Lane Limited - RLP-6
A very pleasant smoke. I am relatively new to pipe smoking, but have tried various tobaccos. Normally I'd smoke GL Please Jack Knife, which I would consider a "heavy" smoke. On the other hand, Lane RLP-6 is MUCH more relaxing and pleasant than the Jackknife. The smell of the tobacco out of the bag reminds me of a well flavoured rum - lots of hints of caramel and vanilla (along with some cocoa), and almost a hint of berries permeating the in- between spaces. It IS a little moist out of the bag, but what tobacco ISN'T, right? Let it sit for a few minutes and you're good. It lights well, and stays lit well too, at least in a Peterson 312. Once lit, the smells that were sensed upon opening the bag, transfer into the taste and smoke. Again, pleasant, especially as an "After dinner" desert smoke (in my eyes). Relaxing, somewhat cool, and overall great! If you are looking for a flavourful (without being overwhelming) smoke, that can be had at any time of day, I would not hesitate to purchase some to try. I am glad I went ahead with a larger order of it! PS also, try it mixed with some of the MacBaren's Virginia No.1. (about 2/3rd's RLP-6, 1/3rd Virginia, to give it a bit of a more "traditional" undertone). Or just smoke it as is!

G. L. Pease - JackKnife Ready Rubbed 2oz
Not bad at all!
Now I have to note a few things to start off: This was the first ever tobacco I purchased for a pipe. I have rolled cigarettes, etc, but I am new to pipes. So this may not be the best review for seasoned smokers. Anyway, here goes: Upon initially opening the tin (nice tin, opens well), you notice incredible aroma of hickory and smoked meats (I kid you not. I have spent times in smoke houses and with butchers, and it is the smell of amazing high quality bacon that I detect!), along with some earth tones (think of a nice cool autumn morning in a Canadian/Northern US forest). The tobacco is a little damp/wet out of the tin (hence not a full star for that). I let it sit on a piece of paper for about 10 minutes, and its the right moisture/dryness. A note about it, the ready rubbed is still pretty chunky (like a flake cut up into strips). I spend some time actually taking those clumps apart, and making it a TRUE ribbon. Then pack it a bit tighter than normal, and it burns well :) As for flavour/strength. The first time I EVER smoked it, I had a pretty bad case of nic kick/nausea, but that, it turns out, is caused by the fact that I had an empty stomach and was drawing it too quickly to get it to light. After that, no problem, all smooth sailing. I would say it is a Medium strength tobacco. Flavour is quite nice and natural, without too many added "overtones". Like the description states, Earthy and rich. I highly recommend you try a tin, if only for the fantastic aroma right out of the tin! :)

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