Jimmie R.

Arango - Balkan Supreme
Good Stuff
I was pleasantly surprised at the flavor of this tobacco, I did not know that I was at Latakia tobacco fan. It pairs very good with a cup of coffee early in the morning or late in the evening. I purchased 2 oz of this not knowing what I was purchasing just experimenting. An hour later after smoking a couple of bowls of this I went back to purchase 16 oz of it. Well it was too bad because it was sold out. This will definitely be in my rotation when I can purchase some more. I give this 5 stars.

Arango - Balkan Supreme
Good Stuff
I was pleasantly surprised at the flavor of this tobacco, I did not know that I was at Latakia tobacco fan. It pairs very good with a cup of coffee early in the morning or late in the evening. I purchased 2 oz of this not knowing what I was purchasing just experimenting. An hour later after smoking a couple of bowls of this I went back to purchase 16 oz of it. Well it was too bad because it was sold out. This will definitely be in my rotation when I can purchase some more. I give this 5 stars.

Arango - Balkan Supreme
Good Stuff
I was pleasantly surprised at the flavor of this tobacco, I did not know that I was at Latakia tobacco fan. It pairs very good with a cup of coffee early in the morning or late in the evening. I purchased 2 oz of this not knowing what I was purchasing just experimenting. An hour later after smoking a couple of bowls of this I went back to purchase 16 oz of it. Well it was too bad because it was sold out. This will definitely be in my rotation when I can purchase some more.

G. L. Pease - Maltese Falcon 2oz
Good blend
I just can't say enough how much I like this, I give it a 4.5 star rating, this is a smoke that I can do all day long.

Gawith Hoggarth & Co. - Whisky Twist
Full of Flavor
I give this to back away Solid 4 overall rating. If you'd like cigars this is your tobacco. A detect no hint of whiskey flavor at all. This is a full flavor tobacco as close to a cigar as you can get that is very smooth and robust. I really enjoyed this smoke I will be purchasing more next time I will be getting a pound.

Peter Stokkebye - PS402 Luxury Twist Flake
Very nice smoke
I've been smoking a pipe now for 2 weeks and this is one of the Blends that I have tried. I ordered this in a 4 oz bulk. The tobacco as written and other reviews is beautiful I've never seen anything like this, very pleasing to the eye. After rubbing it out and packing my pipe, I find this a pleasant smoke when smoked slowly with respect. For me this is another blend that I will be ordering again

Mac Baren - Vanilla Flake 1.75oz
Good blend but not for beginners
I've been smoking a pipe for 2 weeks, so my palate has not adjusted to something like this particular blend. Upon opening the jar I picked up a flake and it just fell apart in my hand, it was very dry. My lack of experience in aromatics aromatics could be my problem and not the blend, I just needed to say that for the new pipe tobacco smokers smokers. I found for my pallet no matter how slow I smoked it I found the bite very harsh. The aroma was okay upon opening opening, nothing at all like the aroma I get from other tobacco Blends like Nutty Irishman, Peter stokkebye luxury twist flake flake. I will have to give a further update after further smoking this blend.

G. L. Pease - Abingdon 2oz
Full of Flavor
This is my second week of pipe-smoking, yes I am a beginner. This is the most flavorful blend that I have smoked so far out of several other blends. I will definitely be ordering some more of this. For beginning pipe smokers this is a blend for me that is not too strong but full of flavor. I have found if I smoke it too fast it will tend to bite a little bit and hot. If I take my time and treated with respect and go easy with it I think you will find it absolutely amazing. So far this is the top of my list number one favorite pipe blend.

Lane Limited - BCA
Beginning pipe smokers dream
As I have mentioned in other reviews I have only been smoking a pipe for 2 weeks. This so far after smoking several other blends I have found for my Virgin palette, this is to me the easiest smoking pipe tobacco yet. I smoke this like a freight train and have yet to find it to bite me, it just didn't happen. It has a little flavor not much. This is the smoothest tobacco I have ever smoked in my life. In my opinion if you're a new pipe smoker and you're not able to smoke this blend you might as well lay the pipe down.

Cornell & Diehl - Nutty Irishman
Good blend
As a two-week beginning smoker myself, I found the aroma upon opening absolutely amazing. It's like walking into a coffee shop and ordering a cup of caramel, hazelnut, vanilla creamer for a strong blend of coffee. This tobacco smell so good I just want to open the jar and let the aroma fill the room right by itself. As a virgin pilot that I have for being only a two-week smoker, I find the smoking of this tobacco really needs to be very slow for those new pipe smokers if you smoke this too fast it will bite you and it will be harsh. I have found for me if I take my time and slowly sip like a fine wine or like you was drinking hot coffee the characteristics and flavors of this blend really come out very nicely nicely.

Lane Limited - 1-Q
Lovely Easy Smoke
I have only been smoking a pipe for 2 weeks so I don't know a lot about Fancy pipe chat. I highly recommend this tobacco for new pipe smokers and beginners. I have found if you smoke it very slowly like sipping wine it tastes really good. I found the tongue bite very very low if any at all. For my Virgin palette this tobacco is a little sweet and flavorful flavorful. I will be reordering some more of this definitely.

Balkan Supreme

Based on Qty Ordered

Lane Limited

Based on Qty Ordered

G. L. Pease
Abingdon 2oz

$16.00 $13.60