Iwan Ries Tinned Pipe Tobaccos

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+About Iwan Ries
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  • Ribbon
Components: Include +
  • Burley
  • Black Cavendish
  • Perique
  • Virginia
  • Latakia
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  • Burley
  • Black Cavendish
  • Perique
  • Virginia
  • Latakia
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  • Aromatic
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  • Very Mild
  • Mild
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Room Note +
  • Very Pleasant
  • Pleasant
  • Very Tolerable
  • Tolerable
  • Intense
Taste +
  • Very Mild
  • Mild
  • Medium
  • Strong
  • Very Strong

One of the oldest family-owned tobacconist in the country, Iwan Ries, located in Chicago, IL, has provided the pipe smoking community with fine tobaccos, pipes, and pipe smoking accessories since 1857. As a retailer, Iwan Ries boasts one of the largest selections of pipe tobacco in the world, but it's also home to celebrated signature blends like Three Star Blue and others.

Iwan Ries
Three Star Blue 7oz

$27.85 $22.00