Top 10 Best-Selling Cornell & Diehl Pipe Tobaccos

Top 10 Best-Selling C&D Pipe Tobaccos | Daily Reader |

Revised for 2024 from an article published in March, 2022, this post has been updated to incorporate current data and edited to reflect product availability.

For over 30 years, Cornell & Diehl has provided pipe smokers with hand-crafted tobacco blends made from the highest-quality leaf and processes available. The premium blending house has cultivated an expansive portfolio of tobaccos that offer sublime smoking experiences tailored to any palate. From their famous Burley flakes, to their Appalachian Trail series, to their widely appreciated Small Batch releases, Cornell & Diehl continues to expand their offerings and enrich their existing blends with the addition of new components like 100% pure Saint James Parish Perique and Turkish Latakia. Navigating such a wide array of blends can be daunting, so we've assembled a list of the most popular C&D mixtures for the year 2023 to help smokers discern where to start identifying the most personally interesting blends from the boutique blending house.

    Top 10 Best-Selling C&D Pipe Tobaccos:
  1. 10. Billy Budd
  2. 9. Bayou Night
  3. 8. Briar Fox
  4. 7. Super Balkan
  5. 6. Old Joe Krantz
  6. 5. Pirate Kake
  7. 4. Bayou Morning
  8. 3. Star of the East
  9. 2. Haunted Bookshop
  10. 1. Autumn Evening

10. Billy Budd

Top 10 Best-Selling C&D Pipe Tobaccos | Daily Reader |

Part of C&D's Melville at Sea series, which honors the work of the great author Herman Melville, Billy Budd is inspired by the famous nautical novella of the same name. Composed of Latakia, Burley, Bright Virginias, and a good measure of cigar leaf, this deep, full-bodied blend makes for smooth sailing

Available in: 2oz | 8oz | Bulk

I love English/Balkan Blends as my first pick while enjoying a nice Va/Per as a retreat. So when I read the content make-up, which includes Latakia, I was sold. Opening the tin I didn't notice much Latakia and further it has a wonderful, sweet bread aroma much like a heavy Perique Va/Per. Definitely couldn't smell Latakia. Lighting the first bowl and their subsequents tasted very high-end Va/Pery with a bold, creamy retrohale. It's a very high-end, top-shelf Va/Per and extremely gratifying. Carries on quite well without the discerning, bold qualities of Latakia. A+++ in my book! Thank you C&D! - James H., 5-star review at Smokingpipes

  • Components: Virginia, Latakia, Burley, Cigar
  • Family: English
  • Cut: Ribbon
  • Strength:
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  • 9. Bayou Night

    Top 10 Best-Selling C&D Pipe Tobaccos | Daily Reader |

    A Scottish-style blend with an extra helping of Perique, Bayou Night offers a deep, dark smoking experience with a bracing strength and full flavor. This full-bodied blend offers a voluminous smoke that, while stout, goes easy on the palate.

    Available in: 2oz | 8oz | Bulk

    Fantastic smoke, but you must respect its strength. Very spicy especially on the retrohale but I like that. Earthy body and full flavoured. Smokes very cool. Not an all-day smoke, Very nice blend. - Sean V., 5-star review at Smokingpipes

  • Components: Virginia, Latakia, Perique, Burley, Orientals
  • Family: English
  • Cut: Ribbon
  • Strength:
  • Room Note:
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  • 8. Super Balkan

    Top 10 Best-Selling C&D Pipe Tobaccos | Daily Reader |

    As the name suggests, Super Balkan is a robust blend of Virginias, a generous portion of Latakia, and bracing Perique, as well as Burleys and Orientals, to create a rich, dense smoke that burns cool and is sure to satisfy.

    Available in: 2oz | Bulk

    Great strong Balkan/English mixture. Floral and smoky from the Latakia; good, cool burning, good strength. Terrific tobacco. Smoke slowly and savor the flavor and aroma. Even Mrs. B. likes the room note. Very well-balanced blend. -Stephen B., 5-star review at Smokingpipes

  • Components: Burley, Latakia, Orientals, Perique, Virginia
  • Family: English
  • Cut: Ribbon
  • Strength:
  • Room Note:
  • Taste:
  • 7. Old Joe Krantz

    Top 10 Best-Selling C&D Pipe Tobaccos | Daily Reader |

    Created by Bob Runowski, Old Joe Krantz is named in honor of Runowski's grandfather, Joe, who taught him how to smoke a pipe. A classic mixture, the blend is made up of a mix of dark and cube cut Burley, complemented by Red Virginias and Perique, creating a rich, all-day smoke that has remained among C&D's most popular offerings for years.

