
Peterson - Connemara Black 40g
Not my favorite peterson tobacco.
What this tobacco has going for it. heavy on cherry flavor. What works against it, heavy bite, no matter how lightly you smoke it. There are some Peterson blends I would recommend including luxury blend( my favorite.)this is not one of them.

Gawith Hoggarth & Co. - Kendal Black Cherry 50g
A good mild tobacco
This is a good mild blend. Nothing in it that will jump out and grab you by the throat. The cherry flavor is there and stays all through the bowl. A nice tobacco for the quiet times, when reading a book, or just sitting on the porch and passing time.

Holger Danske - Black and Bourbon 50g
A new favorite.
It has a unique taste and aroma, It burns well and evenly, no dottle left in bowl it burns to a fine ash. I tried a tin, and went through it in 2 days. Promptly bought another 5 tins. If your looking for something wdifferent with a good taste, this is it.

Dunhill - Elizabethan Mixture 50g
A really good blend.
Fairly new to Virginia and perique blends. Usually smoke aromatics. This is a treat. I tried it in a clay a corn cob and a briar, no complaints, It has a nice taste, and burns well. It's straight forward with no surprises. ( hint, when trying a new tobacco for the 1st time, smoke it in a clay 1st, You will get a real taste of the tobacco.

Sutliff - Tobacco Galleria: Fox & Hound
A nice english blend. .
I'm not overly partial to English blends, this tobacco is an exception, It has a good taste, and is not overly heavy on the latakia. It lights easily and stays lit. It can be an all day tobacco, as it is fairly mild as English blend go.

Cornell & Diehl - Green River Vanilla
my favoite vanilla blend.
A nice aroma and a mild smoke, I smoke 10 different vanilla tobaccos, but this is the one I smoke the most. It can be over moist, so I usually let a quantity dry out for a day, before I use it. I buy it by the pound. If you like vanillas give this one a try.

Carter Hall - Carter Hall 1.5oz Pouch
Nothing fancy but very good!!!
One of my favorites from a long way back,(1980) This is an all day every day blend The flavor / aroma is not overly heavy, and lasts all through the entire bowl. It lights easily and stays lit, and for the budget minded me included, reasonably priced.

Amphora - Full Aroma 1.75oz
A nice mild smoke.
This is still a nice mild smoke,Although I'm not sure if ist the tobacco or it's me but this has a slightly different flavor/ aroma than I remember. Still a very nice smoke, just a little different?

Samuel Gawith - Fire Dance Flake 50g
A full flavored tobacco.
This is the first flake tobacco I've tried. I highly recommend it, especially if you're into aromatics. It has a very pleasant room note, and it smokes well. The 1st time I tired it, I had to light it only once and it stayed lit all the way through the bowl. Also unlike some of the other reviewers I got the taste of the toppings all the way through the bowl.

Edward G. Robinson - Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend 12oz
A nice all day tobacco!
I first tried this most excellent light blend 2 years ago. It is a good way to start your day, and an even better way to end your day. It has a mild fruit taste. The best way to smoke this blend is slowly. To truly get the full flavor/ aroma, try a clay pipe. I have a clay a corn cob and 2 briars, I use exclusively with this blend. please note: I'm not a tobacco connoisseur, so I won't go on about the tobaccos in this blend. however I know what I like, and I like this blend a lot.

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    A 3 Pipe Problem: On the Evolution of the Detective's Pipe
  • ► As to the matter of the pipes of S. Holmes, also available are actual clay pipes, in many styles, and of reasonable price. Like wise there are a good many cherry wood pipes in short and church warden versions , I own several clays and cherry woods. The briars recommended in the article are fine, But for the real deal experience a clay and a cherry wood pipe are a must.
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  • ► 2 simple and straight forward burley tobaccos, Carter Hall and Prince Albert very satisfying and economically priced. You don't have to break open your piggy bank to enjoy a good burley tobacco.