Zac K.

Borkum Riff - Cherry Cavendish 1.5oz
Really intense aroma of cough syrup when opening the pouch had me worried, but when smoking, the cherry flavour is almost non-existant. The tobacco flavour is really bland and ashy. Not much more to say about this one. If you want a tobacco with a pleasant cherry topping and a nice tobacco flavour to support it, I would go with the SG Celtic Talisman.

Samuel Gawith - Grousemoor 50g
beautiful taste
Homogeneous pale Virginian tobacco with a very interesting (though one-dimensional) topping. The aroma/flavour reminds me of lemonade icypoles. While that may sound sickly and offputting, it is very pleasant. I find this tobacco not strong enough (nicotine-wise) for my personal taste, but the tobacco matches the topping very well, and it's something I smoke from time to time for the pleasure of the flavour. Goes well in a corn-cob.

Gawith Hoggarth & Co. - Ennerdale Flake 50g
Could become a favourite
While I haven't yet found either a GH or SG tobacco that I didn't like, there was something particularly special about this one. I just tried this for the first time recently, so only time will tell if I continue to like it as much in the future. The tin aroma is intense. The components of the topping are so well balanced that it is hard to pick out the individual components. The initial impression is that it is floral, but this makes way for more fruity and spicy elements on closer inspection. This is a broken flake. The tobacco itself is not very consistent, with some large chunks of different types of tobacco. I personally like this in a tobacco as it allows for more complexity and variation throughout a bowl. Not overly moist, and is easy to break up, rub out, or just stuff into your bowl. Lights easily. May need a relight or two if not dried slightly before packing. The flavour is much more subdued than the aroma. The tobacco becomes a major component of the flavour, but does not eclipse the toppings. Again, it is very well balanced, with the (most notably) virginia flavour melding perfectly with the flavours of the tobacco. The toppings are gentle enough in the smoke that I don't feel I will easily get sick of this like I can with some of the less subtly flavoured tobaccos. The room note is much like a good quality incense, and shouldn't be too offensive to most non-smokers.

Tampers & Tools - Rubber Pipe Bits (2 pack)
I only have one decent briar, and while I usually use my cobs or a cheapy for hands-free smoking, I have found that over time my teeth have been cutting into the stem. These start off very small, and it was hard to get on. But once it was on, it is so tight it conforms perfectly to the stem and almost looks like part of the pipe. My stem is now protected, and is also less likely to slip out of my teeth and hit the ground. I noticed the "rubber tire" smell when opening the packet, but can't taste it when all.

Samuel Gawith
1792 Flake 50g

$16.65 $14.15