E. Hoffman Company Tinned Pipe Tobaccos

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+About E. Hoffman Company
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  • Burley
  • Black Cavendish
  • Orientals
  • Virginia
  • Latakia
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  • Burley
  • Black Cavendish
  • Orientals
  • Virginia
  • Latakia
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  • English
  • English Aromatic
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  • Very Mild
  • Mild
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  • Very Strong
Room Note +
  • Very Pleasant
  • Pleasant
  • Very Tolerable
  • Tolerable
  • Intense
Taste +
  • Very Mild
  • Mild
  • Medium
  • Strong
  • Very Strong

Back in 1857, Edward Hoffman opened E. Hoffman & Co — a tobacconist — in Chicago Illinois. Enlisting the help of his cousin Iwan Ries, they ran the store succesfully until Hoffman's death, at which time it became Iwan Ries & Co, which still runs to this day. Along the way, the pair not only created Hoffman House Bouquet Cigars, which was then sold to a larger manufacturer, but a handful of pipe tobacco blends which enjoyed popularity across the US. These blends, all but gone for 70 odd years, have now returned.