Peter Stokkebye - PS201 Black Cavendish
I like to have some of this around , its good to blend with milder tobbaccos to kick it up a notch . I also use it as a topping on bullseye flakes !

Sutliff - Tobacco Galleria: Blue Note
yachts of good stuff
I bought this simply because a boat I sail on is names Blue Note. Now , having said that it is quite enjoyable , has a good room note , smell is like hot sugar, hard to describe, its easy to smoke all day , but isn't super flavour-full (or hot) like a full on aromatic. I fugure I'd keep one of the smaller jars full of this !.

McClelland - 605 - Pastry
a little lite on flavour, but overall a pleasent smell and taste . I feel I should mix with vanilla custard and see if I can create a custard filled pastry ...

McClelland - M27 - Three Cherry Blend
Cough drops
First attempt was a little wet and hot, let it dry a bit , distinct ceherry flavour , but kinda reminded me of cherry cough drops ...

Gawith Hoggarth & Co. - Whisky Twist
Learnin' the ropes
Okay , this stuff is fun to slice up and smells really good when doing so . Its hard to keep lite so maybe letting it stand after slicing would help. It is a lighter and tamper exercise for a rather harsh result.

Sutliff - #600 Mixture 79
A pleasant smoke, and I like to mix a little Black Cavendish in now and again .

Sutliff - Creme Brulee
dessert !
A nice smoke , good room note no bit and although it needs a few lights burns well for an aromatic. Leaves a nice (ghost) smell in the pipe , but doesn't seem permanent ! A little extra Black cavendish on top is like whip cream !

Sutliff - Z92 Vanilla Custard
Custards non stand
The package smell is great ... reminded me of cotton candy , the tobbaco smooked cool, and stayed lit, however I found myself searching for a vanilla or custard "taste", didn't really find it , I'm thinking subsequent bowls maybe better , but all and all very smokable ! okay I ordered more and now have a jar full resting ...

Peter Stokkebye - PS403 Luxury Bullseye Flake
New to me
Never having tried a "disc" I looked forward to foldin' or stuffin' or shredin' and experimenting . well , I like stuffing one or two in the bowl and putting a touch of Black Cavendish on top . more has been ordered !

Z92 Vanilla Custard

Based on Qty Ordered