
Hearth & Home - Fusilier's Ration 1.75oz
Silky and smoky
So today my new pipe was delivered. Savinelli Porto Cervo 122. First blend I tried from it was Plum Pudding. Immediately after that bowl I packed Fusilier’s Ration. It’s official — I prefer this over Plum Pudding. The latakia is there but not as forward as Plum Pudding. The cavendish adds a silky and sweet body. I love Plum Pudding, and will keep a tin of this on-hand as well.

Cornell & Diehl - Autumn Evening 2oz
Has potential
I’m hoping I just got a bad batch. The texture of the smoke and the leaf itself was like Bugle rolling tobacco. The driest blend I’ve ever had. Do not retro-hale this. However, the flavour is perfect for me. Incredible pancake taste that sticks to your clothes and mustache. I’ll try buying this once or twice more and hopefully it will be better next time

Peter Stokkebye - PS402 Luxury Twist Flake
I’m very new to non-aromatics, so I’ve tried to be open-minded about the blends I’ve tried thusfar. Luxury twist flake is very, very smooth. Subtle notes of hay and a strong citrus zest taste and aroma from this. My mustache carried around tje smell of orange peel for several hours after a bowl of this! Loving this so far and consider purchasing again

Sutliff - Z92 Vanilla Custard
Vanilla Vanilla Vanilla
Upon opening the pouch you’re greeted with the strongest-smelling caramel and vanilla that will fill the entire room if the pouch is left open. Needs a little time to dry. Lights relatively easily, burns cool. Flavour is not nearly as strong as the pouch note, which is a good thing in my opinion. Burns down to the bottom of the bowl with next to no gurgling. Really tastes like silky caramel and vanilla. The room note is one of the best I’ve ever experienced. I always keep this blend on-hand. Another great job by Sutliff.

Sutliff - Z50 Black Cordial
A Little Too Much
Purchased 1oz to try and did not like it from the first bowl to the last. The flavour isn’t bad, but it’s too overwhelming. It tastes and smells exactly like a wine-flavoured Black & Mild. Burns pretty cool with minimal relights. But raspberry cola flavour is a little too much

Sutliff - Christmas Spice
All day smoke
A wonderful aromatic. Needed some time to dry, but smokes cool every time. Minimal relights. Very sweet/spicy but not overwhelmingly so. I liked this mellow blend so much that I’m adding it to my regular rotation and will always have some on-hand

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