Packing For Summer Pipe Travel

Today, we're going to be talking about packing for summer travel as a pipe smoker. Packing as a pipe smoker can be tricky, especially if you have a collection and a cellar like mine from which you aren't sure what to bring. Maybe you don't even have what you need to bring. Let's discuss some general tips and advice on what to consider when packing your pipes and tobacco for your travels, whether that be for the summer or for a winter vacation, and everything in between.

Note: The following transcription has been edited for clarity and brevity.

Consider Your Tobacco and Pipe of Choice

Summer Pipe Travel | Daily Reader

When thinking about what pipe to bring on a trip, obviously, you're going to want to consider what tobacco you're bringing. If you bring an English blend, you'll want to bring a pipe that you're primarily smoking English blends out of. But apart from that, size is a factor. You're not going to want to bring a Churchwarden, or an extra large, massive pipe. Keep it within Group Three or Group Four size. A great option is something like a Peterson System pipe, a pipe made to be smoked multiple times a day, and when taken care of and dried out properly and cleaned properly, will perform perfectly no matter how many times you're smoking it. Cobs are also great options. If you're worried about your pipe being damaged while you're camping or something like that, cobs are ideal. Meerschaums are also because you don't have to rest them like you do with briar pipes. You can smoke meerschaums bowl after bowl and not worry about damaging them in any way.

When I'm traveling, I'm typically packing smaller pipes, and pipes that I won't mind getting "beat up." However, your mileage may vary, and ultimately, it's up to you to determine what's best for your preferences. Obviously, the length of your trip will determine a lot of what you pack, but generally speaking, if we're just talking about a weekend trip or even a week, you can get by with just one pipe. Unless you're smoking two to five bowls a day, which I typically don't have the time for on vacation, one pipe to smoke a bowl in the evenings to get some alone time is perfect. If you want to bring two pipes, that's also doable and isn't going to add too much bulk to your bag or your suitcase.

Travel Cases For Compact, All-In-One Storage

Summer Pipe Travel | Daily Reader

What I would recommend is some sort of travel case, such as a Brigham one-pipe bag. Brigham makes a great one, Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation makes some, and there are a ton of brands that make bags similar to this style, and typically they have a lower compartment with a slot for a bent or straight pipe of standard size, Group Three or Group Four. Then you have a pouch for accessories like lighters, pipe cleaners, tampers, and anything else. And then, a lot of them also have a tobacco pouch as well, lined with surgical rubber to keep the tobacco fresh and odor-free. There are a lot of different bag options, but this is probably your most comprehensive, one-size-fits-all type of option here. Then you can fill it with whatever accessories you already have, and then you've got everything in one ready-to-go case that you can throw in a backpack or in a suitcase.

Efficient Lighters

Summer Pipe Travel | Daily Reader

Some of the things that I'd recommend for specific accessories are lighters that have an included pick or tamper in them, such as Kiribi's Tomo Black Matte lighter. This has your lighter, your pick, and your tamper all in one, so it's really efficient and durable. It's a really handy tool, keeping the amount of separate items that you're bringing to a minimum. It's perfect for a summer camping trip.

Another good option and a more economical option is just a straight up Zippo lighter. Personally, I typically prefer other kinds of lighters for my everyday smoking needs because the lighter fluid evaporates over time, which means more frequent refills, but for a weekend trip or a week-long trip, this kind should last you long enough and it won't be a problem. This Zippo also has a pipe insert so that you can hold it and light your pipe without worrying about the rim.

Overall, any lighter is obviously going to be a fine choice when traveling, but if you're worried about damaging one of your more expensive lighters or losing it, Kiribi and Zippo lighters are great, affordable choices.

Ideal Tobacco Carrying Devices

Summer Pipe Travel | Daily Reader

If you've got a bag already but it doesn't have a tobacco pouch inside, PocketJars are a great option. These are about as durable as a tobacco-carrying device can be, and they function exactly like a Ball Mason jar. You've got the standard two-part lid that seals really well, and then this 3D-printed base comes in many different colors, which I like because I can then designate a color for each blend. So if I want to pack a Virginia/Perique in the red tin and then I want to pack an English blend into the green tin, I can remember and I know which is which. It also comes in two sizes: the standard smaller size, which is good for, in my experience, a solid five or six bowls, depending on how tightly you pack it. And the other size is nearly twice as big and will easily last you a week, depending, of course, on how many bowls you're smoking. There are plenty of different options and I like the PocketJars for a bag that doesn't have the included tobacco pouch.

Some other things to consider if you're someone who prefers Virginia blends but also likes English blends and maybe you want to bring both options, there are two-pipe bags so you can bring an English pipe and a Virginia pipe. You can also get a pipe roll-up, fit in two PocketJars, one with an English blend, one with a Virginia/Perique blend or something like that, and you'll be good to go.

Easy, Portable Smoking Components

Again, most importantly, in my opinion, you're going to want to keep the space to a minimum, which is why a bag that includes a pipe and a tobacco pouch is ideal. And then you also want to factor in something that's a little more durable and something that you don't mind losing in a car seat or losing on a plane, or something like that. These are all things to keep in mind, and you'll be all set for your travel experiences.

Category:   Pipe Line
Tagged in:   Tips Video


    • A Gusek on July 14, 2024
    • As someone who travels internationally for work, I agree with most of the above. One other thing to consider if you are flying, I highly recommend only packing tobacco in factory sealed tins. Bulk tobacco in a bag looks very suspicious when your luggage is scanned. Safe travels all!

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