Plasencia Cigars: Brand Spotlight

Hi, everybody. I'm Alan from Smokingpipes, and today we're super excited to introduce a new brand to the portfolio, on our site and in our brick-and-mortar stores. It's a brand that really doesn't need an introduction, although they've only been around for about seven years: Plasencia Cigars.

Note: The following transcription has been edited for clarity and brevity.

Plasencia Family

The Plasencia family is synonymous with cigar tobacco in Latin America. They've been growing tobacco for about a century and a half, and it really shows in their portfolio. Today, we're going to talk about a couple of our favorites, and hopefully you see something you like. The first cigar we're going to talk about today is the Reserva Original.

Reserva Original

This is probably the most mild thing in their portfolio. I think it's a perfect morning cigar with some coffee. I get a cedar profile overall, a little bit of caramel sweetness, and baking spices on the retrohale — and I can't stress enough how good this is with a morning espresso. It's also super reasonably priced at about $8 a cigar, maybe $9 depending on the size. But you're getting a really good value for what it is. Hopefully, you give it a shot.

Plasencia Cigars - Brand Spotlight | Daily Reader

Cosecha 151

Next up, we're going to talk about a new cigar to the Plasencia portfolio, the Cosecha 151. This cigar is celebrating the 151st harvest for the Plasencia family. It is a 100% Honduran Puro, all grown from the same crop year. What I find particularly interesting about this cigar — I think there's a stigma with Honduran Puros that they're a little bit mild. However, this cigar is possibly the most full-bodied thing in Plasencia's portfolio. I get tons of flavor, a pretty good strength among flavors of fermented fruit, dark-roast coffee, lots of pepper, and lots of spice. But somehow, it's still rather nuanced. There's a lot to dig deep if you smoke this. I think this is bold enough to be an after-dinner cigar, and it's something that, since we brought this on, I've been coming back to a lot. I think you'll enjoy it if you're a full-bodied smoker.

Alma del Fuego

And next up, we'll be highlighting the Alma del Fuego. The previous two cigars we talked about were from Plasencia's Honduran Farms. This is highlighting what they can do with Nicaraguan tobacco. This is a Nicaraguan Puro, with a beautiful Jalapa Valley sun-grown wrapper. Despite the dark wrapper, I think this is pretty mild. It's medium in flavor and strength, but it's super unique. I don't know if I've ever smoked anything quite like this cigar. I get a rich espresso and cedar flavor. But there's also a super peculiar tropical fruit note and citrus undertones that I really enjoy. And if you want to smoke something different that you maybe never had anything like, Alma del Fuego is something to try.

Plasencia Cigars - Brand Spotlight | Daily Reader

Alma Fuerte

Last, but certainly not least, is the Alma Fuerte in the Colorado Claro wrapper. You may be familiar with the Alma Fuerte, the original, that features a darker Maduro wrapper. The Colorado Claro is newer to the portfolio. While the original is much richer, I believe this one is a little more nuanced for my palate. I get notes of cedar, caramel, and baking spices.

But there's also this rich fermented note throughout the cigar that to me represents 150 years of growing tobacco experience. It smokes like it's well-aged, and it features a 10-year aging process on the filler that really shines. I think this is the cream-of-the-crop of Plasencia's portfolio and very much a celebratory cigar. If you're looking to celebrate a special occasion, Alma Fuerte is going to hit the spot.

Explore Plasencia

If any of these four cigars sound like something you'd be interested in, we carry the entire Plasencia portfolio. Once again, we're super proud to have Plasencia in the portfolio and in the Smokingpipes lineup. I can't wait for everybody to try them. I hope you love them as much as I do. And until next time, we'll see you.

Plasencia Cigars - Brand Spotlight | Daily Reader
Category:   Cigar Certified
Tagged in:   Cigars Recommendations


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