    Available in: 2oz | 8oz | Bulk

    I have finally found my desert-island tobacco. It might not be for everyone, but it is my perfect tobacco. Thank you Bob and thank your grandfather. You can't take anything with you when you leave this world, and that makes the things you enjoy while you're here really important. Again, a true heartfelt thanks for this blend. This is the only blend I smoke and never think, "Oh I wish it had more of this and less of that." A really great Burley blend. -Guy H., 5-star review at

  • Components: Burley, Perique, Virginia
  • Family: Burley
  • Cut: Ribbon
  • Strength:
  • Room Note:
  • Taste:
  • 6. Pirate Kake

    Top 10 Best-Selling C&D Pipe Tobaccos | Daily Reader |

    If Star of the East is for Latakia fanatics, Pirate Kake is for Latakia superfans, with a base of 75% Latakia combined with Burley and Orientals, pressed into an easy-to-break-down crumble cake. This mixture creates a wealth of deep, dark flavors that experienced pipe smokers are sure to enjoy.

    Available in: 2oz | 8oz | 16oz

    This is it! THE BEST PIPE TOBACCO EVER. -Nick b., 5-star review at Smokingpipes

  • Components: : Burley, Latakia, Orientals
  • Family: : English
  • Components: : Cake
  • Strength:
  • Room Note:
  • Taste:
  • 5. Bayou Morning

    Top 10 Best-Selling C&D Pipe Tobaccos | Daily Reader |

    A robust Virginia/Perique blend, C&D's Bayou Morning pairs a base of rich Old Belt Red Virginias with 25% St. James Perique to create a bracing smoke redolent with rich notes of hay and spices that many smokers swear by.

    Available in: 2oz | 8oz | 8oz

    A mellow and rich Va/Per that is a great morning smoke that invigorates the palate and perks up the mind. A great blend all around.- Logan C., 4.5-star review at Smokingpipes

  • Components: Virginia, Perique
  • Family: Virginia
  • Components: Ribbon
  • Strength:
  • Room Note:
  • Taste:
  • 4. Star of the East

    Top 10 Best-Selling C&D Pipe Tobaccos | Daily Reader |

    A longtime favorite of Latakia fanatics, Star of the East begins with a base of 50% Latakia complemented by stoved Red Virginias and tangy Orientals, creating a bold mixture replete with smoky, sweet, and tangy flavors.

    Available in: 2oz | Bulk

    The bready, sweet, and stoved Virginia is pronounced. This is easily among the best English-style tobaccos I smoke. An all-day, every-day smoke for me. I love this mixture for its simple, rich, dark notes and smooth refinement. - James Marc R., 5-star review at Smokingpipes

  • Components: Virginia, Latakia, Orientals
  • Family: English
  • Components: Ribbon
  • Strength:
  • Room Note:
  • Taste:
  • 3. Autumn Evening

    Top 10 Best-Selling C&D Pipe Tobaccos | Daily Reader |

    C&D's most popular Aromatic, as well as one of their most popular blends overall for years, Autumn Evening is beloved by scores of pipe smokers for its rich and approachable flavor profile. Comprised entirely of Cornell & Diehl's proprietary Red Virginia Cavendish, the tobacco is topped with a subtle maple essence, creating a buttery-smooth smoke that evokes the crispness of the fall at any time of year.

    Available in: 2oz | 8oz | 16oz | Bulk

    Light maple aroma and flavoring. I'm working my way through all the different winter and seasonal Aromatics, and Autumn Evening is still, by far, the best of the lot.-Norrher, 5-star review at Smokingpipes

  • Components: Virginia
  • Family: Aromatic
  • Components: Ribbon
  • Strength:
  • Room Note:
  • Taste:
  • 2. Haunted Bookshop

    Top 10 Best-Selling C&D Pipe Tobaccos | Daily Reader |

    Nearing the top of our list of Cornell & Diehl's most popular blends is the pipe smoker's perennial favorite, Haunted Bookshop. Another of Bob Runowski's creations, it's named in honor of Christopher Morley's novel of the same name. The blend is composed of Red Virginias, light Burleys, and a touch of Perique, creating a full-bodied, earthy smoke that has become one of C&D's signature creations.

