08, 2014
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
Theres Nicotine here ... theres a bright Virginia sweetness along with some stellar Oriental and Latakia .. a Real Balkan ! Burns super clean and crisp .. not muddied down to your typical English style norm . You can taste the components of the blen... Read More
May 25, 2024
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
LOVE this blend
May 03, 2024
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
Man, I have had my share of Balkan blends and I have to say this one is one I keep coming back to. I this it has a much more pungent aroma that other ones I have had, and that is precisely why I am drawn to it so much. If you like more flavorful blen... Read More
My latest favorite.
November 19, 2023
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
As I experience more tobaccos, my tastes change. I have developed a list of favorites, as you would expect, and this is a strong contender for top spot. I've tried this in bulk as well. It has an aromatic kick without the aromatics, leaving a pure t... Read More
October 12, 2023
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
Great Blend
August 10, 2023
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
Great Balkan tastes the same as the tinned version I will always keep a few around for when you want classic and the best its this or Squadron Leader
February 27, 2023
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
Pretty Good Blend
February 10, 2023
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
Initially a pretty tasty blend I'm looking forward to getting through the tin to see if the complexity grows and makes this a part of the rotation.(Update) After the tin its not complex it doesn't have a flavor punch but it is about the best plain ol... Read More
November 19, 2022
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
Package note of campfire, sour, and a slight stewed fruit. The ribbon cut tobacco is mostly brown with a little tan and black. Tobacco is dry and needs no prep. Burns is normal with few relights. The strength is medium and nic is mild to medium. No f... Read More
May 16, 2022
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
December 11, 2021
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
yfxv 20
Corrected copy
May 11, 2021
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
"Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. takes the finest Virginia, Turkish, and Oriental tobaccos and expertly blend them with Latakia to give the smoker a unique taste and aroma for this Balkan Mixture. " Actual text; this is a Balkan mixture, so it h... Read More
Very well balanced
April 12, 2021
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
I'm smoking some of this right now in a rattrays fachen rhodesian. Im finding this to be a very balanced blend the smokey from the latakia is a nice compliment to the sweetness of the Virginia's the shag cut is nice ive always been a fan of how shag ... Read More
I've had better
February 13, 2021
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
I bought this based on the positive reviews alone. I've had my share of Balkan blends and medium to heavy English blends. This is as weak as a popcorn fart in a whirlwind. Strength rated 4? Nope, more like a 2. Room note is pleasant, taste is typical... Read More
Deliciosa mezcla
November 21, 2020
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
Este fue el primer latakiado que probé en mi vida y todavía recuerdo que fue como un éxtasis, ese sabor ahumado dulzón y ligeramente jabonoso me transportaron a otro mundo, nunca me falta en mi rotación a pesar de que hay otros latakiados que me gust... Read More
Like old Brush Creek
November 04, 2019
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
Upon Tin note and first puffs, this is just like Brush Creek back in the 60s and 70s. Will definitely order more
Latakia but not very Balken
November 30, 2018
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
I’m a big fan of almost everything G&H does but this one does not work for me. The Latakia is overpowering and one dimensional. I have to blend it with something else to get a balanced smoke. I do like several other balkans so it’s not that I don’t l... Read More
Very good. Bad timing.
August 07, 2018
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
I bought a tin of this and thought it was amazing and just came back to order more of this creamy delicious smoke only to find it out of stock. I’m certainly going to keep my eye out to order more. And more. And even more.
April 02, 2018
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
The first draw and everyone after had a soap taste to it and it’s kinda harsh
Great Balken Blend
March 21, 2018
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
A delightful easy smoking English blend. It is a rich full-bodied blend, but a very smooth rich mahogany of flavors.
Only let me give two & a half stars
November 14, 2017
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
Only let me give two & a half stars
Strong and good
June 09, 2017
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
When you open the Pouch, there is of course a heavy smell of Latakia, but it doesn't play the main role. Oriental Tobaccos and quite strong Virginia is striking,and giving this mixture it's name. It#s a wonderful, slow burning balkan, that is a littl... Read More
More leather for your puff
May 02, 2017
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
Aroma and thick black smoke at the very first, latakia all the way through. This and 965 are my favorites.
Oh, wow
May 01, 2017
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture Bulk
Earthy and smokie creamy and smooth and the vitamin N... enough to course confusion if you're not careful. I must have more
August 30, 2015
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
First bowl I went crazy because of the "soapy" taste. Was ready to toss. Decided to dedicate a pipe [ to eliminate ghosting] and tried it again and again. Here we go - I truly like it. Smooth, smokey, burns well and kind of haunts me. Shall... Read More
A good smoke !
May 17, 2015
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Balkan Mixture 50g
Years ago I used to smoke Balkan Sobranie. I liked the dry taste but found it a bit harsh for a regular smoke. This, on the other hand is a lot cleaner. The Virginia really tempers the taste. Having grown up with a grandfather who, being English, l... Read More
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