    Ribbon available in: 2oz | 8oz | Bulk

    Cake available in: 2oz

    Delicious nutty, woody Burley flavor on a bed of subtle and peppery Perique, rounded off with a slightly sweet Virginia. Fantastic. Goes straight into the rotation when it's Burley time. If you're a Burley fan, you can't go wrong with Haunted Bookshop. Kept in my cellar in pounds. -Cob Burleymon, 5-star review at Smokingpipes

  • Components: Burley, Perique, Virginia
  • Family: Burley
  • Components: Ribbon
  • Strength:
  • Room Note:
  • Taste:
  • 1. Briar Fox

    Top 10 Best-Selling C&D Pipe Tobaccos | Daily Reader |

    Briar Fox is among Cornell & Diehl's most widely appreciated blends and has been so almost since its release decades ago. Noted for its status as the late pipe carver Peter Heeschen's favorite blend, Briar Fox is a rustic mix of Virginia and Burley tobaccos pressed into a thick cake. This classic combination creates a dense, full-bodied smoke full of rich, deep flavors.

    Available in: 2oz | 8oz | 16oz

    This tobacco is simply amazing. It was love from first puff.-Joshua L., 5-star review at Smokingpipes

  • Components: Burley, Virginia
  • Family: Virginia
  • Components: Ribbon
  • Strength:
  • Room Note:
  • Taste:
  • So, there they are: C&D's 10 best-selling blends. If you're curious about which blends to sample from the Lowcountry blending house, consider these suggestions from the collective wisdom of our fellow pipe smokers. Don't see your favorite blend on this list? Let us know in the comments!

      Latest Updates (2024):
    • Bayou Night moved from #10 to #9
    • Billy Bud moved from #9 to #10
    • Super Balkan stayed at #8
    • Old Joe Krantz stayed at #7
    • Star of the East move from #6 to #4
    • Pirate Kake moved from #5 to #6
    • Autumn Evening moved from #4 to #3
    • Bayou Morning moved from #3 to #5
    • Briar Fox moved from #2 to #1
    • Haunted Bookshop moved from #1 to #2

    A note on the tobacco information.

    Strength: a measure of the tobacco's body and nicotine. One is the lowest. Five s is the highest.

    Room Note: a measure of the pleasantness or intensity of the smoke's odor to everyone else in the room. One is the least intense room note, while five s would be the most noticeable to others.

    Taste: A measure of the the power and fullness of the smoke's flavor, with one being the most mellow and five s being the fullest.


      • ANTHONY PIZZUTO on March 15, 2022

      • james strathy on August 24, 2023
      • Byou Morning flake! My personal favorite. Never had a bad blend from C and D.

      • Alan Gitelson on March 10, 2024
      • I ordered a 2oz tin of Star of the East but received no confirmation email. Was that order received by you’Alan [email protected]

      • Bill Wright on April 21, 2024
      • Other than the aromatics, I've enjoyed every one of these C&D blends many times. Crooner is the one missing, although I sort of think I know why. Burley and deertongue might not appeal to everyone. In the Savinelli "Bing's Favorite" pipe--glorious.

      • 才抽八斗 on April 21, 2024
      • 别说些没用的,麻烦把太阳熊常规化,把好材料用到该用的地方,如果不缺货,这top10没有一个能比太阳熊畅销,太阳熊才是无冕之王!

      • Jess P Steere on April 21, 2024
      • I agree with Bill Wright. C&D has nearly all my favorites, it's really only in the aromatic category that I haven't found one of theirs yet that I love. Their Virginias are the most earthy, their perique is the most gloriously funky. I think my cellar is something like 75% Cornell & Deihl! A toast to the immense talent and resourcefulness of Jeremy Reeves and also that of his predecessors!

      • Lefty919 on April 21, 2024
      • I'd definitely say of the C&D blends I've tried Bijou is my #1

      • Jim Mitchell on April 22, 2024
      • Generally I have the listed covered. I do think C&D makes better Latakia blends than Star of the East. It is good don't get me wrong, but there are several others like Engine #99 that are better IMO and assessment.

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